As others have said, the issues you're wrestling with have been discussed and debated for thousands of years. How can God allow suffering? Why is there evil in the world? I too have spent a lot of time thinking these things over and over, and I can share with you how I deal with it.
I believe God created a universe where we are given total free will. That means we are truly free to make our own decisions and choices. The only way that can be done is if God allows all actions and decisions to play themselves out, without His interference. The more God intervenes (like, shielding us from the consequences of our actions), the less free we are. A universe of true cause and effect is one where its inhabitants are truly free.
I mean, what kind of place would this be if every time we messed up, God stepped in and fixed everything? If I decided to go out drinking and then drove home, what would happen if God steered my car for me so that I got home safely? Well then, I'll just do that whenever I want, cuz God's got my back! My choices have no consequences, no matter how bad they are. In that sort of world, we'd all do anything and everything and nothing bad would ever happen! Wheee!!!
But the world we live in isn't like that. If we make bad decisions, bad things usually happen, and they
should. And sometimes, bad things seem to happen for no reason at all! And even worse, sometimes bad things happen to good people. But again, what kind of world would it be if bad things never happened to Christians or good people? Then everyone would decide to be Christian! But it wouldn't be a true free-will choice, would it?
The only problem I see with this is the issue of prayer. Most Christians I know pray for stuff, or for things to happen differently. "Dear God, I really need a raise." That kind of stuff. But what they're really doing is asking God to intervene and usually cover their backs for bad choices they made. If God does that, then we're not truly free, are we?
I believe prayer is about
us, not God. Through prayer we gain strength to handle everything life throws at us. Prayer isn't about asking God to do stuff for you. Prayer is about you talking to God and coming away renewed, confident, and stronger.
I hope that helps.