Lol...I dont think that you and the Popes are in same pages...This is why context is important. I was uncomfortable with this title of Mary being the Queen of Heaven because it seemed to give her equal credit to God, which I think you'd agree with me is absolutely blasphemous.
However, when you step back and understand what it used to mean in ancient times, that it was an honor as the mother of a king, you realize it doesn't mean she has this sort of equal reverence, but that she is highly respected as being the woman who carried the fruit--that fruit being the king.
So if someone is upset about Mary being called the Queen of Mary because they are thinking of a position like the Queen of England rather than the meaning it had as a queen mother, then that's something they need to work out themselves and look further into.
Don't take this statement as me trying to change your mind (I anticipate rebuttal of interpretation), but this term came from the early Church in reference not just to David and his mother, but also the woman in Revelation 12, as the early Christians all understood to be Mary.
But we also see the link in 1 Kings 2 in regards to Solomon and his mother being the queen and how she intercedes for the people. But the NT link to that is at the wedding of Cana where Mary intercedes instructing the servants to do what her Son says. This passage is very important to Catholics because it is a Gospel illustration of Mary's role -- not directing people to her, but that she directs us to God.
Again, I suspect you disagree that it was Mary, all I'm doing is explaining the background for this concept of Mary being the Queen Mother. You are totally free to reject it.
proclaimed ex-Cathedra 'from the seat' (infallibly) that Mary's body was raised from the grave shortly after she died, and she was taken up and enthroned as 'Queen of Heaven.' At St. Peter Square on Easter Day 1988....
Its a statement of INFALLIBLY.....ex-Cathedra.....It can ONLY be interpred as they were speaking inspire by the Holy if they have a revelation....a vision from God of this account...
Its understanble brother/sister your argument, but here the word "ENTHRONED AS" make all the diference... as I mention its not a written dogma but is a stamente of INFALLIBLY...which is same thing and you know that....Lol
We love Mary...but not a Queen of any short, but as a faithfull sister in Christ, not elevated as superior, not venerated, no services dedicated to her, not prayers direct to her, she is not ominipotent and can not hear or respond or interceed for no body its a simple impossibility she is just human not holier then us....a sinner as any of us....
And you wont find a sigle line in the bible that will support any of these moving on as you like to I prefer to follow Paul's advice to Timothy...
2 Timothy 2.:14-18...I am stunt of the last verse of the passage...its exactly what the pope did....said that Mary ressurrected and went to haven....God bless you..
14Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 16 But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, 17 and their talk will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, 18 who have swerved from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already happened.
So, with all is the unpassing!
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