Sweet Pea, being a Christian isn't living a monastic life style, let's keep it simple, ...Jesus hung out with sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors, from what I have read I believe He would attend an egg hunt, it would be a big hoot for Him watching the precious children he had knit together in their mother's womb and I'm certain His eyes would be on the child that found the least number of eggs, I can just imagine Him bowing His head one way or another, making subtle gestures with His hands at His sides as to where to find some, I can hear Him laughing when the child finds the egg, ...Jesus loves to have fun!.
You've done your homework, your kids know the Truth, so let them have some fun, Jesus isn't going to judge them or you for having fun.
Also, I'm with Olivia on the film thing, they never portray the Truth, ...Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men to me, the films show a man peacefully clothed hanging on a cross, rather than a naked body so shredded that it resembled hamburger writhing uncontrollably with it's head swollen 2-3 times it normal size, brutally nailed to a cross, the films do not stir my emotions, ...but the reality of what Jesus went through in my place, taking the punishment I so rightly deserver, ...every time I think about the cross and it's signification tears flood my eyes, uncontroled sobs well up from my gut and I immediately draw near to Him in worship and praise, ...thank you Jesus!
The Cross stil has it's same effect today and I'm on the salvation side of it, but we have an illustration of men that witnessed the raw, naked brutality of the Cross in Acts 2 who were not saved,
...you have taken and by lawless hands, crucifying Him, you put Him to death; Act 2:23
What was their response to the brutality of the Cross they had observed upon hearing the Gospel?
And hearing this, they were stabbed in the heart, and said to Peter and to the other apostles, Men, brothers, what shall we do? Act 2:37
And we read 3000 souls were saved that day.
If I be lifted up I will draw all men to Me, ...when protrayed correctly the Crucificaction of our Lord Jesus Christ is living and powerful, sharper than a two edged sword, able to seperate soul and spirit,
...Hollywood's version is just a means to gain filthy lucre!
Be blessed my dear brothers and sisters on this Lord's day,