Is fear a sin?

Mykuhl I will post this here and perhaps it might open up some eyes of others as well.

This has been God's plan all along- To get us walking and living under His Blessing or another words in our Garden. He desires that we live a Prosperous life from victory to victory. He has given us the exact instructions that we need to do so. The problem in this is that man fouls it up with his own desires and ways of doing things and not accepting what God has NOT only said but put into motion or being. Hence all the doctrines and all the denominations and fighting over what is of God and what is not of God.

Pastors who have been called to try and get the body of Christ to grasp a hold of this comes under fire. Now why is this ? Simply because our enemy the devil does NOT want us to live like this for once we realise this he the devil knows we will exercise our authority over him and he is finished.

Now when we live in such a way as He has purposed all of us to live, then and only then will our lives demand an explanation, which simply means that those around us that do not know God or know Him in this manner will see His Glory all around us. They can not only see it but feel it and even though they do not know what it is, well they want it and then it is our duty or better said Privilege and Honor to bring them and God together.

We are to live a Blessed and Prosperous life bringing all Glory unto Him and taking His love and this Blessing to those who have not. It is quite simple really but we tend to make it hard. Not God but we do this by simply not having the Faith as a child and Believing what God has not only said to us but already has placed into effect.

Why is this Faith as a child so important ? Simple really. A child will believe what you tell them. You can convince a child that if they do not go to sleep at bed time a monster that lives in the closet comes out and spanks them for not sleeping and breaks their toys. A child will believe this to the point they will argue this with any one and no one can change their mind.

It is this way in His kingdom. We must learn to have this same type of Faith Concerning Gods every written word. We must believe to the point we always act only in the way He has told us to act and react. This includes believing His promises and ways.

God loves and adores us. He desires we believe in Him and the name of His Son Jesus and walk in His ways. Why does God desire this ? Well it is NOT because He is a control freak but because He Love's Us and wants us to be blessed and wanting nothing. Wanting nothing ? Yep wanting nothing for our Shepard Lord Jesus Christ has supplied all we will ever need by shedding of His Blood and putting into motion a Brand NEW and Better Covenant with God Him self. Gods word is meant for us to Love and Adore and Cherish and Honor with Respect and Integrity.

How do we do this ? Simply by obeying His every word and surrendering our lives unto Him and His ways. BELIEVING in what He says and then Putting forth into being by action His very ways or Word. This is Loving the Father our Creator and our God with a pure Heart and true Obedience unto Him. Look it is UP TO US to either live a Prosperous and Blessed Victorious Life in Christ or not. This is NOT up to GOD any more then if we surrender our lives unto Him and become Born again New Creations in Christ. It is OUR Choice.

God is true to His word. ALWAYS.......He swore and oath By His own Name.
He will not change this. Make the right choices and reap right results. It is that simple. The right Choice is ALWAYS His word or Way of doing things and this includes Faith like a child or another words, If God said it then that is just the way it is and will be. Settle this in your own heart today.
God Loves YOU and desires a life for you Greater then anything you could ever desire for your self. THEE FATHER LOVES YOU !!

Thank you Jim. I appreciate your time and effort.
Thanks for your explanation. I do believe, however, that God considered Job innocent and said, "He is the finest man in all the earth. He is blameless—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil. And he has maintained his integrity, even though you urged me to harm him without cause." (Job 2:3) He passed the harsh tests.
Yes, I agree. What do you do with the other verses that seem contrary to that including God's comments to Job?