Hi Mykuhl,
I am going to try and answer this question and a few others in this reply.
First I want to paint a few pictures about a few scenes or seasons found in Job and his life.
Job starts out and we learn he is walking in thee Blessing of the Lord. This is where all of us are intended to be living. In this place "Thee Blessing of Thee Lord" could also be called our piece of the garden of Eden. This is when we are living fruitful and prosperous and victorious lives. Every area of our lives are bearing much fruit and life is GOOD !! This where Job was when all of this began. Job probably did not even grasp that he had a tempter ( satan ) for he was living under the Blessing. However when all this was said and done he knew good and well.
Now then satan's motive here was to steal this blessing from job just like he had tried with adam and failed terribly. The devil wanted this power or the blessing and began trying to get job to curse God and die and in doing this he the devil thought he could then have this blessing or power he saw in job's life. Nothings changed for the devil is still doing the same thing with Christians today but has gotten much better and deceiving people over these many years.
Now lets back up to satan wanting job to curse God. The devil knew he would have to get jobs mind and heart away from God or " SIN AGAINST GOD by cursing God" but job never did do this in all that he suffered and went through. This is why God says job did not sin for this entire situation was created by satan to steal, kill and destroy job's life and gain the Blessing which satan viewed as power he did not have.
Ok now lets look at several key points in this.
Job tells us in his own words where he messed up and how he opened the door to satan. This same way applies to every single born again Christian and every person alive on this earth. The problem is most Christians simply will not except this even though it has been this way from before God spoke and created this earth. Words do have power and do give life and death. This is not some little sunday school saying. Just as our actions and re-actions prepare the things in and around our lives. We do not have to believe this but it still and always will work this way.
Real quick for I know this is longer then I had thought.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God
This is not just so we learn scriptures but how we are to live 24/7/365
This enables Gods word and way to develop us into walking in His ways and in His Blessing or our garden.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
4... For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to pulling down strong holds
5... Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Chris
This is telling us as well how to walk in His kingdom and live a victorious life. One key here is the word THOUGHTS......alone thoughts are less dangerous unless you meditate on the wrong ones to much and then they begin to form how you think and act and believe.
This is why it says take EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE....don't even speak them until you have sifted them and weighed them against the written wortd of God or another words..what true meaning do these words have ? Bless or tear down ? Hurt or Build up and so forth.
This is also why Jesus told His disciples " Take No Thought SAYING" How do you take a thought ? By saying it.....by releasing it into action or being by giving it power to bless or curse.
Galatians 5:16
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh
Our goal is to be perfected so much that we walk only in the spirit and not the flesh. This simply means walking under His ways or way of living. We then only are speaking His words which have NO doubt or fear or worry and so forth.
Now then job forgot this or turned his back to it and gave way to the pressure that satan was placing on him and this was through- Fear-Doubt and unbelief. Job knew how to walk up right and Holy before God and his life was proof of that but job did not Take His thoughts captive for he gave way to them or he acted on them by speaking them and doing things issued from his thoughts that satan was pressuring him with.
Now Job shows us this or what he had done
We see in Job1:5 that he was obsessed with the fact his children might have cursed God and sinned against God.
We see in .....that the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me......I was not in safety.....neither had I rest......neither was I quiet.....yet trouble came.....
This shows us that job himself tells us that he took his eyes of of God and His ways which kept job in Thee Blessing of Thee Lord or our garden place in this earth.
He began speaking out of the pressure satan was applying to him stemming from fear for his children and in doing so began to speak fear which pulls you from Faith to doubt and unbelief for our actions and reactions dictate to what happens in our lives more then most Christians will admit. This goes back to being perfected into His ways seen in. Romans 12:2 and 2Corinthians 10:4-5 and of course Galatians 5:16 and remembering saying is putting a thought or word into being or giving it permission to do something.
That is where Job messed up big time which then gives right to satan to come in and set up shop and steal, kill and destroy.
One last point..........satan goes to God to convince, or try to get God to hand Job over to him. People do not take the time to grasp meanings of KEY WORDS but then again they also fail to grasp or are willing to except that Gods Kingdom operates by Kingdom Rules and words and actions have been set into motion or set to function in a certain way and it does not take believing this in order for them to function. They function because God said they would.
Look at .........What God really said to Job. God started His answer with the word BEHOLD......meaning....... in any of the translations such as Hebrew or Greek or English or Spanish or any other translation...YOU WILL LEARN that it ALWAYS MEANS " Look and see. Wake up and pay attention"
Now why did God give such an answer to satans request for God to give him permission to attack job ? BECAUSE GOD DOES NOT LIE so he had to speak the truth to satan.
What was this truth ?
God was telling satan that JOB had already opened the door to him or had given satan the right to do as he wanted to do. God was simply telling the devil the truth....Job had already tore down the protective hedge around him ( the blessing of God) when he stepped out into fear and worry and doubt. HOWEVER God did sent a boundary.....spare his life or another words satin could do whatever....EXCEPT....KILL JOB...
Then once satan finally grasped that Job had stepped out of or lost the blessing this protective hedge...well you know the story....satin with after job with vengeance.
But in all of this Job did not sin ? The sin of this topic is still the same thing as in the beginning of this.........Job never cursed God. Job said a lot of stupid and dumb things BUT he never cursed God as satan had planned for him to all along. Then in the end God sends in the Calvary, a Preacher boy to talk some sense back into job.......I enjoy happy endings like this.
I hope this helps to answer your questions....
God Bless