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OBTW when you are standing on your healing and the doctor gives you a bad report. You have to have decided before that point in time to not allow anything other then His word and your healing to enter into your thinking and speaking. God word must have First and Last place. Ask those who have had to fight the good fight of faith for their healing. They all will tell you that they simply would not allow fear of the doctors report choke out their faith and trust in His written word and their healing.
The flesh is very strong. We tend to be set in our ways and when something that is totally contrary to what we understand is possible, it takes a bit more to break through that. Until Jesus, no one ever walked on water. Until Jesus no one ever raised themselves from the dead. A lot of things Jesus did were done by others in the OT. At the time Christ came there was a great debate among the priests as to whether there was such a thing as the resurrection. This debate was expressed like we do here with the population. They couldn't understand Jesus' words about Him dying and coming back after three days. It was so against their belief system that when it did happen, they still couldn't get past men's teaching. Traditions are brutal to the truth. From when I was 11 years old, I've been taught certain things and in the last 5 years, I've had to unlearn them because as with anything, a misunderstanding can easily twist or hijack the truth. That's the devil's favorite game. Which is all the more reason by importance that we filter all information through the Holy Spirit. He will teach us in all truth, 1 John 2:27.In regards to doubt. Was Thomas sinning to say that he would have to put his hand into our Lord's side to believe that He had risen?
Our Lord honored Thomas's doubt's by inviting him to do just that kind of examination. I was taught that Thomas was a proxy for all who should need exacting physical proof.
It seems to me that Thomas and his doubt's were part of out Lord's plan.
Very well understood and explained!!Job then repented in sack cloth and ashes when God really did show up.
And God saw that Job prayed for his friends..then gave him more than he had before. Cos Job was humbled from being self righteous.
Very well spelled out and true!!Job........
First I write a small out line of what is in question and then quote scripture that show what i am saying. Please follow through this and see for your self.
The first thing we learn about Job is the Blessing of God was working in his life. We have all agreed on this point. We know Job was wealthy in finances and live stock and spiritually. Job lived by faith in the blessing of God and then his children grew up.
Once his children grew up he began to fret and worry every time his children got together and had a party. He worried in fear that his children were sinning against God.
Job developed such a terror about this that every time one of them had a party or get together, well Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: FOR JOB SAID, it may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually. (job1:5)
We see in Job1:5 that he was obsessed with the fact his children might have cursed God and sinned against God.
We see in .....that the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me......I was not in safety.....neither had I rest......neither was I quiet.....yet trouble came.....
I broke these two scriptures down this way so as to make it easier to see.
1. the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me.....
Job stepped out of walking by Faith in God and stepped into walking into fear of his children sinning against God and cursing God.
2. I was not in safety.........
This is saying that Job was not walking in Faith of God and under the blessing of God...Once you step out into have left out from under the blessing....his fear over his children sinning against God was bigger in his thinking then his remembering of Gods protection of the blessing.
3. Neither had I rest.........
Why did Job say he had no rest ? Easy he was to busy worrying about his children.....he was up all night worrying.....he had lost his peace in God, once he stepped out into fear and doubt.
4. Neither was I quiet......Job ran his mouth...speaking words of fear and doubt and worry.....remember he has stepped out of the safety place of God and His blessing. See every one of us falls right into this every time we allow our words to speak anything other then the word of God or another words faith filled words.
5. yet trouble came..... job thought he was doing right by his family by worrying and thought he was being responsible and this happens to many believers.
Ok Next is the conversation between God and satin.....
First a few points....all the devil knew was this man had the blessing over him and the devil described it as a hedge of protection. The devil wanted Job all along to curse God and that is why he even had an interest in Job.
Now lets look at two verses here.
Doth Job fear God for nought? Has not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all he hath on every side? Thou has blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. BUT put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath and he will CURSE you to thy face.
And the Lord said unto satin, Behold all that he hath is in thy power: only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So satin went froth from the presence of the Lord.
We can see two things .
1..the devil had wanted Job to curse God from the beginning.
........This is why Job was speaking in all that fear about his children sinning and cursing God...That is how our enemy works,,,,he has to get us to speak out against what the word of God says... Then he has the right to enter into the situation.....even jobs wife eventually sided with satin and told Job to just give up and cures God.( job2:9 ) ...Man that is easy to see where she got that idea from..........However in all Job did say, He never cursed God. THATS WHY WE READ.....In ALL this did not Job sin with his lips. ( )
2....The second thing we learn here in these two verses is this.....
God did not tell the devil, "Here I put Job into your hands and you do what ever you want".
The devil was poorly mistaken to even suggest such a thing because God was in no way going to stretch out His hand against Job. God NEVER agreed with satin to what satin suggested.
HOWEVER GOD DID SAY THIS......"BEHOLD he is already in your hand"
We don't use the word Behold much at all these days. I mean when was the last time you heard some one say BEHOLD is not this car beautiful ?
Now if you look up this word "Behold" in any of the translations such as Hebrew or Greek or English or Spanish or any other translation...YOU WILL LEARN that it ALWAYS MEANS " Look and see. Wake up and pay attention"
See God was telling satan that JOB had already opened the door to him or had given satan the right to do as he wanted to do. God was simply telling the devil the truth....Job had already tore down the protective hedge around him ( the blessing of God) when he stepped out into fear and worry and doubt. HOWEVER God did sent a boundary.....spare his life or another words satin could do whatever....EXCEPT....KILL JOB...
The once satan finally grasped that Job had stepped out of or lost the blessing this protective hedge...well you know the story....satin with after job with vengeance.
Then Job ran his mouth complaining about everything but still NEVER CURSED GOD......Funny how this story ends.....God sends a preacher to preach some sense back into job.......AND once Job repented of his errors...God restored the blessing back and Job increased in all.
This does not say Job sinned..............
Thank you Brother Abdicate,Very well spelled out and true!!![]()
Sure! I have some coupons too.Brother can we hang with you ?
I would like to know what are your beliefs on whether fear and doubt are a sin?
I can not recall anywhere in the bible that states that fear or doubt are sins. It says many times not to fear or doubt but does not call them sins. Even the attitude in the bible concerning fear and doubt doesn't seem to express that it is sin. God doesn't get angry or pronounce judgment on it. Now keep in mind I am talking about with regards to the believer.
If anyone can present a scriptural case against this please do so. I really would like to know the truth about it.
I would like to know what are your beliefs on whether fear and doubt are a sin?
Correct if I'm wrong, but didn't Jesus have fear at the Garden of Olives? He knew he was going to suffer an atrocious death, so it was only natural that He should be afraid.
(And yet, He freely chose to die for our sins, that's what made His gesture so extraordinary)
I don't think that fear is a sin but I do agree the only thing we should fear in this world is God's wrath.