I guess that I am sensitive to handling the weaker brothers with compassion. (And greatfull when I receive the compassion from others). Many times we look at actions as sinful, when it is not the thing itself that is the problem. It is merely the symptom. Looking inside my self is a necessary part of my Christian growth. Judging others based on actions, even in the general case is error-prone since the state of the heart, which is where sin truely may be found, is cannot be assessed.
In the case of fear, it is really far from a trustworthy symptom. There are so many ways in which fear can be positive; and there are many more where fear can simply be an indication of being spiritually young that I truely hesitate to call it sin.
A blanket condemnation of fear as being sinful is concentrating on the lack of perfection and does little to help the fearful grow.
In general, I see little edifying in labeling behaviors as sin beyond their being indications. (Some may be fairly reliable but the sin itself lies in the heart, not in the action)
Righteousness is not simply the absence of a variety of defined sins. It is replacing sin with trust in the Lord.
When looking into one's own heart, fear can help find the source of problems and aid in the diagnosis and determine treatment, (to extend the symptom metaphor).
Please excuse formatting and other posting problems. I am away from home and getting my tablet to perform editing operations is difficult. I guess I am fearful that I will be unintelligible.
Hello Siloam,
I understand this but what I do not understand is why you are saying it here. No one has attacked or been rough on any one. No one has said any one was wrong or in sin.
This is what I am asking.