Is fear a sin?

I do not believe that what Jesus was suffering in Gethsemane was fear.

Reinhard Bonnke says this:

"Fear is irrelevant in the exuberance of winning the battle. That is our Captain of salvation, the Rider on the white horse, our Lord Jesus Christ, who knew no fear and never will. "
Sorry. I just don't think that adequately addresses what went on in that garden before His arrest. All that is ,is reinforcement of a belief paradigm that people feel they need to adhere to.
In regards to doubt. Was Thomas sinning to say that he would have to put his hand into our Lord's side to believe that He had risen?

Our Lord honored Thomas's doubt's by inviting him to do just that kind of examination. I was taught that Thomas was a proxy for all who should need exacting physical proof.

It seems to me that Thomas and his doubt's were part of out Lord's plan.
In regards to doubt. Was Thomas sinning to say that he would have to put his hand into our Lord's side to believe that He had risen?

Our Lord honored Thomas's doubt's by inviting him to do just that kind of examination. I was taught that Thomas was a proxy for all who should need exacting physical proof.

It seems to me that Thomas and his doubt's were part of out Lord's plan.
Christ never said Thomas sinned, He only corrected him. Same with Peter. It took Peter several tries to give his life for Christ.
There are many truths that are boiled down to simple direct statements in scripture. I have a friend that calls them wisdom mc-nuggets. Easily consumed pieces of wisdom. (Easy may be an underestimation of learning these truths). The problem is that they are quoted as if they were the only verse in the Bible. Mistaking such context-free insights for the understanding of the teaching of scripture is hazardous.

In the case of sin, it is always the heart and our sinful nature that is the issue. The actions are the outward symptom.

Refraining from the expression of sin is only edifying if we replace it with edifying thoughts.
As an example: Taking a man out of a nightclub will not make him a better husband if he just finds another expression of his nature. Until he commits to his wife & marriage, he will be lacking. It may be difficult for him to commit while he is clubbing around town, but unless he changes his heart, nothing has really changed.
There are many truths that are boiled down to simple direct statements in scripture. I have a friend that calls them wisdom mc-nuggets. Easily consumed pieces of wisdom. (Easy may be an underestimation of learning these truths). The problem is that they are quoted as if they were the only verse in the Bible. Mistaking such context-free insights for the understanding of the teaching of scripture is hazardous.

In the case of sin, it is always the heart and our sinful nature that is the issue. The actions are the outward symptom.
I agree. The tapestry of the Word has countless jewels woven in . If we pull one of those jewels out and focus only on it, we lose sight of the beautiful picture our Lord and His Kingdom make when the tapestry is viewed as a whole.
Refraining from the expression of sin is only edifying if we replace it with edifying thoughts.
As an example: Taking a man out of a nightclub will not make him a better husband if he just finds another expression of his nature. Until he commits to his wife & marriage, he will be lacking. It may be difficult for him to commit while he is clubbing around town, but unless he changes his heart, nothing has really changed.
Until someone can intelligently refute CS Lewis' account of what went on with Jesus in the garden just before His arrest, then I will say fear is not a sin. It's what you do and how you react to that fear that makes it a sin or not.

Look lets try this one more time.
Sin is anything opposed to the word of God. God hates sin for sin can destroy man.

Faith pleases God and faith is the channel to God. Doubt, fear, unbelief, unforgiveness and so forth work opposed to faith. These limit faith and render faith almost useless.

No one has said FEAR is sin. No one argues that we all do not get hit with emotions in the natural and fear is one. No one said that was sin. Please stop trying to justify fear and think for a minute. Common sense tells you the fear in question is not fear of the Lord and by the way this fear is not being afraid and scared of God.

Fear is an emotion and a thought. We are to take captive every thought. This means taking fear captive as well. We are not to operate in fear. Just as much as God is Love satan is fear.
This thread came about after talking about fear and doubt in another thread. I believe the fear in question is any fear which works against faith.

Jesus says fear not only take authority over fear and cast it out and believe in His word. When we know something is opposed to His written word then it can be seen as sin. When fear is opposed to His written word or our Faith then YES is would be sin for us.

Keep the fear in its propper context and you wont have to try and defend having fear in your life or look for situations in His word that could say hey he might have feared.
Sorry. I just don't think that adequately addresses what went on in that garden before His arrest. All that is ,is reinforcement of a belief paradigm that people feel they need to adhere to.

Well, Jesus knew full well what He was going to have to suffer. He went to that cross without defense and with the kind of courage that no man could ever have. Fear? God? Not in your life. Not my Jesus.
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Look lets try this one more time.
Sin is anything opposed to the word of God. God hates sin for sin can destroy man.

Faith pleases God and faith is the channel to God. Doubt, fear, unbelief, unforgiveness and so forth work opposed to faith. These limit faith and render faith almost useless.

No one has said FEAR is sin. No one argues that we all do not get hit with emotions in the natural and fear is one. No one said that was sin. Please stop trying to justify fear and think for a minute. Common sense tells you the fear in question is not fear of the Lord and by the way this fear is not being afraid and scared of God.

Fear is an emotion and a thought. We are to take captive every thought. This means taking fear captive as well. We are not to operate in fear. Just as much as God is Love satan is fear.
This thread came about after talking about fear and doubt in another thread. I believe the fear in question is any fear which works against faith.

Jesus says fear not only take authority over fear and cast it out and believe in His word. When we know something is opposed to His written word then it can be seen as sin. When fear is opposed to His written word or our Faith then YES is would be sin for us.

Keep the fear in its propper context and you wont have to try and defend having fear in your life or look for situations in His word that could say hey he might have feared.

I think maybe we agree fear can cause you to sin, but fear in itself is not sin. That is simple. I need no spiritual complicated formula.
Well, Jesus knew full well what He was going to have to suffer. He went to that cross without defense and with the kind of courage that no man could ever have. Fear? God? Not in your life. Not my Jesus.
That makes for a great emotionally based reply, but it still is not the intelligent rebuttal of CS Lewis' account of what Jesus experienced in the garden before His arrest.
I think maybe we agree fear can cause you to sin, but fear in itself is not sin. That is simple. I need no spiritual complicated formula.

Ok so the doctor says you got cancer. You pray and believe God for your healing. You go back and the doctor says oh no you did not get healed for it is worse and you will die in 3 weeks.
Ok here comes this fear sin ?

There may not have been an intelligent rebuttal to CS Lewis's view specifically but if you go over the many posts already written about how fear is not of God then you will see that together they form an intelligent rebuttal to the claim that Jesus experienced fear in the garden of Gethsemane.
I agree that CS Lewis was a very intelligent man an excellent writer and had some excellent insights but he was wrong about somethings pertaining to the Word of God. Also, I would to read the work you are referring to. Which book is it you have a link?
When someone takes a belief paradigm so far that they say Job sinned from fear when God Himself said he did not, then I see someone with the audacity to say God was wrong. This is pride. Placing a belief paradigm over God's own Word is challenging God just the same as Satan did regarding Job. Thats where I walked away from this. If one is willing to wield that sword against Job and , in effect , pile on Job in the face of God.....Man ...what's to stop one from wielding that against anyone here or anyone else?