Is Ice-cream Good Or Bad? Or Any Form Of Snacks?

This could go on and on and on. What about the pollution problem in California? The air you breathe is harmful to you, so knowing that, if you are not actively trying to move by Mitspa, into the lands unknown but with good air quality, would that not be a sin as well given your logic?

Read my logic in #160. If a person believes it is a sin, then yes. If you believe God tells you to do something, regardless of whatever it is, and you do not do it then yes that would be a sin. What if when Abraham was told to kill his son, he went and asked his friends, "Hey guys, do you think it would be a sin to kill my son? I think God is telling me to kill this kid. What do you think?" and his friends were like, "Bro, don't kill your son, that would be a sin. You're kinda acting like Jack from The Shinning." Who would be in the wrong? Abraham would be in the wrong for NOT trying to kill his son, and his friends would be in the wrong for telling him to basically go against the will of God.

Also, the closer you live to Mitspa, the less sin you will have in your life. So, if you are not actively trying to get closer to Mitspa, you probably should question your whole life.
Kind of reminds me of this verse "Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall."

I'm not sure how me eating meat would really cause someone to sin, unless they believed eating meat was a sin, and I somehow convinced them to eat it, but in the back of their mind they still believed it was a sin, then it is a sin. I suppose the reason would be because, they would be breaking the number 1 commandment. If the number 1 commandment is to love God with all your heart, and in your heart you believe it is wrong, but you still do it, then I would say that is a sin.

I was trying to remember that scripture. But couldn't.