Is Ice-cream Good Or Bad? Or Any Form Of Snacks?

I tried smoking as a child and as a young woman -- some menthol thangs, started with an S, I think. Smoking never relaxed me, and I never acquired the habit. I tried drinking, but it tasted nasty. I could never drink enough to even get a buzz. The end.

But here's my question:
Since the Bible says not to get drunk, and since booze tastes to bad (not just according to me), what is the reason for drinking alcohol other than for religious reasons?

Just remembered: the cigarettes were Salems.
I'm sorry I misunderstood. So what you're trying to establish is if smoking is categorically sinful regardless of context or the attitude of the heart? No exceptions for the tradition of cigars for the new father, peace pipes honoring peace agreements, etc?

Exactly. I'm under the impression it isn't. Though some believe it is. I thought it was a worth-while talk.
I could be wrong too, but it's worth diving into.

Help me understand this:
Smoking isn't necessary, isn't healthy, but is calming.
Candy isn't necessary, isn't healthy, but is delicious.

Putting aside addiction and gluttony, John smokes a cigar after his son was born. Milo eats a candy bar that he bought at the bodega. Neither one did this again for a year or two.

Which one of these guys sinned and why? Both, neither, or one of them?

Milo eats a candy bar that he bought at the bodega.

Because it is food that he purchased.

John smokes a cigar after his son was born.

Now answer WHY does he?
Milo eats a candy bar that he bought at the bodega.

Because it is food that he purchased.

John smokes a cigar after his son was born.

Now answer WHY does he?
It's a custom--when a child is born, sometimes fathers would pass out cigars as celebration of their newly born child.

If you're uncomfortable with that, we can just say John went to the same bodega and bought a cigar for now other reason than to just have a cigar.
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It's a custom--when a child is born, sometimes fathers would pass out cigars as celebration of their newly born child.

A Tradition.

What did the King think of tradition for tradition's sake?

He thought it was unprofitable.

So you smoke the cigar, which transfers the drug nicotine into you just for tradition. A form of recreational use.

Drugs used for recreation, contrary of their rightful purpose, is defilement.

1 SA 12:21 And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty.
A Tradition.

What did the King think of tradition for tradition's sake?

He thought it was unprofitable.

So you smoke the cigar, which transfers the drug nicotine into you just for tradition. A form of recreational use.

Drugs used for recreation, contrary of their rightful purpose, is defilement.

1 SA 12:21 And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty.

Dave, the traditional aspect really is irrelevant. If it's the tradition you don't like, just focus on the fact that two different guys purchased two different things that have no worth other than recreation. Both are unhealthy, unnecessary, but are enjoyable. Neither one will kill them immediately and neither one indulge for another year or two.

Please stick to the subject.
Let's keep it simple and not worry about semantics. John goes to the bodega and buys a cigar. He smokes it that evening and doesn't buy another one for 5 years. Milo goes to the bodega and buys a candy bar. He eats it that evening and doesn't buy another one for 5 years.

Given that neither the cigar nor the candy bar are necessary, both unhealthy, and enjoyable, who sinned and why?
The big word in the second sentence is NEED.

Do you really NEED steak every single day?

Would you day turn to crap if you did not have steak?
Would you be less of a person without steak?
Would you not be able to function comfortably without steak?

I have never heard ANYONE need steak that much.

But I have heard all of those excuses for drugs, gambling, sex and other addictions.

Even running can be a defilement if all you seek is those endorphins.

Would you day turn to crap if you did not have steak? - Nope, I would just switch to chicken
Would you be less of a person without steak? - I may become weak and lose some muscle, so I guess the answer to your question is 'yes'
Would you not be able to function comfortably without steak? - Define 'function comfortably'...I can't function well even with it

Now, my answers are obviously to spark some humor in this thread, I see what you're saying though, and I agree.
Smoking can't be done in moderation though. Nicotene is highly addictive.

Wrong (okay, mostly right and a tad bit wrong), although I may be an exception. When I smoked for 4 years, I never smoked more than half a pack a day. Normally I would just smoke 4/day sometimes less. For a long time I was smoking in moderation which led me to quite because really, what's the point if you're so close to quitting and barely smoking 4/day.
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Yes. I know quite a few people that smoke cigars on a rare occasion. They can't be addicted to something they only indulge in a few times a year.

Correct. There are occasions when I smoke cigars while golfing, that's the only time I smoke them and that's only twice maaaaaaaaybe three times/year.
Then we must examine WHY people smoke.

Here's some good info from

Why do people start smoking?
Most people start smoking as teens. Those who have friends and/or parents who smoke are more likely to start smoking than those who don’t. Some teens say that they “just wanted to try it,” or they thought it was “cool” to smoke.

The tobacco industry’s ads, price breaks, and other promotions for its products are a big influence in our society. The tobacco industry spends billions of dollars each year to create and market ads that show smoking as exciting, glamorous, and safe.

Despite the fact that cigarette brand product placement in movies was banned by the 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, cigarettes appeared in 2 out of 3 box office hit movies in 2005 – more than one-third of the movies were youth-rated films. The number of movies with tobacco-related scenes has gone down since 2005. But in 2010, more than 30% of top-grossing movies rated G, PG, and PG-13 had tobacco scenes. The numbers of movies showing smokers started going up again in 2011 and 2012. And studies show that young people who see smoking in movies are more likely to start smoking. The 2014 Surgeon General Report stated that cutting back smoking in movies aimed at youth (from 275 exposures per year down to 10 or less) could reduce teen smoking as much as 18%.

Another common way youth are exposed to tobacco is through the Internet, a largely unregulated source of entertainment. The effect the Internet has on teen smoking is an area of research interest.

TV ads for smoking have been banned for many years, but films that show tobacco brands are much more likely to include smoking scenes as part of their TV trailers. This undercuts the intent of the TV ad ban.

Who is most likely to become addicted?
Anyone who starts using tobacco can become addicted to nicotine. Studies show that smoking is most likely to become a habit during the teen years. The younger a person is when they begin to smoke, the more likely they are to become addicted to nicotine.

According to the 2012 Surgeon General’s Report, very few people start smoking after age 25. Nearly 9 out of 10 adult smokers started by age 18, and 99% started by age 26. But a trend noted in 2012 suggests that more people 18 and older are becoming smokers. It seems that some people are postponing this habit, but the reasons for this are not clear.

Last Medical Review: 02/13/2014
Last Revised: 02/13/2014
If I considered one a sin, then I would have to consider both a sin. I'd be curious to hear why you believe one is and one is not.

This could go on and on and on. What about the pollution problem in California? The air you breathe is harmful to you, so knowing that, if you are not actively trying to move by Mitspa, into the lands unknown but with good air quality, would that not be a sin as well given your logic?
This could go on and on and on. What about the pollution problem in California? The air you breathe is harmful to you, so knowing that, if you are not actively trying to move by Mitspa, into the lands unknown but with good air quality, would that not be a sin as well given your logic?

LOL. Man, exactly. If smoking is a sin, it don't mean ice-cream and candy are sins too. Though one can't control the pollution in the air.
Kind of reminds me of this verse "Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall."

I'm not sure how me eating meat would really cause someone to sin, unless they believed eating meat was a sin, and I somehow convinced them to eat it, but in the back of their mind they still believed it was a sin, then it is a sin. I suppose the reason would be because, they would be breaking the number 1 commandment. If the number 1 commandment is to love God with all your heart, and in your heart you believe it is wrong, but you still do it, then I would say that is a sin.