True, but the lack of evil in the item or even the act itself doesn't leave us free and clear.
"Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble."
I don't believe alcohol or the act of drinking it is inherently sinful, but growing up around native american foster brothers and sisters who were placed in care almost exclusively due their parents succumbing to the rampant alcoholism that continues to eat at much of their culture, I'm keenly aware of how my use of my personal liberty to drink can be sinful...not as an act of debauchery, but of neglected charity. Like-wise, as a high-school teacher I watched many students rush to embrace their adulthood by smoking as soon as possible. My experience watching many of them wrestle with addiction over the following years and hearing the quitters struggle when others smoked at get-togethers and reunions convinced me that, in my position, exercising my liberty to smoke would be uncharitable to those who see and react to my actions. of right now, I do still eat meat

lord willing I will not be put in a position to give that up for the sake of charity