nothing is mentioned of 'race'
also nothing about neanderthals - are they a 'race'?
Everything within the bones/DNA of Adam and Eve produced subsequent children but it was Eve who produced two sons at first. Whether Seth and Cain had wives produced out of their ribs Bible doesn't say. But definitely does NOT mention Seth and Cain having sisters and then marrying them.
Daughters of men include Eve, who was technically Adam's daughter, not his sister. (so a daughter of man) Adam was a son of God.
Absolute NONESENSE that seems to have come from the "Blogospheres of Star Trek".
I Have become weary and impatient with these opinions based in NO facts but only someone's mind.
I am not trying to be mean or confrontational in any way, but lots of people who do not know the higher things of education read what we post and I do not want them to be influenced.
Source, New Your Post....
A new DNA study has revealed that all humans are descendants of the same man and woman thousands of years ago.
It was just said .........
"nothing is mentioned of 'race'
also nothing about neanderthals - are they a 'race'?"
The Bible does not define race, because it is a human innovation. Humans have the ability to bring both good and bad things into existence. Race versus Ethnicity To be clear, race and ethnicity are not the same. Ethnicity is about shared culture, language, nationality, history, etc. The Bible has plenty to say about ethnicity, but not race.
It was stated...........
" Whether Seth and Cain had wives produced out of their ribs Bible doesn't say. But definitely does NOT mention Seth and Cain having sisters and then marrying them."
All human life after Adam and Eve was produced by "Sexual Intercourse"! There is NO SUCH thing in existence as wives being produced from ribs of Seth and Cain! No matter how we think or what our opinions are, Looking all the way back to the beginning of our fallen human life on earth, we must conclude that we fallen human beings began our descent by means of incest. That is whay God gave humans a brain to work things out and did not do that for animals.
It was stated...........
"Daughters of men include Eve, who was technically Adam's daughter, not his sister. (so a daughter of man) Adam was a son of God."
This sounds like it came from Antonine Levys Bible.
NONESENSE and NON-Biblical! Eve was Adams wife made from him, NOT his daughter! NO where in the Bible is there a suggestion that Eve was Adams daughter.