I'd like to also say
that if you as a Christian don't
read the bible
or attend Church
then as a consequence you are like the prodigal son who wanders away and spends his blessing among sinners then ends up with pigs,
you must pray
because Jesus Himself prayed
you must read the Word/Bible because God has given us His Word so He doesn't have to repeat Himself a million times a day
He can just say by the Holy Spirit read this verse because that's what YOU NEED TODAY.
you MUST attend a Church because that is God's will for every Christian,
God authorises authority, He appoints pastors and prophets and teachers, sure there's a lot of dummies who don't get it right but the system
is for the most part good. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and also Satan was the chief rebel.
IT is not a question of being CURSED as such
but more a question of NOT being blessed,
you can't expect toast if you don't plug your toaster in, so you can't expect blessing specific if you don't plug into God/word/church/prayer.
As a RANDOM consequence of life you might receive blessings or you might equally receive bad stuff.
Life for a Christian should not be left to random chance.
There is a lot of truth in what @THALLON said!!
Especially in
IT is not a question of being CURSED as such
but more a question of NOT being blessed,
Or better yet walking in the Blessing of the Lord. Oh and for the record it is Not up to God if we walk in The Blessing Of The Lord......Nope it is us, ourselves who choose to do so or not.
Blessings my friend