Is it possible to be cursed by God( I ask this in complete seriousness)

I'd like to also say
that if you as a Christian don't
read the bible
or attend Church
then as a consequence you are like the prodigal son who wanders away and spends his blessing among sinners then ends up with pigs,
you must pray
because Jesus Himself prayed

you must read the Word/Bible because God has given us His Word so He doesn't have to repeat Himself a million times a day
He can just say by the Holy Spirit read this verse because that's what YOU NEED TODAY.
you MUST attend a Church because that is God's will for every Christian,
God authorises authority, He appoints pastors and prophets and teachers, sure there's a lot of dummies who don't get it right but the system
is for the most part good. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and also Satan was the chief rebel.
IT is not a question of being CURSED as such
but more a question of NOT being blessed,
you can't expect toast if you don't plug your toaster in, so you can't expect blessing specific if you don't plug into God/word/church/prayer.
As a RANDOM consequence of life you might receive blessings or you might equally receive bad stuff.
Life for a Christian should not be left to random chance.

There is a lot of truth in what @THALLON said!!
Especially in
IT is not a question of being CURSED as such
but more a question of NOT being blessed,

Or better yet walking in the Blessing of the Lord. Oh and for the record it is Not up to God if we walk in The Blessing Of The Lord......Nope it is us, ourselves who choose to do so or not.
Blessings my friend
You said all tribulations are for us to learn from and a test.

Scripture tells us in this world we will have tribulation which include persecution, testing and trials and so forth. ( John 16:33)

However Jesus goes on to say be in peace for He has over come this world.

Now then the only way one learns from a trial etc is to walk according to God's word through it and in doing so our faith will grow through persevering or steadfastness if and only when we function according to how it is written in God's word.

Trials and temptation and testing are not from God and are not here to teach us anything.

In this world means because we are living in this place that operates under a Babylon system (world's ways) we will have these things.

Yes in James it says faith being tested and causes perseverance or steadfastness to grow. (James 1:3) and onward.

James did not say God was testing your faith. In fact unless we deal with them through faith and joy and trust in God's word, they tear one down and cripple ones faith and so forth.

Perseverence and Patience does not mean to simply put up with.

Scripture tells us in Mark 4:17
that satan comes "Immediately" by or through "persecution" to steel kill or destroy "For The Word Sake"

persecution is meant to kill, steel and destroy not build or teach us anything.
If the word of God can not take root and grow then your faith and strength are weak and defeated easy like.

One can not answer to persecution in one's own strength.......our strength must come from God through His written word by doing things the way His word tells us.

When persecution comes knocking and it do you respond to it? That will in its self determine if you stand and strengthen or fall and live defeated.

I'm slightly confused.

Can you refer me to scripture that says trials, tribulations, and tests aren't to be learned from?

Thanks, peace

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
I'm slightly confused.

Can you refer me to scripture that says trials, tribulations, and tests aren't to be learned from?

Thanks, peace

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

It's not that they cannot be learned from, for as a Christ follower who is walking in line with what the Word says can and should be learning and gaining strength from any trial. However the point is that God is not the author of worldly, ungodly tests and trials (James 1:13-15) meaning tempting a person to sin or walk in ways contrary to God's Word, and if one does not know how to Stand strong in the strength of God's Word....then they can be destroyed by their lack of knowledge of the Word. This is why it's so important that we follow God's commands and desire, to meditate the Word, and keep it before our eyes and in our ears (provide 4:20-22). For God has put this responsibility into our hands.

I'm slightly confused.

Can you refer me to scripture that says trials, tribulations, and tests aren't to be learned from?

Thanks, peace

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

This is how God teaches someone...
Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16‭-‬17 AMP
I'm slightly confused.

Can you refer me to scripture that says trials, tribulations, and tests aren't to be learned from?

Thanks, peace

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
Hi Pops the builder,
I did give some insight in this for God is not sub contracting the devil to bring tribulation on us to learn a lesson.

No sir the devil does this on His own.

Let's flip this around to the other side and see if we can't smooth out some of this roughness. ;)

What is it that you believe tells us that trials and tribulation is to teach us?!

We can learn from anything. I mean I learned how Not to hold a chain saw as it hit a knot and bounced back at my head when I was a kid.

None of this was Meant to teach me however I chose to learn from it and No chain saw has ever rearranged my face. Lol

Hi Pops the builder,
I did give some insight in this for God is not sub contracting the devil to bring tribulation on us to learn a lesson.

No sir the devil does this on His own.

Let's flip this around to the other side and see if we can't smooth out some of this roughness. ;)

What is it that you believe tells us that trials and tribulation is to teach us?!

We can learn from anything. I mean I learned how Not to hold a chain saw as it hit a knot and bounced back at my head when I was a kid.

None of this was Meant to teach me however I chose to learn from it and No chain saw has ever rearranged my face. Lol

You seemed to have said earlier that trials aren't to be learned from. Now it seams you are saying something different.

It is my honest belief that everything is to be learned from.

I have i witnessed some pretty horrible things. And I have learned from them. I believe that there is no such thing as chance and that everything happens for a reason.

Do you disagree?

Humbly, peace

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
This is how God teaches someone...
Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16‭-‬17 AMP

This version says it better....
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16‭-‬17 NLT
You seemed to have said earlier that trials aren't to be learned from. Now it seams you are saying something different.

It is my honest belief that everything is to be learned from.

I have i witnessed some pretty horrible things. And I have learned from them. I believe that there is no such thing as chance and that everything happens for a reason.

Do you disagree?

Humbly, peace

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
Ah there is the problem....
I said test are Not to teach us things
God does not send tribulations and such to Teach us things.

Of course we Can learn in them but that is our Choice to do so or not.

Another words the origin of tribulations which include trials and testing is Not to teach but to destroy.

So I hope you can see what I am saying here. Too many people believe God test them with trials and such to teach them or humble them etc and that is not correct.

We can learn in anything if we choose to but not everything is meant to teach us.
Jim ....obtw.....I really like your forum user name !! ;)
Ah there is the problem....
I said test are Not to teach us things
God does not send tribulations and such to Teach us things.

Of course we Can learn in them but that is our Choice to do so or not.

Another words the origin of tribulations which include trials and testing is Not to teach but to destroy.

So I hope you can see what I am saying here. Too many people believe God test them with trials and such to teach them or humble them etc and that is not correct.

We can learn in anything if we choose to but not everything is meant to teach us.
Jim ....obtw.....I really like your forum user name !! ;)
Okay. So to you GOD doesn't test our Faith? You say the opportunity to learn is there but ultimately it is up to us to learn from it. Is that right? I agree if so. And to not learn from these tribulations would be what? Willful ignorance? Straying from the will of GOD? Having little faith?

You are still losing me somewhere.

Regardless, we seem to agree more so than not.

Thanks for the compliment. It's almost strange how things come about. Almost.

Peace brother. Your heart is inv the right place and your words reflect that. Let's not contend over such minor things.

May we all come to one accord by the Will of GOD through Christ.

Again with all humility;

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
Okay. So to you GOD doesn't test our Faith? You say the opportunity to learn is there but ultimately it is up to us to learn from it. Is that right? I agree if so. And to not learn from these tribulations would be what? Willful ignorance? Straying from the will of GOD? Having little faith?

You are still losing me somewhere.

Regardless, we seem to agree more so than not.

Thanks for the compliment. It's almost strange how things come about. Almost.

Peace brother. Your heart is inv the right place and your words reflect that. Let's not contend over such minor things.

May we all come to one accord by the Will of GOD through Christ.

Again with all humility;

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

I wanted to answer one thing you asked

And to not learn from these tribulations would be what?

A very foolish person.

Blessings my brother and look forward to more fellowshiping with you.
..Also through out my 24 years, I've never really had friends..

Me neither, I've never had any real friends throughout my whole life, but in my case it's because I'm a loner at heart and am happy with my own company.
If you're short of pals, look at it another way and consider that God might be protecting you from people he doesn't want you to be chums with, in case they're bad for you-
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" (Proverbs 13:20)
Instead, find people who make you feel good and strong-
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17)

And as a Christian you've already got a great friend in Jesus just as he said-
"You're my friends if you follow me. I don't call you servants, but I call you friends"- (John 15:15)

And God "shall give his angels charge over you to keep you safe" (Psalm 91:11)


Me neither, I've never had any real friends throughout my whole life, but in my case it's because I'm a loner at heart and am happy with my own company.
If you're short of pals, look at it another way and consider that God might be protecting you from people he doesn't want you to be chums with, in case they're bad for you-
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" (Proverbs 13:20)
Instead, find people who make you feel good and strong-
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17)

And as a Christian you've already got a great friend in Jesus just as he said-
"You're my friends if you follow me. I don't call you servants, but I call you friends"- (John 15:15)

And God "shall give his angels charge over you to keep you safe" (Psalm 91:11)


True...i think youre right too.. My own aunt who was my pastor messed me up..and god did bring some nice people in my life, though they're online friends.. They're amazing people and helped me out so much. But its nice to get a response from someone who understands being friendless....thanks for input :)