You are assuming a lot here Gerald. I am not saying a Muslim is going to heaven. I am saying a good person is en route to finding Jesus.
I saw a testimony of a Muslim who converted to Christianity a year or so ago. His tactic in winning them over was to challenge them to be more devout Muslims.
The truth is that no good person on the planet will reject Jesus / God will not ignore anyone after His heart.
I would not dare to presume that a Muslim cannot be saved . I will however dare to say that that he is not saved by any other way than Gods way.
Jesus said I AM the way the truth and the life,no man commeth unto the Father accept by me"
Now when some one said to the Lord "Good master......" He replied why call me good ? seeing that only my father in heaven is good"
He was stating that the source of his goodness was of the Father .
By what measure then are you calling 'good'?
Paul(?) says "in my flesh there is no good thing"
A man not yet converted is on a slippery slope and is nigh unto being cast into the fire.
Did not one man say to Paul "I am almost persuaded"?
Yet never was .
The rich young man had a good ambition , "How can I INHERIT eternal life" He already understood it could not be earned .
Yet when the Lord told him in effect his riches were a barrier to him and told him HOW he might inherit eternal life he was exceedingly sorrowful and went away inheriting nothing.
He was lost and undone without hope and without Christ. Yet he hoped to inherit eternal life.
He left without ANY hope and was still lost and undone and without Christ and the further he went the further he was away from Christ.
A Muslim is no nearer Christ by becoming a better Muslim than a Hindu is bowing even lower to an idol .
"It STILL pleases God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe"? My emphasis.
Preach what?
The Cross .
"Foolishness to them that are perishing ,the power of God unto salvation to them that believe "
If you start with the truth and speak the truth "line upon line precept upon precept" then you will and can arrive at the truth .
If you start with a lie you have to uphold the first lie with another lie and so on and if you go that way you will finish up with a lie.
If you start with a lie you will not nor cannot arrive at the truth you will or can only do so if you repent of the lie and start with or exchange the lie for the truth and continue in it then you will or can arrive at the truth .
Two men both seemingly starting in the same place aiming for the moon.
But one man a minute of a degree off the true .
For a while they both look like they are heading for the same thing .
But as time progresses as each continues on their chosen course . The lines will begin to part and increase in doing so .
The one who is a degree off can if in time still repent and cross to the other though in truth he may well have to start from the beginning .
But there will come a point when the distance will be too wide and the ONLY recourse is to go back to the beginning (if it was possible.)
For as time passes that one degree off becomes greater and greater and will miss the moon entirely .
ALL things that COME from God . LEAD you to GOD .
ALL things that do not come from God ,lead you away from God.
You are either for me and gather or against me and scatter said Jesus .
in Christ