Simple truth...Fascinating 6 word response. That completely shook my world.![]()
But the whole point is that he would have if he lived longer. So potentially any baby can grow up to become evil.
You said "Same as with the angels can ONLY interact if given permission from their liege. If the enemy or the angels could go willy nilly and do as they pleased, God would not be a King"
I don't understand your thinking. So why did Lucifer rebel and 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God? Was this not their choice?
And for those who don't believe in free will. Why? I don't think Jesus would die for people who He predestined to go to hell...
I apologise but NO ONE belongs in hell.Thwak to Hunt)) Hitler and Mengele belong in hell!
A while back I recall quoting exactly what you did about Judas's repentance not being Godly sorrow. But these days I question that.
Would any evil person today hang himself if he just betrayed another person / rabbi?
How is killing yourself not showing remorse? There can be no bigger indicator of regret. All those who have done so, if not in heaven, they surely came close.I think so. How many homicides have there been where the person wound up killing themselves in the end. In many cases, it is remorse not repentance. It is burden of sin that troubles the soul. If you fail to hand your sins to Christ, you will be lost. Many just commit suicide like Judas. It is very a very serious thing. For Judas, even though he gave the money after the fact, it was too late, he did not gain the victory over his heart sins.
Jesus calls every unGodly person a child of the devil / lost. It never means they have no hope. Even if scripture is fulfilled with their 'current' unGodly status.Jesus called Judas the son of perdition, John 17:12, an anti-christ, the devil's attempt to thwart the fulfillment of Gen 3:15, but little did the devil understand that prophecy.
How is killing yourself not showing remorse? There can be no bigger indicator of regretd those who have done so, if not in heaven, they surely came close.
How many times have we betrayed God?...........and kept that middle finger pointed skyward with no regret....![]()
What does a baby have to be tested? The only way I can see a baby going to hell is if God predestined it to go to hell. Babies don't even know what sin is, or what God is so I don't see how they could be held accountable.
You said "Same as with the angels can ONLY interf given permission from their liege. If the enemy or the angels could go willy nilly and do as they pleased, God would not be a King"
I don't understand your thinking. So why did Lucifer rebel and 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God? Was this not their choice?
And for those who don't believe in free will. Why? I don't think Jesus would die for people who He predestined to go to hell...
Does salvation play any role in this? If a person grew up and became a serial killer he could still be saved and go to heaven if he accepted Jesus and changed his ways. I don't see how your view would account for that.
I mean, for all we know Hitler is in heaven.
That would take a miracle, most serial killers are either mentally disturbed or devoid of a conscious... they didn't ask to be born or chose their illness... they didn't choose to be hated BC of something they can't control like chemical imbalance in their brain..... and are blamed ,hated and held responsible for what they can't help.
I don't understand Gods reasoning. He did say some are vessels for dishonor others for honor... so...
Praying, going to church and even claiming to be a Christian no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car.