Jesus Is The Father

I'm scared because I'm confused and if I'm saved I would think that God would have already shown me the truth because I've been seeking it and seeking it for as long as I can remember.

We all struggle with our salvation-subtly he comes casting doubt in your ear-we have to 'remember' when the Lord changed us and build our faith with fellowship. I've been telling you girl-----you needs some Bible believing folks to run with. When you're serving-you don't have time for all that whispering junk in your ear.

I have literally yelled out loud "GET BEHIND ME SATAN!" sometimes. If you doubt-you become ineffective for the Gospel-which if Satan can't take you to Hell-he'll stop you from telling others about Christ.
I just read your answer on the link and essentially you are saying you dont know why Satan tried tempting Him. That it could be due to pride but still, no definitive answer.
Perhaps there is no definitive answer without a definitive Bible verse to define an answer. Best we can do is study what material is given for our study. This slides somewhat into your next question..................
Good synopsis Dirty....but I doubt God was discussing doodly with Satan about Jesus, IMO.

My only hitch is with #6....everyone has life because of the Life-giver...That in no way makes God responsible for Satan's free will actions or anybody elses's sinful actions.........Otherwise a good list!

Let me further clarify: as we learned in Job, Satan is restricted from the physical-unless God permits. That being said-I believe he has free reign in the spiritual to 'tempt'-we on the other hand have to learn to say 'NO!' to Satan, minions, our own devices, etc...

God is the ultimate control...does that make sense without sounding kooky?

I brought this up earlier, but it posses the question, if different denominations believe that Jesus died for our sins and is the Son of God but differ in certain doctrinal issues do they lose their salvation if they are not correct? Although some say yes, I don't believe a loving God would do that. There are things straight forward in the Bible and there are things that aren't as straightforward. I don't think he will punish us for that. I would hope He wouldn't...
If you mean things like baptism by full immersion or sprinkling or none at all, if you mean using a common Communion /Eucharist cup or individual cups, and similar things, no, these are not salvation issues. That Jesus is who He claims ie the Son of God and that He died to save us from our sins, are as you have rightly observed central to the gospel. Other things, speaking in tongues, getting dunked in the correct amount of water, for that matter quibbling over the use of Ribena in place of wine, fortified or other, are not salvation issues.
How'm I doing so far?
If you mean things like baptism by full immersion or sprinkling or none at all, if you mean using a common Communion /Eucharist cup or individual cups, and similar things, no, these are not salvation issues. That Jesus is who He claims ie the Son of God and that He died to save us from our sins, are as you have rightly observed central to the gospel. Other things, speaking in tongues, getting dunked in the correct amount of water, for that matter quibbling over the use of Ribena in place of wine, fortified or other, are not salvation issues.
How'm I doing so far?

I agree with Calvin-Salvation is a one time deal, Baptism is a step towards obedience to God's Word-God has a process....

I believe the 'losing translation doctrine' comes mainly from a section in the Book of Hebrews that is 'lost in translation' for a lack of a better term. And then I have also seen people use the parable of the servant with 1 talent to debate losing salvation.
Hmmmm...Satan has no actions in the physical world??? Really?? How do come to that concept? All the effects of sin are quite physical, are they not?

Job 1:12, Job 2:6-7

Does this mean Satan did it himself -or was he just an influence? I can't be 100% sure either way....
Errr...I see no "influence" here, but direct action by the Evil One.

Keep in mind....Job is the oldest book in the Bible and given to the Hebrews when allegory, parable and symbolism was not a cultural reality. jib to me is quite literal, but must be read with Hebrew eyes of a very ancient mindset.

I guess that is what I mean by "physical" in this context. :)
I understand your definition: I don't understand how you think Satan has no physical effects on earth.

Okay now I am confused????? I think we sailed past each other here in the fog....

Can you ask me a direct question for me to answer so we are back on course?
Ok...that was my point....the world is NOT under God's control, but divided...Satan fights the Lord. The fallen are at war with the redeemed.

I agree, and I think what we witness in the "physical"/ our observable world-is a manifestation of said condition. Does that make any sense?
Calvin: Ownership by creation and control by usurpation are not the same things.

God is allowing the playing out of the Great Argument that Satan is having about God rulership on this fallen world.

As you point out Job was allowed to be wounded but not destroyed, and in the end his earthly attainments were returned to him, and on the new earth his children will be as well, IMO.

God does not contradict Himself:

The underlined is a unfortunately under inspected choice of words form the Greek:

I can list many other verses, but this weighs heavily against "God controls everything on earth"

Why not address the evil in the world as to where it's from?

You can't think God creates evil!

It came across as though you were saying Satan is ruling this world and has control and God does not. That's where the confusion was.
OK so your saying God does not have control over the world...huh???? I'm confused again Rusty!!

Where's your little bunny rabbit spinning its head when I need it?