Just a little poem wot I wrote

No shortcuts to Heaven

You can’t buy your way to heaven
All your wealth is like filthy rags…
There’s no special
Willy Wonkers gold passes,
A note from the minister
letters of indulgence…
Not worth the paper they’re written on
A complete waste of time…

Doesn’t matter how many committees
You’ve sat on,
How many goats you’ve sent to Africa,
How much free trade coffee drunken
How many pilgrimages undertaken,
Heaven will be out of your grasp …

There’s no back door,
Short cut, special invitation
Just because you’re
On the flower rota or
Cleaned the church brasses…
No free pass because you were
Unless you know Jesus
It ain’t gonna happen
Your just wasting your time

There’s no point in believing
Gentle Jesus won’t reject you..
Just because you’ve
Not been ‘Born Again’…
Because you think
I’m a nice person really
So He won’t send me to hell…

Spend time laying up treasures in heaven
Don’t allow the world evangelise
The church !
Become a child of the Living God
Don’t believe me?
Well take a look at John 14. 6

Enough said
Three score and ten

I’m beginning to wish

I stuck to my diet

Kept away from sweets and chocolate

And cake

Exercised three times a day

I’m carrying what racehorses

Call condition

To be honest I’m a little bit fat

Only just overweight

Fast reaching three score and ten

Need to get spiritually fit

If I’m going To live past

Sixty ten.

That’s if

If God grants my any years of grace

What is the criteria ?

To earn credits

To earn years of grace

Can I start laying up treasures in heaven

Or am I too late

Could always do overtime

Volunteer to be the doorkeeper

At the local church

Extra prayer, go to the midweek service

Volunteer for the cleaning rota

To get more credits

I’m not ready for heaven yet

If I say, as Paul said

For me to live is Christ

Does it really matter

What I say

What I do

What time I’m leaving

I go when God is good and ready

TIL then I’ll

Stop ‘mithering’

Start living

And thank God for another day!
it’s hard to see a friend fade away with motor neurone


Your spirit flies high
Although your body failed.
You lost your voice
All you need to say
was in your beloved birds
Blackbirds sang, and robins too
Winter, summer, they spoke for you.
When you smiled
That glint in your eye
The shake of your hand that said…
Thank you
We came to care
But, received so much more,
From one very special guy…
T’was a privilege to come
And now you’ve gone
I look to the bright blue sky
To see, the swifts fly high
The herons glide by,
Starlings squabble on the ground.
The crows cry out
Rooks answering back
Doves cooing in the trees…
The larks are crying,
Calling out
Singing all with one voice
They seem to be saying..
To one very special guy!
Clearing out my junk file I came across this
Maybe remembering Jesus is not just for Christmas

Its Christmas again and during a conversation at work Christmas was being talked about I said ‘the biggest birthday party in the world where the guest of honour is rarely invited to the party... blank looks all around … They didn’t know what I meant… again my mind went off in a different direction and wrote this…

It can be sung to the tune of happy birthday….. (nearly)

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear…. Er
Happy birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you
It’s that time of year again
The star is on the Christmas tree

Mince pies are too!
Happy birthday dear mmm, mmmm
Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
Still can’t remember your name
We’re planning a big party
All the family’s coming too…
Happy birthday dear… No, it’s gone
Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
The cakes now made
Santa’s sleigh and a reindeer too
Happy birthday dear….. erm err,
Happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
Merry xmas … not to offend
Seasons greetings, happy holiday.
‘Hey nonny nonny no’ dear ugimiflit
Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
With holly and ivy deck the halls…
Happy birthday to you
Your name it’s on the tip of my tongue
Happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
Maybe the cards will give me a clue
Six robins, four snow scenes and three ships in a row
Happy birthday dear thingy-ma-gig?
Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
Can’t find your name anywhere
I know the rhythm but forgotten the words
Happy birthday dear dum de dum
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Carols from kings?
Ah that’s given me a clue
With shepherd, wise men, Angels too!
Singing Glory in the highest… Hallelujah
Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
It’s your birth we celebrate
From cradle to the cross
All this at no cost!
Happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
Give the birthday boy pride of place
Join in with me
A rousing chorus… of
Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Jesus
Happy birthday to you
My cup

My cup runneth over
His cup’s bigger than mine
He keeps topping me up
My cup never runs dry,
I give away by the spadeful
His shovel is bigger than mine
I more give, the more I get back
You can’t out give God!
Love for family and friends
The stranger down the street
Out shined by Gods love,
He so loved the world so much
He gave His only Son…
Can’t think of one thing
I can do
Where I can out do God
The more I surrender
The more I am blessed
Reflecting in Shekinah glory
You’ll never thirst again!
Seventy times Seven

Been thinking
Surly it must be easier
To say “I forgive you”
Than try to keep a tally
Of how many times
Ones been wronged?

Seventy times seven
That’s four hundred and...
Hang on let me get my calculator out
Can’t do the maths in my head...
And haven’t got enough fingers and toes
To count above ten??
And where do I keep a tally?
And what do I class as wrong?
And does doing the same thing
Several times in a row
Count as one?

Have I got this forgiveness thing, right?
Or am I missing the point?
Cos the longer I keep counting
My resentment, it grows,
I’m getting angry and frustrated
And I’ve lost my peace...
With all this counting
I can’t forgot the wrong I’ve forgiven
I haven’t got into double figures yet!

Should I give up keeping the score
Of the wrongs being done
Stop listing, counting?
And what happens when I get to
Four hundred and ninety
Start all over again?

Or do I do as Jesus did
Not count?
Just say “I forgive”
And then forget?...
Keep the tally
To zero, not even one?

If Jesus could say
“Father forgive them”
And He never did anything wrong,
How much more do I need
To follow this example...
He forgave me
In spite of what I’ve done?

And when Father forgave me
It’s forgotten
As if I never did wrong
So the next time I fail Him
It’s still number one?

Mmmm, must try to follow His example,
I’m beginning to understand
The blessing
Of getting
This forgiveness thing right

Big gulp, concentrate, here goes...
I’ll just start simple...
One wrong at a time, here goes...
That’s alright,
It’s forgiven and forgotten
Job done!
It’s like…

It all started with a thought,
A distraction…
Flashing across my mind…
How I wish it kept going,
But I paid it a little more attention
Than I should…
The thought slowed down
And didn’t move on…
I should have dismissed it
Out of hand!
Sending it back,
to where it belongs…
Back to the pit of hell

But I allowed to grow
Like an ear worm…
It’s infected my brain
My head is spinning
Going round and round…
How can a random thought
Seed such destruction ?
Taking over
I’m Like out of control!

I’m like, walking in treacle
Climbing up a down escalator
Getting nowhere fast,
Paddling up stream without a paddle…
Sucked into a vortex,
Pulled down in the quicksand
Of the turmoils of worldly thought

It’s like, I’m backed up into a corner
Waiting for the big dog to bite…
But, hang on a moment
Why am I rolling over and accepting it?
My God is bigger than that!!!
Stand up and be counted
Take back control

A penny for them
You’re miles away?
Oh nothing,
(this battle is in the heavenlys)
Philippians 4:8
Wow Alan! That is some poem. How many people will that help? I believe it will be many
God Bless You.
I’m not this morbid all the time …promise!


Like the tears of a clown

When no one’s around

No one sees or knows

But they are precious to Jesus

He saves every one.

He remembers good times

And celebrates

Overwhelmed with tears of joy

Been there done it got the shirt…

He knows your tears of heartache and pain

And knows where you’re at

He took up our pain

and bore our suffering,

And knows what your going through

When the memories fade

But the pain won’t go away

Tears of grief

Suffered alone…

are eased knowing you’re In Jesus arms

Where tears are free to flow oceans wide

Read with sadness

When Jesus wept

In John 11. 35

Feel like crying don’t hold back

Jesus is there…

Here’s to the next time
sat in my potting shed in the garden waiting for the rain to stop and mused…

Yes that’s important… but

Jesus never said,
You have to organise a big tent crusades
for people to be saved
Jesus never said,
You could only get healed
If you go to a ‘laying on of hands’ service
When the visiting evangelist
Comes to town…

Jesus never said,
You had to complete a course
Pass an exam
Be members of the organisation
Before you can preach the word

Jesus never said,
You need to attend the course
Prove to your faith
Wait til the next special service
Before you get baptised

Jesus never,
Made you wait
Question your sincerity
Check your theologically sound
Before you receive salvation
and are born again

Jesus never said,
You had to understand it all
Be a theologian
Before you start to walk by faith…

Jesus never said,
You need money in the bank,
A beautiful building,
Before you give to the poor
And raise the dead.
Why does man make it so complicated
By amending Gods laws?

It it because He only feels safe
When he is in control?
Is he afraid God will start moving
If he…
Let’s go,
And let God?…
Am I?
Isiah 6…

Am I standing next to the next
John Wesley ?
Am I saying hello to the next
William Booth ?
Am I sharing a hymn book
With the next Stewart Townsend ?
Supporting the next Mother Theresa
in her compassionate works?
All of whom heard God calling
All of whom answered His call…

Am I listening to the next
Martin Luther as he nails his colours
to the cross?
Or one of the back room
Chaps or chapesses ?
Who are always there no matter what?

A bright light stopped Saul in his tracks,
When he answered Gods call
Gideon was thrashing corn in a wine press
When God called him out
Simon and Andrew were fishing…
Their lives turned up side down
When they answered Jesus call,
Moses told God he was not good with words
But became one of the mightiest leader of all time
Joseph, He was put in jail
For something he hadn’t done
I told God It was too nervous
To stand out from the crowd

God took normal, ordinary people
Touched their lives…
Turned them into
Mighty men of valour,
Servants of the living God
Are you the next
Prayer warrior,
Loving, caring next door neighbour?

Are you being called to serve the Master
In Jesus name?
Twelve notes
There are only twelve note
To make all the music
ever composed…
Ab, A, A#, Bb, B, B#, Cb, C, C#, Db, D, D#, Eb, E, E#, Fb, F, F#, Gb, G, and G#. “b”
Looks like there are many more
But ten are named twice!
It’s the way they are ordered
Still only twelve…
Jazz, blues, rock and roll…
Played by a full orchestra
On a penny whistle
Still only twelve notes!
Doesn’t matter if you play the right notes not necessarily in the right order
There are still
Just twelve…
Play them high play them low
Play fast or slow
Play the same note over and over…
Still only twelve notes!
Some love the classics
Others rock and roll,
Punk, country, choral music
Polynesian nose flute…
How ever you compose your ditty
You still only have twelve notes to choose from
There are only twelve notes

There are only twelve fruits of the spirit
No one more important
Than the rest
Be fruitful God commands!
By your fruit ye are known,

No point-
Having joy, peace and patience
If you haven’t self control!
If your proud of your modesty
That doesn’t work either,
If you go in like a stormtrooper giving it both barrels
forgetting gentleness, faith, self-control
Your gonna be like a chocolate tea pot
No use at all!

It’s not like a grocers shop
pick and mix to
Go choose your favourite fruit…
there is no season
Available all year round
And best of all …
There’s more than enough
just go ask…
No charge
This orchard of fruit
free for all
Taste and see
God is good

love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, modesty, self-control and chastity.
Been away cooking for a family adventure holiday camp, in the middle of a field in mid Wales there’s not a lot to do
So I decided to look through my phone and found this little (gem?) I wrote for Easter last year and somehow didn’t get shared

You’re Breaking Fathers Heart?
An Easter meditation

Fathers heart is breaking as He looks over this land,
He’s holding it all up, in the palm of His hand...
He’s looking down and weeping
With the mess we’ve gotten in
But promised He would not interfere,
‘TIL asked,
‘TIL He comes again.

Don’t you feel His urgency for lost Nations
Cradled in His hands?
He is weeping over them...
Knowing the fate of their souls,
But promised He would not interfere
‘Til He came again,
Can’t you feel His desperation
Willing them home to heaven
before it’s too late?

Can’t you feel His anguish
For our home town?
Caught up with tarnished tinsel
As the world parties on…
Lost, lonely, but don’t want to know it,
Don’t want to know where to turn...
Can’t you see Him praying in the wilderness?
For someone, just one,
To show them...
before it’s too late.

Can’t you feel His anger
When He looks at His church?
Compromising the gospel
Hoping not to offend...
Wanting to be all inclusive
Making the gospel conform to the world,
Misguidedly Inviting lost souls to heaven
Through the back door?
Can’t you see Him weeping
Standing at salvations only door?
Waiting to welcome,
Without compromise to
Faiths simple path

Does He tire of His vigil?
Waiting for His people
To answer His rallying call?
Can’t you feel His desperation as
They’ve lost that enthusiasm
once felt?
Lost their tongue,
Lost their voice
Frightened what the world may say?
Can’t you feel His frustration?
What can we say?

Can’t you feel His exited anticipation
For that moment when He comes again,
Can’t wait to gather, His children
To their heavenly home!
Turning His back on the lost souls
Who plead with Him,
They had their chance,
But constantly squandered it,
left it too late...
Can’t you see the tears of joy
Streaming down His face?
When He welcomes individually
All His children
To their heavenly home?
Can’t you feel the adulation
Of His ‘Well Done’
Monday morning Blues

It’s ok to struggle,
It’s ok to feel down,
It’s ok to want out for a while,
It’s ok to go back to bed.
It’s ok to let today just
Pass you by,
Go over your head...

It’s ok to not feel
all Happy clappy...
To bounce around
With the joy of the Lord!
It’s ok to struggle
And feel ‘out of sorts’
Jesus knew this would happen
That there would be days
Like this...

He knew there would be time for cuddles
Times to hide in the cleft of the rock,
He even inspired David to
Write Psalms 46 verse 10

Then when you are rested
And got your mojo back,
It’s straight to Isiah 40.31....
With joy in the Lord and strength restored....


Back to soaring like Eagles
Running and not being puffed out,
Walking and not getting light headed
With Normal serviced restored

Monday morning Blues

It’s ok to struggle,
It’s ok to feel down,
It’s ok to want out for a while,
It’s ok to go back to bed.
It’s ok to let today just
Pass you by,

Go over your head...

It’s ok to not feel
all Happy clappy...
To bounce around
With the joy of the Lord!
It’s ok to struggle
And feel ‘out of sorts’
Jesus knew this would happen
That there would be days
Like this...

He knew there would be time for cuddles
Times to hide in the cleft of the rock,
He even inspired David to
Write Psalms 46 verse 10

Then when you are rested
And got your mojo back,
It’s straight to Isiah 40.31....
With joy in the Lord and strength restored....


Back to soaring like Eagles
Running and not being puffed out,
Walking and not getting light headed
With Normal serviced restored

Hello Alan;

I'm always thanking the Lord for spiritual contentment. I'm still serving in the church and am usually energetic, but laziness can creep in and Monday morning Blues made me think it could be I need refreshing in certain areas of my life. At times I need to stop being so hard on myself.

God bless
you, Alan, and thank you for sharing.

Help! my faith is furloughed !

I don’t want my faith to be furloughed
Just because I can’t go to church
It easy to become a couch potato
And not keep fit and strong,
Can’t go to the praise meeting
Go to the bible study group…
The men’ supper with food
that’s so good for both body and soul…
Got to stay in side
by my self
Good company?
Don’t think so…

Zoom meetings aren’t the same,
My internet signal is dodgy
can’t always connect,
I’ve got face book and Snapchat
To distract me…
And sing along with clips on YouTube…
To while away the hours
Recumbent in my pit
I’ll look at the latest vlogs
But it not that…

You know that personal relationship,
That one to one…
That covenant friend ship,
You get meeting with Gods people
in Gods house…
Relying on the minister
For that spiritual top up
Dancing around In pjs and carpet slippers
Just Isn’t the same

So it’s just you and me Lord
TIL the goal posts move again,
How I long to sit behind Martha’s big hat,
And hear old Fred sing out of tune.
I am so looking forward to that family reunion
And hugs with old friends
No, not that one when we get to heaven ,
But the one where Gods people meet
here on earth!