Just a little poem wot I wrote

half empty/half full

Is it half empty or
Half full
Or is it overflowing ?
Do we see giants nine foot tall
Or milk and honey?
Do we doubt God can come through?
Or do you see:-
Water changed into wine
mountains slide into the sea
Sick healed
Storms calmed
Walking on water?
Do we see a lost world
Or a nation turning to Jesus?
Are we leaving it to someone else
Because we tried once
didn’t go well
our faith quavered?
Will we plunge in
Get fully immersed
Or just try one toe
In case it’s not for us,
And just sit and watch
others swimming In living waters?
Remind us again
Just how big
Is a mustard seed and
Would a full stop cover it?
So small,
So hard to see,
I’m frightened
I might loose it
Taste and See

I like my steak matured
Thick and juicy
Medium rare
I like my steak as the Main course of a banquet with all the sides
Then there’s the steak club sandwich
To grab on the go
But there’s nothing like steak
Cooked Plain and simple
Seasoned lightly tossed in butter
Taste and see how good
When I’ve time and got the chance
I pan fry my steak
make a sauce Flambé it
Eat it in a candlelight room
With the one I love
Marinaded barbecued steaks
shared with friends
Specially cooked disk at parties
Festivals and feasts
My favourite steak is fillet
The rarest most tender steak
But rump steak has the best flavour
T bone steak when you are hungry
A tomahawk steak when sharing with friends
Sirloin steak is the most common
And satisfies your hunger for steak
TIL the next time...
Wherever you eat it
Have your steak
Alone or with friends
What ever the cut
How ever you cook it
Steak is still Steak

Now read it again thinking prayer
For steak?
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No way am I perfect Angel
But Jesus is the Man

It may come as a surprise to some
No way am I perfect
A goody two shoes
Believe it or not
I can be grumpy
Show my temper
Say harsh words

Ask my wife
She can complete the list
Drinking, swearing
Not caring
What the world thinks of me,

You say I’m a Christian
Saying I’m a hypocrite
Believing in God
And act like that?
Me, I’m a Christ follower
Member of team God
Not a Christian
With all the world tags
To that name...

It’s because it’s the way I am
that Jesus got next to me
It’s not for who I am
But for what He sees in me,
Don’t think I’ll ever make an angel
A rough diamond...
That’s me

Haven’t got full control of my tongue
But Gods working on that
But being one of Gods storm troopers
sound good to me
To man up and recognise...
That Jesus forgave my sins,
To turn the other cheek,
Not retaliate

To go into the world as Gods wing man
Preaching the gospel
Then at the end of the week
A pie and a pint With Jesus
I’m only a practicing Christian
And haven’t got it all right yet
One day maybe one day...
For now time to nail your colours to the cross
It’s a man thing
How much love?

How much love does it take?
To say sorry,
When you know you’re not wrong?

much love does it take?
To still say “I love you”
When they’ve turn away,
Gone astray...
How much love?

How much love does it take?
Not to criticize their friends
The clothes they wear
The colour of their hair
How much love?

How much love does it take?
When death must be the only punishment
For the things they’d said
For the things they’d done
For the lives they’ve wrecked
For the misery caused...
How much love?

What could we do?
What sacrifice make?
To save mankind?
How much love does it take?
Could you pay the price?
Sat in Gods waiting room

It feels like:-

Being sat in Gods waiting room

Waiting my turn for heaven...

Hiding away from the world

Hoping God will come..

Before having to go back

into “all the world”

It feels like:-

Being sat under Jonah’ tree,

Waiting for something to happen

Cos last time they didn’t listen

And turned away,

Rejecting God

It feels like:-

I’m sitting on my hands

Cos last time I used them

got slapped down?

Chuntering under my breath

Instead of speaking out?

Cos they mocked and laughed,

the last missive you sent...

Feel as much use as

a chocolate teapot

When it comes to being

An Ambassador Of God

It feels like:-

This is the last generation

Going to sit in these pews?

To pray in this place holy,

Before it gets converted

Into social housing

Changed into a squash court

It feels like:-

The world going to crush us?

Put us down?

Are we going to be thrashing corn

In a wine press?

Fleeing in a whales belly

Hiding in an upper room

Waiting for God to move?

It feels like:-

Faith gots tarnished

With the passing of time?

With the lack of foot fall,

Has the narrow way gotten covered

with moss?

Choked with weeds?

Are pity parties with Job’s comforters

going to continue

Has the The Lion of Judah lost its roar?

Are we praying

Here I am Lord,

Send Him?


Or should we head back to bed

Grab the bible,

Talk to Jesus,

Start the day again?

Just asking for a friend...
Hello Alan;

I enjoyed your sharing God's Waiting Room.

I never thought about it like that. While waiting for God is faith indeed. In the meantime all this stuff in life passes us by and was thinking, what an adventure!

I'm curious. Do you speak and write in
Welsh, and if so, can you offer a simple poem in Welsh?

God bless you and your family.
Hello Alan;

I enjoyed your sharing God's Waiting Room.

I never thought about it like that. While waiting for God is faith indeed. In the meantime all this stuff in life passes us by and was thinking, what an adventure!

I'm curious. Do you speak and write in
Welsh, and if so, can you offer a simple poem in Welsh?

God bless you and your family.
Although not bilingual my self my sons family is first language Welsh household
I love to hear them talk to each other in Welsh a truly heavenly language although I hardly understand a word..
Maybe I’ll could get one of them to translate a suitable poem watch this space...
Hello Alan;

I enjoyed your sharing God's Waiting Room.

I never thought about it like that. While waiting for God is faith indeed. In the meantime all this stuff in life passes us by and was thinking, what an adventure!

I'm curious. Do you speak and write in
Welsh, and if so, can you offer a simple poem in Welsh?

God bless you and your family.
(There seems to be a lot of people on face
Book asking questions for friends...
Or is this a way of asking for advice keeping the question at arms length)
I got the last line of this poem first and the rest seem to just flow)
He Sat Down with Sinners

He sat down with sinners
But didn’t sin,
Kept company with thieves robbers
And fallen women
But was Spotless
No fault found in Him

He fed thousands
with fish and bread
Healed the sick
Raised the dead...
He washed the feet of His disciples
To show a servant King

In the temple
But found no fault what He said...
He bade little children to come unto Him
Not sidelined them in a crèche...
He walked on water
Calmed the storms
Made fishermen
Fishers of men

The miracles He did
Too many to be told
Changed peoples lives...
Turned water into wine
Rode on a humble donkey
As phroficies foretold
He loved the sinner
Not the sin
Saved us from Satan’s grip
Prepared for us
A place in heaven
For eternity

He willingly gave His life
on the cross,
So Fathers will would be done
Took time out to be be my friend
Even though He’s the Son of God
Showed how to live life on earth
And promised...

“I’ll be back!”
Thanks for your comments my favourite lines in this poem is:-
He bade little children to come unto Him
Not sidelined them in a crèche..
Bide a while, note to self

Note to self...

Jesus said ‘come bide a while’

Concentrate on the cross,

Not on those who are distracted

Fiddling on their phones,

Or those who are rattling sweet papers

Whispering to their friends

Who’s eating crisps?

I can smell cheese and onion

Or is it smokey bacon...

It’s a new carpet

Hope they don’t make a mess!

Try to ignore those who are drifting off to sleep, resting in the Lord...

Those who can’t keep their children under control

Don’t get distracted with the flat note,

A missed cord

the worship group Just played,

Stop clock watching

Hoping the service

Will be finished by twelve...

Don’t let your mind wonder,

Loose concentration,

Questioning if the after service coffee

Is fare trade...

Don’t get irritated

When they pray out loud!

Getting excited, shouting

As if God is deaf!

And in an American accent

What’s that all about?

Concentrate on your own giving

Thanking God for your wealth,

Rather than clocking what others are putting into,

The collection plate...

I wish it wasn’t so complicated

This church thing...

Is that a police car,

Ambulance or fire engine

Flashing lights dance on the ceiling

As it races down the road?

Leave worrying about the

Crack in the wall til later

I’m sure it’s bigger than last week?

And why does sister Mary

Insist on wearing

Such A big hat?

People can’t see the the O.H.P.

I said this this would happen,

When they moved on from

Hymn books!

Stop fiddling, reading

the weekly bulletin

While the visiting preacher gives it his all...

It will soon all be over

This weekly service,

That was being so looked forward to,

Excuse me God

Got to dash

I’ve got to give the final blessing...

So many things to do

A ministers job is never done!
Does the bible have a default page
Can it be reset to the original text
Are there chapters to read for the a quick start?
Reference points for
when you’ve got issues?
Information for getting it right?
Is there an abridged version?
A FAQ section for those questions most asked?
Suggestions for further reading?
index to find the best bits?
Do I have to read it from cover to cover
Or can I just dip in?
Has it a Wikipedia page?
And what about the author
Has He written other books?
Is it like other instruction literature
In the back of the drawer
Only used when things go wrong?
Is there going to be a sequel
Shall I wait til the film comes out?
Is it fact or fiction
A thriller, a love story
A historical recorded log
Or is it Gods hand book
For living here on earth?

Have you got a chat room?
Can we do a video call?
If we can’t meet on the screen
Can she come to the phone?
I just want to see her
Hear her voice again
We just want to know if granny has settled in heaven ok?
Daddy told me You called her to heaven
You needed her up there,
Why she couldn’t continue to live
here in her granny flat,
I don’t know?

If you see her today
Tell her I miss her,
And Timmy tiptoes
Has move into my room
He sleeps at the bottom my bed
Like he did on hers

Tell grandma I’m trying my hardest
To be real good…
I read my bible like we did when
I called in for cookies and lemonade,

And before I go to bed, I pray
If I don’t fall asleep…
For you and grandpa
Hope you found each other
And he’s happy now grandma
Is in heaven with him

Hope you’re enjoying heaven
Mummy says all your aches and pains are gone…
And you’re most likely dancing around
With the angels,
I bet that’s fun…

Jesus, look after grandma
She’s such a precious gem
And maybe sometime in the future
We’ll all be altogether again…
TIL then lots of love, kisses and cuddles grandma…
From your loving grandson
? ...
If you’re wallowing in miry clay
Grab your snorkel and go bog snorkelling,
Have a right good mud bath
The mud, It’s good for your skin!

If you’re walking on mountain tops
Don’t forget your walking boots,
Pick up your rucksack and waterproofs...
Be prepared just in case
The path gets slippy and rough...

If you’re gonna attempt walking on water
And have doubt in your heart,
Best put wet suit and water wings on...
Don’t want to get your clothes wet,
And feel like you’re drowning
In a sea of confusion and doubt?
Maybe a good idea to learn to swim!

And if, you’ve got to go out in the dark
Don’t forget to take a torch
Cos the path ahead is all cloudy and dull...
Don’t forget to charge the batteries
Before you go take the first step!

Remember what granny said
‘Make sure you’re wearing a clean vest,’...
Don’t want to unexpectedly
meet your Maker,
With dirty underwear
Hidden under your dress

If you want snuggles
Put your onesie on...
Fluffy slippers to keep your toes warm,
Laying back in the arms of Jesus
Keeping safe and calm.

Basically what I’m trying to say, but I
And the bible puts it far better than me,
Before you get up for that first cup of tea
Put on full armour of God!

I want to win
I want to win the race of life
To keep in step with you,
I don’t want to be Overwhelmed
by the peloton Of doubt,
want to soar with wings of Eagles
Run and not get puffed out…
Walk with a bounce in my step
Not slouch down
On the settee and veg out

I need to get into training
Not wander round…
With my head in the clouds
Not be so heavenly minded
I’m no earthly use at all

I need to know my legs won’t give out
Fall at the first fence
Get side tracked
with the green fields of false promises
Just over the fence

I want to keep on the straight and narrow
Not be confused at crossroads Of life
And when the way ahead not clear
I want to keep hold
To your shirt tail real tight

I want to Know which foot to
Put forth First
I want to,
With child like faith
take my first steps with You
It doesn’t come in a bottle
It doesn’t come in a bottle
can’t buy it at a liquor store
It doesn’t get you drunk
Give you a hangover..
Blur the truth of the world
It’s not a liquid
To be knocked back
Not style over substance
It’s the real thing

like a breeze
A gale force wind
A mighty flame
Roaring all over the world...
It comes straight from heaven
Gods presence here on earth

Come Holy Spirit come
Sweep throughout this land
Baptise your children
Kick start church
Shake it to the foundations
Rise up Your people…
Refined in the Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit come

Let the world come running
And be-amazed
Taking off the blinkers
Seeing Jesus for who He really is
Be the church we were
Destined to be
Come Holy Spirit…
Come Holy Spirit come
Bye Bye Sweetheart
You had not long been conceived
Before Jesus called you home…
I didn’t have chance to say
Let alone ‘hi!’

There must have been something wrong
Why you couldn’t stay
Missing out on grandpa days
Watching with pride,
Your life bloom

I’m not looking for sympathy
And watch broken hearted
mum and dad cope…
Don’t know what to say
Don’t know what to do
To ease the heartache of their loss

I’m only grandpa
And not a priority just now
Didn’t get chance for cuddles
Didn’t get chance to hold
The hurt of years ago
come flooding back
Still asking why? 40 years on
Another precious little angel
Gone far too early
Resting in Fathers arms
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God Blrss you Alan 🤗
Beautiful poem for your precious grandchild.