Had to do something while in the garden taking the sun?

You are my Rock, My Shelter
Isaiah 43:1-2
I’m up the creak without a paddle
A vortex is sucking Me in!
The whirlpool of life is
Spinning me about
Pulling me down ...
I’m heading towards
White water rapids...
Tossing me overboard
Sucking me in.
I’m loosing control
Drowning in the power
Of the mighty roar!
Haven’t enough strength to weather
the tsunami,
Enough strength to ride
The storm.
Enough strength to keep
My head above water,
Thunder and lightening
Crashing round around
I’m drowning in self doubt
No sign of the storm abating
Can’t see a lifeboat coming for me
No lighthouse To guide me home...
Where are the rock to cling to?
Where is the eye of the storm?
Will my anchor hold fast?
I feel I’m being dragged
Onto the rocks of doom.
Can’t find my life jacket,
Can’t make it to the shore
Can’t make the safety of the harbour
Can’t find shelter from the storm.
God of refuge
Come and calm the waters,
Save me from the storms
That overwhelm me...
Take me to the clef of the rock,
Where my soul you’ve safely hid...
Safe from the storms...
The tempest that are out to drown me..
Away from the storms of life
He who created you,
He who formed you,
“Fear not”...
He has redeemed you;
He has called you by name,
You are His.
When you pass through the waters,
He will be with you;
And through the rivers,
They shall not overwhelm you;
Be still and know I Am God.