Just a little poem wot I wrote

Monday morning Blues
It’s ok to struggle
It’s ok to feel down
It’s ok to want out for a while
It’s ok to want to go back to bed
And let today
Pass you by

It’s ok to not fee lall
Happy clappy...
Bounce around
With the joy of the Lord
It’s ok to struggle
And feel ‘out of sorts’

Jesus knew this would happen
That there would be down times
Like this...
He knew there would be time for cuddles
Times to hide in the cleft of the rock
He even inspired David to
Write in about it in Psalms 47 verse 10

Then when you are rested
And got your mojo back,
It’s straight to Isiah 40.31
With our hope in the Lord and strength restored
Back to soaring with wings like Eagles
Running not growing weary
Walking andnot faint!
With Normal serviced renewed
I’m back!
sums up life for me that😊
apathy in b flat.( wrote this poem years ago and just remembered it)

its one of those days.
Tony Hancock face.
static sludge for shoulders,

tick tick blar.

its one of those weeks,
where the skies knit plain old grey sweaters,
and the clouds carry on their stale moonshine.
its one of those weeks.

like one of those years,
cobwebs in dark corners.

dusty wood.
dusty wood.

its one of those days.
Last edited:
apathy in b flat.( wrote this poem years ago and just remembered it)

its one of those days.
Tony Hancock face.
static sludge for shoulders,

tick tick blar.

its one of those weeks,
where the skies knit plain old grey sweaters,
and the skies carry on their stale moonshine.
its one of those weeks.

like one of those years,
cobwebs in dark corners.

dusty wood.
dusty wood.

its one of those days.
Brilliant🤞🤞🤞not many people will remember Toni Hancock
My favourite is Spike Milligan one of many of his saying was:-
Some times I sits and thinks,
Sometime I just sits!
I scribbled as a tribute to the funny man!

Ode to spike

( Spike Milligan)

Sometimes I sits and think
some times I just sits...
Sometimes I sits talkin to God
giving Him ear ache!!!
Sometimes I just sits...
So in awe of Him!
Sometimes I get frustrated
Forgetting who the creator is...
Other times just sits in the presence
of my Lord drinking it all in...
Sometimes being so busy
Can’t fit Him in...
Best of all, I love to be in God’s presence
That’s when...
I just sits with
apathy in b flat.( wrote this poem years ago and just remembered it)

its one of those days.
Tony Hancock face.
static sludge for shoulders,

tick tick blar.

its one of those weeks,
where the skies knit plain old grey sweaters,
and the skies carry on their stale moonshine.
its one of those weeks.

like one of those years,
cobwebs in dark corners.

dusty wood.
dusty wood.

its one of those days.

Brilliant🤞🤞🤞not many people will remember Toni Hancock
My favourite is Spike Milligan one of many of his saying was:-
Some times I sits and thinks,
Sometime I just sits!
I scribbled as a tribute to the funny man!

Ode to spike

( Spike Milligan)

Sometimes I sits and think
some times I just sits...
Sometimes I sits talkin to God
giving Him ear ache!!!
Sometimes I just sits...
So in awe of Him!
Sometimes I get frustrated
Forgetting who the creator is...
Other times just sits in the presence
of my Lord drinking it all in...
Sometimes being so busy
Can’t fit Him in...
Best of all, I love to be in God’s presence
That’s when...
I just sits with

Hello Alan and Via;

I love your poems and enthusiasm to share them in Christ!

Via, I couldn't overlook the title to your poem, apathy in b flat. I'm curious, was this song accompanied by guitar, piano, symphony or just the title?

Tony Hancock seems to be a name from the past. Was he a comedian?

God bless
you and your families.
Hello Alan and Via;

I love your poems and enthusiasm to share them in Christ!

Via, I couldn't overlook the title to your poem, apathy in b flat. I'm curious, was this song accompanied by guitar, piano, symphony or just the title?

Tony Hancock seems to be a name from the past. Was he a comedian?

God bless
you and your families.
High-profile actor/ comedian during the 1950s and early 1960s, he had a major success with his BBC series Hancock's Half Hour, first broadcast on radio from 1954, then on television from 1956
High-profile actor/ comedian during the 1950s and early 1960s, he had a major success with his BBC series Hancock's Half Hour, first broadcast on radio from 1954, then on television from 1956

Got to get back to basics
Give up the jargon,
Give up Technical speak.
Go back to making it simple
So a child could understand...

Propitiation for sin
What does that mean?
It’s doing my head in...
Should I become pre or post
Tribulation follower?
Is it more important
That I’m going to heaven
Than when the rapture begins?

Jesus has already told us
In Matthew 24. 36
But like the media
We demand to know
every detail,
Cross the ‘I’ s dot the ‘T’ s...

Jesus loved us
There was the cross...
Then He rose again
He also told
He’ll be back
He’ll surprise us
So be ready
Don’t get caught out
Simple as that!

Got to get back to basics
Give up the jargon,
Give up Technical speak.
Go back to making it simple
So a child could understand...

Propitiation for sin
What does that mean?
It’s doing my head in...
Should I become pre or post
Tribulation follower?
Is it more important
That I’m going to heaven
Than when the rapture begins?

Jesus has already told us
In Matthew 24. 36
But like the media
We demand to know
every detail,
Cross the ‘I’ s dot the ‘T’ s...

Jesus loved us
There was the cross...
Then He rose again
He also told
He’ll be back
He’ll surprise us
So be ready
Don’t get caught out
Simple as that!
Been doing some editing And think this is the final version, or-as my lovely Yorkshire lass wife says stop messin w’it

Theologically Sound?

Jesus loves me
This I know
For the bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong...

Got to get back to basics

Give up the jargon,
Give up Technical speak.
Go back to making it simple
A child like faith ...
Propitiation for sin
What does that mean?
It’s doing my head in...

Should I become pre or post
Tribulation follower?
Isn’t it more important to know
That I’m going to heaven
Than knowing when the rapture begins?

Jesus has already told us
In Matthew 24. 36
But like the media
We try to force the issue,
Second guess,
Demand to know,
Question every detail,
Cross the ‘I’ s dot the ‘T’ s...

Jesus loved us
Then there’s the cross,
Then He rose again...
Then there’s heaven,
For those whose who ask...
For their sins to be forgiven
And Gods given
New life

He also told us
He’ll be back!
He said when will be a surprise
Cos He’s told no one
No one else knows...


When it’s going to happen?
Forget all the fancy Theology
Forget trying to work it all out!
Jesus said
Just be ready
“Don’t get caught out”

It’s as Simple as that!

Did Jesus had the same problem?

When you’re getting hot under the collar
And are frustrated about what’s going on...
They’re holding a table top sale
In the church,
To justify making money
They’ve included a ‘nice’ card stall,
Selling Religious trinkets
Pencils, key rings
And Christmas cards,
The alter’s been pushed to the side
to maximise the use of the rooms...
Do you storm in , over turn the tables,
Complaining the church has been turned,
Into a den of thieves?
Or do you take to face book,
To get ‘likes’ for your point of view?

When the minister is all inclusive
And waters the Gospel down...
Offers a salvation that’s compatible
with worldly views...
That being born again
Is only one option,
Because God is a loving God,
And hell is only a story
To keep people in line?
Do we call out the minister?
Point out the scriptures?
Or just grumble into our beer?

When taunted at work
because we go to church
Do we proudly stand our ground?
Proclaim the name of Jesus
Invite them to church?
Or do you wish the floor would open up swallow you down?
Do you deny knowing Jesus?
Join in profaning...
The name of God?

Are you embarrassed
To invite others,
to church
Because its stuck in the twenties
A stranger wouldn’t understand?
Victorian language,
Set service,
Standing for the gospel
How relevant it is that today
How far would you go to see them
In heaven?
Swap your life
For just one of their souls?

Has earthly considerations
Busy out....
Your walk with God?
Do you look back and wonder if
Life would have been so much easier
If you went with the flow?
Finding it hard living...
With your back to the plough,
Asking God
there must be another way?

God never promised,
Taking up the cross would easy,
But ‘I Am’ will be beside you
All the way...
He will not leave you,
Forsake you...


Was it as hard going?
When you walked
Down here on earth?
Just been reading the thread about “ why does God allow evil?”

As usual my mind wandered and I wrote this

The Devil wears Prada?
See him for who he really is

He doesn’t go around in a red cape
Showing off his horns
Smelling of brimstone
Clicking his heels

He doesn’t always identify himself
Show his true colours
Play by anybody’s rules...
He’s a lyre
False profit
Out to do you down

He never takes responsibility
Blames God for everything:-
World wars
Natures tragedies
Conflicts between

He’s a coward
When challenged
Thinks he rules the world,
All style no substance
And at the end of the day...
He will have to
bow his knee
to the king of kings

He keeps trying
To deceive you,
Divide and rule
Is his goal...
Offering you the world,
All you wanted,
If only you bow down
And worship him

But all that glitters is not gold
take off his rose tinted glasses
See him for who he really is...
He hates them that love Jesus
And resists him.
‘In the name of Jesus’
He has no option
but to flee

That’s enough time
Giving him attention...
I know exactly who he is,
I know exactly
where he belongs...
Under my feet!
As Romans 16 verse 20 says
I’ll give him a right good headache...
With a dam good stomping,
On his head!
Now then, That’s better
Time for coffee and cake!
It’s time to go home to Jesus

It’s time to go home to Jesus
To reap my heavenly reward
My name being called
I’ve got to go...
Leave you all behind...

Please don’t pray for healing
Believing I’ll be delivered back to good health...
Delaying me leaving
It’s my time...
I’m ready to go...

My mansion is ready
Got to leave this frail body behind...
I know that you’ll miss me,
And wished you said
So many things...

But I’m going to be dancing,
Without any aches or pains...
Singing the heavenly host choir
Seeing Jesus face to face!

Don’t be sad,
Remember the good times...
Celebrate the life we shared...
The Children
So may precious memories...
TIL the next time...

TIL we meet in heaven
Love you...
See you later
Have faith
Let go!
a minister friend said have you been looking over my shoulder?
Bide a while
Note to self...

Jesus said ‘come bide a while’
Concentrate on the cross,
Not on those who are distracted
Fiddling on their phones,
Or those who are rattling sweet papers
Whispering to their friends
Who’s eating crisps?
I can smell cheese and onion
Or is it smokey bacon...
It’s a new carpet
Hope they don’t leave , crumbs..
Try to ignore those who are drifting off to sleep
Resting in the Lord...
Those who can’t keep their children under control
Don’t get distracted with the flat note,
The missed cord
the worship group Just played,
Stop clock watching
Hoping the service
Will be finished by twelve...
Don’t let your mind wonder,
Loose concentration,
Questioning if the after service coffee
Is fare trade...
Don’t get irritated
When they pray out loud!
Getting excited, shouting
As if God is deaf!
An in an American accent
What’s that all about?
Concentrate on your own giving
Thanking God for your wealth
Rather than what’s going into,
The collection plate...
I wish it wasn’t so complicated
This church thing...
Is that a police car,
Ambulance or fire engine
Flashing lights dance on the ceiling
As it races down the road?
Leave worrying about the
Crack in the wall til later
I’m sure it’s bigger than last week?
And why does sister Mary
Insist on wearing
Such A big hat?
People can’t see the the O.H.P.
I said this this would happen,
When they moved on from
Hymn books!
Stop fiddling, reading
the weekly bulletin
While the visiting preacher gives it his all...
It will soon all be over
This weekly service,
That was so being looked forward to,
Excuse me God
Got to dash
I’ve got to give the final blessing...
A ministers job is never done!
Just been thinking...
Lots of people who read my poems and musings say I should publish them
But I haven’t a clue about how to go about it
Is there anybody out there who could help or kno?w of someone who could help
Ive been writing for many years, and choose NOT to publish. A Christian site such as this is a way to share my thoughts for the body of Christ, as a testimony. My thread is a form of online ministry, for which the profit is anything anyone might garner from it.
Ive been writing for many years, and choose NOT to publish. A Christian site such as this is a way to share my thoughts for the body of Christ, as a testimony. My thread is a form of online ministry, for which the profit is anything anyone might garner from it.
Like that response it is a point of view I can identify with... pier pressure can make you doubt...
It Maybe Not the Right Interpretation
But That what it said to Me


The young man,
He was faithful
In his service, to God!
Knew his bible,
Kept all the laws,
Was diligent in his prayer life...
But something was niggling,
Got under his skin
Something was lacking
In his life...
So he decided to go to Jesus
Seek advise
In the middle of the night
To find how to move on
How to live a fulfilling life

Money was his stumbling block,
His comfort place,
His status, His pride...
Although he paid all his tithes
His riches were getting in the way,
Jesus challenged him to give away
All his riches, all he possessed
“Give all his money away”
Then Jesus said
“Take up my cross and follow Me”


I understand that
He loved being rich but
This was his stumbling block
His money got in the way from him serving God
And sadly as he slipped away
The price of taking up the cross
For this young man
Was too great, a price to pay ...


When I read this
And ponder
That’s when I got sweaty palms
When I think I have given God my best
And Jesus smiles on me
Like He did this young man,
What is it God is asking of me?
What have I got to lay down?
What’s my stumbling block?
What’s keeping from being fulfilled?
What’s got to go?
Before I take up His cross
And follow Him?
You’re breaking Fathers heart?
Wrote this for Easter this year and never got round to sharing

You’re Breaking Fathers Heart?

Fathers heart is breaking as He looks over this land,
He’s holding it all up, in the palm of His hand...
He’s looking down and weeping
With the mess we’ve gotten into..
But promised He would not interfere,
‘TIL asked,
‘TIL He comes again.

Don’t you feel His urgency for lost Nations
Cradled in His hands?
He is weeping over them...
Knowing the fate of their souls
But promised He would not interfere
‘Til He came again,
Can’t you feel His desperation
Willing them home to heaven
before it’s too late?

Can’t you feel His anguish
For our home town?
Caught up with tarnished tinsel
As the world parties on.
Lost, lonely, but don’t want to know it
Don’t want to know where to turn...
Can’t you see Him praying in the wilderness?
For someone, just one,
To show them...
Salvation, before it’s too late.

Can’t you feel His anger
When He looks at His church?
Compromising the gospel
Hoping not to offend...
Wanting to be all inclusive
Making the gospel conform to the world,
Inviting lost souls to heaven
Through the back door?
Can’t you see Him weeping
Standing at salvations only door?
Waiting to welcome,
Without compromise to
Faiths simple path

Does He tire of His vigil?
Waiting for His people
To answer His rallying call?
Can’t you feel His desperation as
They’ve lost that enthusiasm
once felt?
Lost their tongue,
Lost their voice
Frightened what the world may say?
Can’t you feel His frustration?
What can we say?

Can’t you feel His exited anticipation
For that moment when He comes again,
Can’t wait to gather His children
To their heavenly home!
Turning His back on the lost souls
Who plead with Him,
They had their chance,
But constantly squandered it,
left it too late...
Can’t you see the tears of joy
Streaming down His face?
When He welcomes individually
All His children
To their heavenly home?
Can’t you feel the adulation
Of His ‘Well Done’
Had to do something while in the garden taking the sun?🤪🤪🤪

You are my Rock, My Shelter
Isaiah 43:1-2

I’m up the creak without a paddle
A vortex is sucking Me in!
The whirlpool of life is
Spinning me about
Pulling me down ...
I’m heading towards
White water rapids...
Tossing me overboard
Sucking me in.
I’m loosing control
Drowning in the power
Of the mighty roar!

Haven’t enough strength to weather
the tsunami,
Enough strength to ride
The storm.
Enough strength to keep
My head above water,
Thunder and lightening
Crashing round around
I’m drowning in self doubt
No sign of the storm abating
Can’t see a lifeboat coming for me
No lighthouse To guide me home...

Where are the rock to cling to?
Where is the eye of the storm?
Will my anchor hold fast?
I feel I’m being dragged
Onto the rocks of doom.
Can’t find my life jacket,
Can’t make it to the shore
Can’t make the safety of the harbour
Can’t find shelter from the storm.

God of refuge
Come and calm the waters,
Save me from the storms
That overwhelm me...
Take me to the clef of the rock,
Where my soul you’ve safely hid...
Safe from the storms...
The tempest that are out to drown me..
Away from the storms of life

He who created you,
He who formed you,
“Fear not”...
He has redeemed you;
He has called you by name,
You are His.
When you pass through the waters,
He will be with you;
And through the rivers,
They shall not overwhelm you;
Be still and know I Am God.