Just a little poem wot I wrote

Stars in my eyes
walked down the garden late last night, 120 foot away from house and street lights there's little light pollution, not a cloud in the sky and only a crescent moon to dimly light the way,
l looked up and saw the usual stars shining brightly, But the longer I looked the more stars reviled them selves to me, then a voice in my head said "In the darkest place my stars shine the brightest"
I stood in awe thinking that my Heavenly Father shines over us even in the darkest place and is always there, even when the clouds and earthly pollution fogs the view" the stars are still out there
God is still there
Still shining out!
Jesus Christ ; the First - The Son of God
Creator of all Things:
Heaven; Earth: Holding
Everything together; Cornerstone
Support; Head - Chief:
The one to be first-
Resurrected from the Dead by God
Eternal life is given ~ Through
Belief - Promises of God are Forever.
Jesus Christ ; the First - The Son of God
Creator of all Things:
Heaven; Earth: Holding
Everything together; Cornerstone
Support; Head - Chief:
The one to be first-
Resurrected from the Dead by God
Eternal life is given ~ Through
Belief - Promises of God are Forever.
Banana Sandwiches

You poke your nose in the fridge
You’ve got the munchies
and want something to eat and drink...

Yesterday’s delicacies
the best thing since slice bread...
have lost their lustre
Starting curling up
Started dry out....

Sunday’s trifle has lost its appeal
Last night’s curry has gotton a greasy crust,
The pizza gone curly and dry
And someone has gone and picked all the pepperoni off!
The kitchen smells of yesterday’s kippers
You’re desperate for that special something to graze
Something that will satisfy your thirst
Something special to eat
Something to get your taste buds going
Something To hit the spot
Something To scratch the itch

So I sat down with a banana and sugar sandwich
A diet soda, bag of crisps...
It’s time to do my daily reading
To get inspired...
The reading was from
Exodus 16
Crossed reference with Joshua 5 ; 12

It talked of God providing manna
In the desert for forty years...
But it came with precise instructions
The Israelites had to concede...

It had to be collected daily
Except on the Sabbath,
God’s day off for providing them daily bread,
Was this to help their faith to grow?
To remember it was the sabbath
Cos they didn’t have a fridge?

But they all had their fill
And it sustained them...
Til Canaan they reached,
The manner did its job in the desert,
But in the Promised Land...
it was full abundance
As God had promised
A banquet every day!
I nearly choked on my sandwich
When I read this...

Does it mean I could
have been...
Eating, steak and chips
With onion rings on the side
Should I have been looking to Jesus
For a new blessing
Fresh for today
In stead of picking over,
On yesterday’s leftover crumbs?

Does it mean I could
have been...
Eating, steak and chips
With onion rings on the side
Should I have been looking to Jesus
For a new blessing
Fresh for today
In stead of picking over,
On yesterday’s leftover crumbs?

Hello Alan;

You gave your poem a thumbs up? lol! Blimey! I agree!

The last paragraph of Banana Sandwiches spoke to me. Yes, everything from yesterday and today is here, but it can all wait while I look to Jesus first. Afterward, there could still be a light in yesterday's crumbs and a new direction in today.

God bless
you, Alan, and thank you for allowing me to share.
Hello Alan;

You gave your poem a thumbs up? lol! Blimey! I agree!

The last paragraph of Banana Sandwiches spoke to me. Yes, everything from yesterday and today is here, but it can all wait while I look to Jesus first. Afterward, there could still be a light in yesterday's crumbs and a new direction in today.

God bless
you, Alan, and thank you for allowing me to share.
Heard on the internet
Just a thought?

Surfing the internet
I heard someone say
Their favourite verse in the bible was;

“It came to pass”...

It didn’t say ‘it came to stay,
And not go away’
the bible verse, it just said,

‘It came to pass!’

This started me thinking...


where ever we are at,
Where ever we are...
It will pass!
You’re struggling with life at the moment?
It will pass
What ever is happening in the world right now,
It will pass
The good times, they’re so precious! but,
It will pass
Those long hot summer days
It will pass
Life on earth, family and friends
it will pass

Then with Jesus in heaven forever!

Just a thought?
Ghosts don’t have flesh and bones

Ghosts don’t have flesh and bones
Come, feel the scars of the nails...
Come walk with me
While I explain

The Miracle of the cross...
Come share a meal, break bread
Look at what the scriptures say

Go tell your family
Go tell friends...
I’m Not a trick of the light
Not a figment of your
I’ve got the victory over death and hell
I’m a living reality
Go tell the world!
Jesus take the Wheel

it’s been a long , long
Very long day
I managed to read my bible
Have a quiet time,
I remembered the verse for today
And recited it twice an hour,
And managed to bite my lip
When that women pushed in the queue

I managed to watch the news
and stay calm!
I kept smiling at work when
Overlooked for promotion
I shared what happened at church
On our coffee break,
And gave out six leaflets
About what’s going on at church next week...
And didn’t smirk when they told
That risky joke
I tried to be a faithful
And do the things right
The days stretched out so long
I think time’s stood still
It’s hard work
and just realised
I did it all by my self
No wonder today’s been
So hard
It was all I, not us
It was all me and forgot
To include you...
Tried to be in charge
Tried to be in control
take the wheel
I needed this dam good rant this morning

See him from or he really is

He doesn’t go around in a red cape
Showing off his horns
Smelling of brimstone
Clicking his heels

He doesn’t always identify himself
Show his true colours
Play by anybody’s rules
His a lyre
False profit
Out to do you down

He never takes responsibility
Blames God for everything
World wars
Natures tragedies
Conflicts between churches
Families and friends

He’s a coward
When challenged
Thinks he rules the world,
All style no substance
And in the light of the day...
He will also have to,
bow his knee down
to the king of kings

He’ll keep trying
To deceive you,
Divide and rule
Is his goal...
Offering you the world,
All you wanted,
If only you worship him

But all that glitters is not gold
take off his rose tinted glasses
See him for who he really is...
He hates them that love Jesus
And resists him.
In the name is Jesus
He has no option but flee

That’s enough time
Giving him attention
I know exactly who he is
I know exactly
where he belongs...
Under my feet
As Romans 16.20 says
And give him a right good headache
With a dam good stamp
On his head!

That’s better now for a coffee
There is a story behind this poem...

Brothers prostate cancer update was not good. chemotherapy cocktail of drugs not working
Also finishing chemotherapy for bone cancer and awaiting news
Love him and have longed for him to return to the faith he knew growing up in the Salvation Army

Thinking of him wrote the following

Who’s gonna feed the robin?

Who’s gonna feed the robin when I’ve gone?
It’s there every morning
following me around the garden
Sitting close,
singing his little heart out
For all the world to hear...
Who’s gonna feed the robin
When I’ve popped my clogs?

Who’s gonna tend my garden
Plant the borders
Rotate the vegetable beds?
Dead head the roses
Plant the hanging baskets
Sweep the patio?
Get rid of all the weeds...
Make wine from
Fruit of the vine?
Prune the fruit trees
Make the jam from the fruit?
Who’s gonna tend the garden
When I’ve breathed my last?

Who’s gonna feed the dogs
Take them to the beach?
Keep the cars polished
Put up those shelves?
Go on holiday to Barmouth
The caravans already booked?
Who’s gonna miss my company
When I’m no longer around?

Who’s gonna buy the presents?
Decorate the tree?
Stuff the the turkey
Cook it just right?
Light the Roman candle
And set the sky alight,
Be master of ceremonies
Lighting the fireworks
At midnight to welcome
Another New Year?
Who will carry on these traditions
When I’m six foot deep?

Who’s gonna worry about my soul
Cos I was too busy living life?
Only had time for religion
At festivals and feasts?
Is it too late
To recognise
Jesus as king of Kings?
Now death is robbing me
Of all the things I hold dear

Have I a place reserved for me?
Am I heavenly bound?
Have I missed out on the most important thing
Here on earth?
Why did I only pay lip service
Not find Jesus for my self?
Why didn’t I focus on heaven
Instead of the trappings of earth?
Who’s gonna miss me
Now my life and is spent?
Why didn’t anybody tell me
What life is all about?
Now then

My eyes are half open
I can hear the birds outside
My calf muscles are aching
As are my knees...
Left hip, low level
Comfortable aching pain,
Backs not twitching
But I’ve not moved yet,
I’ll have to dash to the toilet
I need to summon up the energy
To swing a leg out of bed...
Moving on up
Right hand moving
Left hand,
Houston we have a problem
Middle finger, won’t straighten up!
Start to massage
So l can straighten it up
With a mighty crack it flicks open
The pain shoots right up my arm,
But with a bit of manipulation
It’s starting to work...
The pain in my shoulder
Rated somewhere between
Five and ten
Shouldn’t have been so energetic
Gardening yesterday...
Dare I open my eyes fully
Thinks, I’ll just try one
But it’s all blurry,
Can’t focus,
Oops forgot to put my glasses on!
stretch too strenuously
Might crack all my joints,
Before I fling off the duvet
And leap???
Well maybe roll,
out of bed
Just one more thing,
With all my aches and pains


I’m good to go!
Now then

My eyes are half open
I can hear the birds outside
My calf muscles are aching
As are my knees...
Left hip, low level
Comfortable aching pain,
Backs not twitching
But I’ve not moved yet,
I’ll have to dash to the toilet
I need to summon up the energy
To swing a leg out of bed...
Moving on up
Right hand moving
Left hand,
Houston we have a problem
Middle finger, won’t straighten up!
Start to massage
So l can straighten it up
With a mighty crack it flicks open
The pain shoots right up my arm,
But with a bit of manipulation
It’s starting to work...
The pain in my shoulder
Rated somewhere between
Five and ten
Shouldn’t have been so energetic
Gardening yesterday...
Dare I open my eyes fully
Thinks, I’ll just try one
But it’s all blurry,
Can’t focus,
Oops forgot to put my glasses on!
stretch too strenuously
Might crack all my joints,
Before I fling off the duvet
And leap???
Well maybe roll,
out of bed
Just one more thing,
With all my aches and pains


I’m good to go!

Sounds like just another day in the morning as we age in these frail bodies. I'm so thankful that God softens those aches and pains, and uses them to stir us to empathy and awareness of the pain and troubles of others around us.
Did Jesus have the same problems?

When you’re getting hot under the collar
And are frustrated about what’s going on... Because your church as been turned into a table top sale...
To justify making money
They included a ‘nice’ card stall,
Selling Religious trinkets
And Christmas cards,
The alter’s been pushed to the side to accommodate...
To maximise the use of the room...
Do you storm in , over turn the tables,
Complaining the church has been turned,
Into a den of thieves
Or do you take to face book
To complain
About the direction the church is going
Get ‘likes’ for your point of view?

When the minister is all inclusive
And waters down the Gospel
Offers a salvation that could be included
Along with worldly ways...
That being born again
Is only one option
Because a loving God
Wouldn’t condemn someone to hell?
Do we call out the minister
Point out the scriptures
Or just grumble into our beer?

When taunted at work
because we go to church
Do we proudly stand our ground?
Proclaim the name of Jesus
Invite them to the next service
Show them how great it is
Following Jesus Christ?
Or do you wish the floor would open swallow you up
And that you could melt into the walls
Do you deny loving Jesus?
And join in profaning...
The name of God?

Are you embarrassed
To invite them to church
Because its stuck in the fifties
A stranger wouldn’t understand?
The Victorian language,
The set service,
Standing up for the reading of the gospel
And how relevant it is to a twenty first
How far would you go to see them
Get to heaven?
Swap your life for just one of their souls?

Has earthly considerations
Busied out
Your walk with God?
Do you look back and wonder
Life would have been so much easier
If only I went with the flow?
Finding it hard living
With your back to the plough
And ask God is there another way?

God never promised
Taking up the cross
Would easy,
But ‘I Am’ will be beside you
All the way...
He will not leave you,
Forsake you...
Was it the same for you?
Was it as hard ?
When you were down here walking the earth?
Monday morning Blues
It’s ok to struggle
It’s ok to feel down
It’s ok to want out for a while
It’s ok to want to go back to bed
And let today
Pass you by

It’s ok to not fee lall
Happy clappy...
Bounce around
With the joy of the Lord
It’s ok to struggle
And feel ‘out of sorts’

Jesus knew this would happen
That there would be down times
Like this...
He knew there would be time for cuddles
Times to hide in the cleft of the rock
He even inspired David to
Write in about it in Psalms 47 verse 10

Then when you are rested
And got your mojo back,
It’s straight to Isiah 40.31
With our hope in the Lord and strength restored
Back to soaring with wings like Eagles
Running not growing weary
Walking andnot faint!
With Normal serviced renewed
I’m back!