My Faith
My faith is not
a verse on a fridge magnet
A logo on a T shirt
My faith is not
going round doing good
Giving my last pound
To the homeless
Buying the Big Issue
Not crossing over
To the other side ,
Giving a bag of groceries
To the local food bank
My faith is not
Going to church
Leading the midweek house group
Selling the War Cry
Outside the local pub,
Spending weekends away
Doing good
My faith is not
Because my parents believe in Jesus
And go to church,
I can piggy back my way to heaven
On their faith…
My faith is not just high days and holiday
Hatched, matched, dispatched
It’s not a social occasion
It’s way more important than that
My faith is
More than life it self
It’s knowing my sins are forgiven
Knowing I met Jesus
At the foot of the cross
My faith is
Looking unto Jesus
The author and finisher of my faith.
My faith is not
a verse on a fridge magnet
A logo on a T shirt
My faith is not
going round doing good
Giving my last pound
To the homeless
Buying the Big Issue
Not crossing over
To the other side ,
Giving a bag of groceries
To the local food bank
My faith is not
Going to church
Leading the midweek house group
Selling the War Cry
Outside the local pub,
Spending weekends away
Doing good
My faith is not
Because my parents believe in Jesus
And go to church,
I can piggy back my way to heaven
On their faith…
My faith is not just high days and holiday
Hatched, matched, dispatched
It’s not a social occasion
It’s way more important than that
My faith is
More than life it self
It’s knowing my sins are forgiven
Knowing I met Jesus
At the foot of the cross
My faith is
Looking unto Jesus
The author and finisher of my faith.