Just a little poem wot I wrote

My Faith

My faith is not
a verse on a fridge magnet
A logo on a T shirt
My faith is not
going round doing good
Giving my last pound
To the homeless
Buying the Big Issue
Not crossing over
To the other side ,
Giving a bag of groceries
To the local food bank

My faith is not
Going to church
Leading the midweek house group
Selling the War Cry
Outside the local pub,
Spending weekends away
Doing good

My faith is not
Because my parents believe in Jesus
And go to church,
I can piggy back my way to heaven
On their faith…
My faith is not just high days and holiday
Hatched, matched, dispatched
It’s not a social occasion
It’s way more important than that

My faith is
More than life it self
It’s knowing my sins are forgiven
Knowing I met Jesus
At the foot of the cross
My faith is
Looking unto Jesus
The author and finisher of my faith.
Symphony of prayer

It only takes one voice
To raise a hallelujah
In the presence of his enemies
Join with another’s
God prompted,
To pray along…
Where two or three are gathered
There is God also
And the prayer grows in passion and power and moves on…
With hearts for Jesus
The church joins in…
A mighty chorus In harmony
In one voice
Praying to The Lord God Almighty
A cacophony of prayer…
From city to city the prayer moves on
With earnest anticipation
Believing for an answer
The vision passed from nation to nation
The world joins in prayer,
An unscripted symphony
All singing from the same hymn sheet
All praying the same prayer…
Some praying for the first time
Some praying with doubt in their hearts
Some having the courage of their convictions
Some praying in the lion of Judah
With a mighty roar
All praying with one voice
With a yeah and amen
All agreeing
Thy will be done on earth
As in heaven,

It doesn’t come in a bottle

It doesn’t come in a bottle
can’t buy it at a liquor store
It doesn’t get you drunk
Give you a hangover..
Blur the truth of the world

It’s not a liquid
To be knocked back
Not style over substance
It’s the real thing
like a breeze
A gale force wind
A mighty flame
Roaring all over the world...

It comes straight from heaven
Gods presence here on earth

Come Holy Spirit Come

Sweep throughout this land
Baptise your children
Kick start church
Shake it to the foundations
Raise Your people up
Refined in the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit come

Let the world come running
And be-amazed
Taking their blinkers off
Seeing Jesus for who He really is
Be the church we were
Destined to be
Come Holy Spirit…

Come Holy Spirit come
It doesn’t come in a bottle

It doesn’t come in a bottle
can’t buy it at a liquor store
It doesn’t get you drunk
Give you a hangover..
Blur the truth of the world

It’s not a liquid
To be knocked back
Not style over substance
It’s the real thing
like a breeze
A gale force wind
A mighty flame
Roaring all over the world...

It comes straight from heaven
Gods presence here on earth

Come Holy Spirit Come

Sweep throughout this land
Baptise your children
Kick start church
Shake it to the foundations
Raise Your people up
Refined in the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit come

Let the world come running
And be-amazed
Taking their blinkers off
Seeing Jesus for who He really is
Be the church we were
Destined to be
Come Holy Spirit…

Come Holy Spirit come
Brilliant message Alan Heeley
That is my prayer too.
Gods face book

Is God
A name
On your list
Of Facebook friends
Someone to Snapchat
Or what’s App

Do you Send messages
So you can get a like?
Share what you’re doing
Photo your dinner
So every one knows you gave thanks?

Do you ‘like’ all your messages
Respond with a
Thumbs up
Share with fellow followers
What you’ve been text?

Excuse me my phones pinging
I don’t want to get blocked
Kicked out of the loop,
Don’t want to not know
what’s going on!

So mid sentence
Excuse me,
Not being rude?
Someone’s life may depend on it,
It might be important,
Must read the message
Can’t leave the message hanging
I may need to respond!

Pity we don’t
Own out prayer life
As we do our phone
Now then...

Just a little ditty I wrote that maybe raise a smile....
if you have the energy(😅😂🤣🥲)

Now then

This morning came too early
I’m not ready to get up,
With one eye half open
I can hear the birds singing outside,
My calf muscles are aching
As are my knees...
Left hip, low level
Comfortable aching pain,
Backs not twitching
But I’ve not moved yet!
I’ll have to dash to the toilet
But need to summon up the energy
To swing a leg out of bed...
Moving on up
Right hand moving
Left hand,
Houston we have a problem
Middle finger, won’t move!
Must start to massage it
So l can straighten it up,
With a mighty crack it flicks open
The pain shoots right up my arm,
But with a bit of manipulation
It’s starting to work...
The pain in my shoulder
Rated somewhere between
ten and five...
Shouldn’t have been so energetic
Gardening yesterday...
Dare I open my eyes fully
Thinks, I’ll just risk one eye..
But it’s all blurry,
Can’t focus,
Oops! forgot to put my glasses on!
Can’t stretch too strenuously
Might crack all my joints,
Before I fling off the duvet
And leap???
Well maybe roll,
out of bed...
Just one more thing,

For another day

That’s it!
I’m good to go!

It is well!…

I heard a crashing roar,
Was it a mountain sliding into the sea?
Was it a bush in flame burning?
Was it fire come down from heaven
To consume our sacrifice?

I felt a strong wind
Was it sweeping over the land?
Reaching into every valley
Over the highest hill
Blowing right through us
Chilling us to the core?
Blowing away the cobwebs
From unused faith
Bending us to its will?

I saw a bright light
Shining down
Reaching into the darkest corner
Nowhere was in shadow
Nowhere in darkness
No place that couldn’t see
The light of the world

A mighty water came washing over
Coming higher and higher
Taking everything with it in its wake…
Washing over this worlds detritus
Leaving a refreshing spray
Soaking us
Drenching with
Cleansing water…

Then I heard a clear small voice

‘Be still and know I am God!’
deleted bits that didn’t fit in a poem

It’s a crazy mixed up
Spaced out world,
Demanding us to conform,
To the latest, crazy
Asking baby for permission
To change their nappy
Conform to the worlds
Idea of sexuality
Demand church Conform
To liberal ideology
And embrace the latest
All this would make Jesus
turn in his grave

It all started with being kicked out
The garden of Eden
Then God sent a flood
To resolve the problem,
But promised, never again
Destroyed Sodom and Goroma
But they didn’t learn,
Sent Jesus His son
But still in rebellion
Denied He was the Son of God
Wanted things their own way!

How long is Gods patience?
How long is He going to stand by?
How long is He going tolerate
The worlds rebellion?
Before we feel His wrath again!

This is not a poem
But mixed up, jumbled
crazy thoughts,
A bad dream, a nightmare,
Midnight indigestion
When I woke up in a sweat
Last night…
I cried to the Lord
For our nation
Asking God
‘Is it too late?’
down the garden path?
Am I having my leg pulled?

Walked down the garden this morning,
Not a sound…
It was quiet,
No I mean quiet,
Real quiet
Not a sound!
Not a breeze, the air was still
No birds singing out

Can’t hear any cars
going down the road
No planes or helicopters
over head…
What’s going on?
No, I’ve not gone deaf
As I can hear the fridge hum…
Like everyone’s gone on holiday
Not invited me along

Started to panic when
It came to mind
Has it happened?
You know the rapture?
And I was not welcomed
I was left behind?

Was there something God wanted
But I was not playing along?
Turned my back on God
Did I not keep a short enough
account with my sin?
Was it because I was
too tired to say my prayers
And check in with God
last night!

Nobody’s answering their phones
Forgot to put mine on charge!
The internets down
Can’t talk to anyone
Is it too late to change my ways,
And get to heaven
this time round?
I promise to read my bible
And keep up with my prayers
What else can I do to be included
In the rapture…
If it’s not too it’s not too late?

I’ll go get dress and have a drink,
A cupper always
Helps working things out
Im beyond panicking
I’ve broke out in a sweat!!!

“What’s up sweetheart “
That’s my wife…
She missed out on the rapture too?
She still here?
“What are you doing, it’s only
Half past four?”
No it’s not it’s ten o’clock!
When I looked again…
Must have hung the clock up side down
when I changed the battery last night…

So I’ve sorted my guilty conscience out
Got right with God,
Put things into perspective
And turned the clock the right way up!
Think I’ll go back to bed
It’s been all too much…
Better Set my alarm right
Don’t want to be late for church!
Last edited:
I’m still your Father…

You took your inheritance
And then moved away
Got angry when things went wrong…
When you looked around for some one to blame,
You didn’t care who it was…
I was an easy target.
Took your anger
Both barrels
Full blast

But I’m still your Father
I’m still here for you…

When you couldn’t comprehend
When you couldn’t take it all in,
And My words of reassurance
Sounded like an empty cracked bell…
Im still here

I’m still your Father
I’m still here for you

Go on…
Run to the furthest land
Up the highest hill,
Into the deepest valley
I’m still there beside you,
You can’t get rid of me …
That easy…

I’m still your Father
I’m still here for you

When you want to beat your fists
against my chest,
In anger, heartache, frustration and pain…
Go ahead, no problem,
It’s nothing
compared to
The pain of the cross
To save you from all of this,
And when you are ready
My arms are open
To welcome the prodigal home

I’m still your Father
I’m still here for you…
At our virtual communion today there was a picture.. a beautiful sunset with a silhouette of a person kneeling at a cross in the foreground, the more I looked at the picture I ‘heard’ a voice saying “don’t concentrate on the background look at the cross” prompting me to pen the following

Don’t look at the background

Don’t look at the background
look at the cross
All that’s there is behind me
A blurred vision of what’s gone before
Just concentrate on me kneeling
at the foot of the cross

Don’t look at the background
Look at the cross
Behind me is
The tarnished stain
The worlds left
Before being washed in Jesus love
Where once was barren desert
Rivers of living waters
Now flow oceans wide
Before the cross
I kneel
Don’t look at the background
Look at the cross

All I can see is the light of salvation
Jesus, with arms open
I’ll around fades in your presence
I am not the person
In the background
I’m the one at the foot of the cross

God sees the real you…
Not the latest hair do
The high fashion clothes,
The fast car
The pushbike
The ‘In Crowd’ friends…
Don’t look at worldly things around me
Look at the cross

Don’t look at the background
Look to the cross
You’ll see a new creation…
Washed in Jesus blood
A new child of the risen saviour,
Looking to Jesus,
The author and finisher…
Of our faith…
Look at the cross

The cross before me
The world behind me
Don’t look at the background
See the person…
Christ in me
A new creation
At the foot of the cross
Don’t look at the background
Look at the cross
No cash flow problems?

God never has cash flow problems
His riches aren’t tied up
In Properties, shares
And derivatives,
He has no credit limits
And promised to supply all your needs!

When you’ve got it
What you going to do with it?
How on ‘Earth’ Are you going
To use it?…
Your Investment in Gods kingdom
While here on earth?

Share so others will prosper?
Or hide it all away in the bank?
Where Moths and rust will corrupt
And the world will only love you,
For your riches
And your wealth?

Lay up treasures in heaven
You can’t out give God…
Heavens interest rate
can’t be beaten!
Want to be one of Gods
Think I give it a go?
Good Samaritan
(A paraphrased parable

It’s bad enough being mugged
Beaten up losing all I possess
But lying there on the road
No one cared

So much for the local church
The minister just passed by
muttering a prayer,
No more good than a chocolate tea pot
Prayers won’t clean my wounds!

I think they broke my legs
I cannot stand up.
And my left eye is closing up,
Blood is still coming from the cut on my
I can’t stem the flow
Such pain in my arm
I can’t move, my right hand!

So heavenly minded
Even though I shouted out,
Called for help,
He passed by on the other side,
All in his fine robes,
Off to church.
To help the priest with the ritual
Can’t get his hands dirty
Do you know how much these robes cost?
I’ll send someone back to help
But was late for the service…
And forgot.

Oh no!
I’m in for another right good kicking
Cos coming down the road ,
Through my only good eye
I can see a Samaritan coming
An easy target for revenge!
I try an hide in the ditch
On the side of the road

He’s seen me and is coming over
I’ll try and brace my self
Got no strength to defend
Put my hands over my head
Wait for the final blows

I must have passed out with the pain
Cos when I came round
instead of getting the usual racist
Abuse from a Samaritan
He’s tending my wounds

He’s torn his white robes
Into strips
To bind my head
Broke branches to set my limbs

Why is this stranger
A Samaritan doing this
I Wouldn’t be seen dead with him,
Yet if it wasn’t for this mans actions
I surely would…
Be dead that is,
now I’m on his donkey carrying me
To the village inn

Next day when I explained
to the inn keeper
I was robbed
I couldn’t pay the bill…
He said
“No problem
Just lie back and relax
And get better
Your friends paid the bill”

I don’t know what hurts most
My head, my arm, my broken leg
Or my conscience for pre judging that man
All I saw was another right good kicking
Coming my way
But all the Samaritan saw
Was a man in need
And gave help to a fellow traveller
Went the extra mile,

The same one as Jesus asked
“Who’s your neighbour ?”

Go do the same…
The price

The price, He paid
Whether you want it or not,
Went to the cross, then rose again!
Only for us to turn our back -
No thanks, not for us.

Research the internet,
Try to understand,
Sounds too good to be true.
Try to explain it away -
The gift, He freely gave.
No cost, no price to pay.
Where’s the catch?
They left it on the table
And walk away.

Didn’t ask Him to do it
But He did it anyway.
Tried to broker a better deal,
Tried to get to heaven on my own terms, Take the credit
For the whole idea.

But hard as we try to rationalise,
It’s simple as -
Starts at the foot of the cross.
Don’t get confused with Easter Bunnies, chocolate eggs and Hot Cross Buns.

Just Remember -
Empty tomb,
Just for you!
This is what you get taking your coffee down the garden first thing in the morning


One blue tit
Two robins
Ten sparrows
All came when I put the food out
In my garden today

The blackbird with the white
On it’s wing
Two thrushes feeding on the ground
One, two , yes three pigeons
Waiting on the fence
For their turn
Haven’t seen the hooded crow
For a day or two?
The robin has changed it song
Winter must be on its way

Just seen the the squirrel
Scurrying along the fence
The seagulls are chasing the buzzard
Cross the sky
But they don’t bother my little community
my garden flock,
Must put the fat balls out

Put water in the little tray
The blackbirds like a bath
Then stand back and watch
These wonderful creations
Dance and dart about

Funny how the black birds and pigeons
Walk while the others just hop about
Ahhh! look the dove has come down
Haven’t seen him for a while

All my flock seem to be in order
The little fledglings all grown up
Singing and calling to each other
Grateful their daily needs are supplied
Sad to say the starlings don’t come and visit any more,
but live in hope they will return
Miss that right motley crew!

Non of these birds are forced
To come and feed,
Non are caged
all are free
But keep coming back every day…
To my garden
This small corner
of the universe,
I tend the ones God sends
Make sure they are fed

How’s your garden doing
are those,
Who come looking
Welcomed and fed
Or are they chased off
With howling dogs growling
dogma, ritual doctrine,
wrong coloured feathers
Not the type wanted
In your garden
They’ll look out of place

God saw my little garden
And knew his birds would be ok
Well cared for and fed.
There’s no cats out to get them
They would be welcome every time…
A place where their siblings
Are safe to grow
Where they could be taught about life,”
Where all their needs are met,
Where they learn to fly
Grow as Father God intends
Now then,
while I get another coffee
Consider this:-
Change the word ‘garden’
For ‘your church’?
How your flock doing
Are all well fed
Is it a safe place to learn
How to love God
Do people keep coming
Do others see it as a place to be fed
Just saying
Who am I to judge?
W. W. J. D?

Woke up with this phrase on my mind ‘What Would Jesus Do?’

Is God preparing me for something?

Have I got to look at my attitudes?

Have I got a guilty conscience?

Or should I go down the garden

With a cup of coffee

And see what happens next ?

After all it’s only 06.30

And today’s only just started!

W. W. J. D?

If the next person

Through your church door

was Barabbas

The notorious prisoner

Just got out of jail?

Or Sampson with his flowing locks

With in Delilah tow?

Or a modern day Matthew

Volunteering to ‘help’

With the books

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

What if the next person through the door

Was a well known local drug dealer

Claiming that he’d seen the light

Had met with Jesus,

Given up selling gear

Wants out of his old life?

Or if the next one through the door

Was that drunken old dosser who

Stank to high heaven

dressed in old rags

Asking for money

To get his next fix

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

Or an unchurched extended travelling family

With no order or respect

Talking loudly over the sermon

Their kids racing around wrecking

All the toys in the crèche

But told you they’d met Jesus

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

And you’d been told that her,

You know, the one

helps with junior church

Has just kicked out her husband

moved in with her neighbour

You’ve seen it for yourself

And, well , soon will be having

another mouth to feed

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

What if the local gang

of rebellious teenagers

decided that the vestibule,

Was the place to hangout.

Feet up on the furniture

Drinking cans of larger

Making lurid comments

To all who quickly passed by,

But said they wanted to know

More about this Jesus

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

With all this going on

old Fred was missed coming in,

Desperate to talk to somebody

Can’t cope with family bereavement

And just been told he’s only months to live,

He only stopped by for one last time

Thinking of jumping off the motorway bridge

leaving this cruel world behind

And being united again

with his beloved Peg

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

And that lovely new couple

moved in down the street

Strong supporters of

church activities

Being considered for

Senior roles

But they are not married

And he’s not yet divorced

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

Sneaking into the back row

Was the local lady of the night

Selling her favours to make ends meet

So lonely Looking for comfort,

being loved for herself

For who she ‘really is’,

And not having to defile her body

Putting it up for sale.

There are many others


Wanting to experience

A Jesus way of life

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?

Being a lighthouse in the darkness

Loving the sinner not the sin

Jesus is not just a top up

To life’s experience,

But a life changing thing.

If the next person through

Your church door

Was Jesus Him self

What’s your first reaction

W. W. J. D?