MM With how the Jewish ones done their scrolls they came in all different lengths and sizes they also had targams and other ways to remind them of Gods word. No need for John to carry 90 pounds of Old Testament scrolls around. I’m sure he had access to most if not all. More so with his father being a priest and himself a Nazarite. Now in your post 79 you say. ( He had Gods word written in his heart ) you than continue to write ( that it is where the power of the word of God is inflamed and empowered. ) you than state in post 90 ( paper and ink are useful tools in their place and time ) In their place and time ? Has anything changed with the power of that ink and paper of the bible over time that continues to comfort and draw people to him ? Than you conclude in your post 90 with your usual spirituality ( but we are as the image of God, have what he has placed within us. This is his testimony. ) it be all about spirituality with you again and you denying the word it’s rightful place and respect. Ive never known a Christian like you who calls the bible a mere tool, who also calls the bible a thing. Who tells people to get their noses out the bible and embrace more spirituality and who won’t even accept the Holy Bible being allowed into heaven. MM is that how God really views his Holy Scripture.? It is the power of God just not merrily a useful tool or a thing? That be how God views his word .
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Well, I can't say as to what stories you have read about the ancients, especially those who had taken the Nazarite vows and such, but we can all speculate all we so desire, and still miss the truth of the matter...considering that there's so little said in scripture about John and the particulars of how he lived and learned. I'm content in the knowledge of what we are told, in that copies of Torah and the prophets were of great value, and therefore most of the ancient populations were unable to afford one, and most were not educated in reading and writing.
When you say that you're sure John had access while living in the wilderness, that is an assumption that I will leave to your imaginations. I prefer to not dabble in that arena.
I'm somewhat concerned that you see some sort of, what appears to be, magical powers in papery and ink. There is none, and perhaps we can both agree with that.
Numbers 22:38 And Balaam said unto Balak, Lo, I am come unto thee: have I now any power at all to say any thing?
the word that God putteth in my mouth, that shall I speak.
God is the One who put the words in the mouth. When Moses penned that, he wasn't copying from something else written.
Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This [is] the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying,
Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.
Luke 4:32 And they were astonished at his doctrine: for
his word was with power.
1 Corinthians 4:20 For
the kingdom of God [is] not in word, but in power.
1 Thessalonians 1:5 For
our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power,
and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
Yes, the written word is indeed a wonderful tool in the hands of a reader and pursuer of godly things and life, but the only way the words we may read, or that the Lord gives to one directly, only He empowers them, and my message has been for others to enter into their prayer closet and let the Lord enliven what they have read, AND what He gives to us directly, for it is ONLY in that relationship that the Lord enlivens His words.
One can lay a Bible on a sick person, and that book will do nothing for them in and of itself. The prayer of faith, however, THAT is the communion where the Lord does His wondrous works in the lives of His people.
You are free to reverence the printed work. That's fine. I'm not here to take that from you or anyone else. The Lord has put many a word in my mouth to speak to others, and His power in those words were, and are, effective. You, however, have no power to empower the book. Only the Lord can do that, and He doesn't do so to make it into some sort of esoteric talisman. That is not His modus operandi, pure and simple. He lives within His people, and through us, not through a book. The book is a wonderful tool pointing to Him.
The ancients who lived in the deepest jungles where there were not Bibles or Torah scrolls, they still were instructed and given light from the Lord by a manner that has not been revealed to us. Why? Because the Lord is perfectly just, and Romans 1 holds the feet ALL the people of this world, throughout all the ages, to the fires of responsibility for recognizing His existence and power, which is evident in all of creation. All are therefore without excuse, as I have quoted in a previous post. When they called out to Him, He responded, never leaving them to wallow in the darkness of ignorance. Eventually, missionaries showed up to give to them understanding and knowledge, but how the Lord filled that void before missionaries were available, we do not know.
We all still study our Bibles, Prim, but not all of us see any sort of magic in it. We are indwelt by the Author.
Thanks for you apology. It came through right before I hit the SUBMIT button.