You agree that the bible be good for some things. We disagree with your analysis. It be more than just a tool of mere paper and ink it be the power of Gods spoken word.
I don't think I ever said that I disagree with this. His word is indeed powerful. Where does that power of His word reside? It's in the heart where the Lord writes His Law. The power of His words are within us, not simply resident upon paper or stone.
You remind us that you have spent years studying, I do commend you for that. But than you tell us that your spirituality has surpassed the bible, it be merely a helpful tool to help us along the way. And in a round about way with the wording of your post KJV v NIV .
Again, no. I never said that my or anyone else spirituality surpassed the Bible. I said that we must look beyond the written words to the One of whom those words point. God wants relationship with us, not merely reading the printed words and never spending time with Him in relationship. When I write letters or messages to my wife, they are words of meaning and truth, but she and I want more than just meaningful words between us. We desire to have relationship in person rather than to remain far off from each other, only writing words to one another.
God also wants relationship, and that closeness is experienced in prayer and all of daily life. Not with our nose stuck in the Bible while excluding relationship. There are those who are very good at studying the Bible, which is a good thing, but do not have that close relationship with the Lord that He desires that we have with Him.
Do you now understand what I'm saying?
Your view be that spirituality far surpasses any translation issue or the very bible itself. But that be problematic. For by where would the Holy Spirit have to lead us into all truth without the book you think ?
Then we need to read what is said by the apostle John himself:
1 John 2:27 But
the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as
the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
Do you see that? It says that Holy Spirit will teach us ALL things. Where it's true that the Bible has great value in teaching and instruction, the highest and most glorious Teacher is Holy Spirit. I never said that anyone should set aside their Bible. Do you understand that? I am pointing to the Author of the Bible as the ultimate source for deeper and more profound understanding, and how important it is to spend time with that Lord who is the Author of the inspiration behind the Bible. He is superior to His words written in our Bible because He is the Person from whom those words originated. When I write words to others, I am more important than the mere words I wrote. The same is true of God. Without God, there would be no inspired words from Him.
God chose to use men to write down His words so that man would not worship any words written by His own Hand. Therefore, we do not worship His words written by the hands of men, but we worship God Himself. His inspired words are of great value to us, yes, but even more important is to spend much time with Him. In so doing, He brings life to His written words that we would otherwise not see nor understand.
MM the book be given unto us at great price. The flames from WilliamTyndales pyre and from the blood of the Saints do attest to that reality.
The flames of their torment speak more highly of God Himself, yes. They honored His words, but even more, they honored the Person of God above all else. When engulfed in the flames, they were looking to Him for their deliverance, not to the Bibles written in Latin or any other language.
You would have much less Christian spirituality without that book.
Then you do not understand the scriptures. Your error is indeed clearly seen.
Romans 1:18-21
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
19 because
what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown [it] to them.
20 For
since the creation of the world His invisible [attributes] are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
21 because,
although they knew God, they did not glorify [Him] as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
This speaks of those who do not have the Bible, nor have ever read the Bible, and yet they are STILL responsible for their unbelief. Do you see that? Please read the above verses carefully. It clearly says that the INVISIBLE attributes of God are clearly seen...where? In nature, in everything that He made. Again, no reference to their having to possess a Bible or anything else in writing. They are still responsible for their unbelief, and therefore failure to reach out to Him. Even His eternal power and God head is evident in His creation, and they are responsible, not for not having and reading the Bible. No. They are responsible for not accepting what is evident all around us.
So, I agree with you that the Bible, which the first century Church did not have, is indeed a valuable tool, but scripture itself shows to us that one does not have to have the Bible to be held responsible for recognizing and reaching out to the Lord for His instruction.
MM Perhaps in time you might reconsider your order of placement when comparing the bible to spirituality.
The order I have addressed is that God is Higher than His words, for without Him, there are not words. He is able to instruct us, whether we have the printed Bible or not. THAT is what I recognize because that is exactly what scripture shows to us. The deeper, spiritual life in Christ is imparted to us through personal relationship with Him, not just the study of the written words.
And yes I do enshrine the bible. There be no apologies for that.
As long as you are in direct relationship with Him, then I have no problem with the esteem to which you hold the Bible. If you esteem the Bible so highly that you have no relationship with the One of whom the Bible speaks, then that would be a problem. That's between you and Him.
I’m sure all those who gave their lives over the centuries in order to bring us the bible would disagree with you very much too . Their testimony through the ages does look down upon you now. Evaluate carefully & wisely upon your spirituality above the bible.
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No, Prim. It is YOU who looks down upon me, because the truly spiritual follower of Christ understands what I'm saying. What is likely the issue you have with me is a slight language barrier. Perhaps English is not your first language, because we agree more than you seem to recognize.
You agree that the bible be good for some things. We disagree with your analysis.
Who is "we"? Are you writing for others around you?
It be more than just a tool of mere paper and ink it be the power of Gods spoken word.
Yes, it is, and He is the One who
empowers the words ONLY through relationship, and through His work in the lives of those who read His words, and that He desires to seek Him. Without Him, the words would be nothing more than just words.
But than you tell us that your spirituality has surpassed the bible, it be merely a helpful tool to help us along the way. And in a round about way with the wording of your post KJV v NIV . Your view be that spirituality far surpasses any translation issue or the very bible itself. But that be problematic. For by where would the Holy Spirit have to lead us into all truth without the book you think ?
I already pasted the relevant passages that address this. Given that there is responsibility for EVERYONE who disbelieves, even for those who never had access to the Bible and living out in the deepest jungles, they are still responsible for their lack of belief, and therefore lack of response to the very God who is testified and evidenced in His creation. If the Bible were the only means to reach faith and instruction, then God is to blame for the loss of all those who never had the Bible.
I hope this helps you to understand that, where the Bible is a vastly valuable tool for understanding, that book in and of itself has no power apart from the One who DOES have the Power. You can lay your Bible on a dead body, and it will not rise to life. Faith, however, in the Lord who inspired the written words, has the Power to raise that body to life. There is nothing magical about the Bible, in and of itself. It is secondary to creation, because without creation, there would be no Bible. Creation came first. Genesis 1 clearly points this out:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning
There it is. It starts and ends with God, and that which may be known of Him was already evidence in all of nature before the Bible was ever penned. If you disagree with this, then I really don't know what else will suffice to enlighten your understanding. He is the Alpha and the Omega...the Beginning and the End.
MM the book be given unto us at great price.
Yes, and yet that is not an excuse to overlook relationship. Perhaps that is not your intent, but your contention with what I have said seems to betray that thinking. I know some who have little to no relationship with the One of Whom the Bible speaks. That is a serious problem, because the Bible cannot save anyone. Salvation is ONLY through the Blood of Christ. Great understanding does indeed come through the Bible, but salvation can also come through glorifying the Lord because of what can see in creation itself.