Last Will And Testament Of Jesus

In your post you put the ten commandments and complete surrender to God in the same sentence and then go on to say they will not see the kingdom of God. This in itself implies if a Christian doesn't follow the Sabbath on Saturday then they aren't surrendering to God and therefore won't enter the kingdom of heaven.
Perhaps you missed the part about Holy Spirit conviction. If people are not under Holy Spirit conviction regarding the Sabbath, or any other truth, God does not condemn them for not walking in that truth. But, God has called His people to do and teach His commandments (Matthew 5:19) so that they might be preserved from the harm that always results in disregarding them.e09452d048480c8ba619833c7779ed1e.jpg
Yes he is but to his credit, he has been saying that all along. He has to say that as it is the dogma of the SDA.
No, I believe God winks at ignorance, brother Major, not willful disobedience (Exodus 34:7) which is not dogma, it's Biblical.
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There are no verses that say what he said.
The reason why you can't find the verses is b/c your Bible version is based on the corrupted NT Critical Text of Westcott and Hort, which removes almost a third of what the Textus Receptus says plainly.
There are no verses that say what he said.
Here are the KJV Bible verses that say what I said:
  • God writes His law on the hearts of New Covenant Christians (Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8:10 )
  • The Ten Commandments, which God first wrote in stone, are what He now writes on those hearts (Exodus 31:18; 2 Corinthians 3:3 )
  • The Fourth Commandment sanctifies the seventh day as the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11)
  • Sunday will never be associated with the New Covenant even if the whole of Christendom stubbornly insists upon it b/c Sunday keeping began long after the New Covenant was ratified (Galatians 3:15; Hebrews 9:16-17 )
  • Only New Covenant Christians empowered by God to keep those commandments on their hearts will enter heaven (Revelation 22:14 KJV)
  • All who refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to write those commandments on their hearts and willfully continue in iniquity will not (Matthew 7:23)
"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom you obey; whether sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" Romans 6:16

Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, Major.
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Here are the KJV Bible verses that say what I said:
  • God writes His law on the hearts of New Covenant Christians (Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8:10 )
  • The Ten Commandments, which God first wrote in stone, are what He now writes on those hearts (Exodus 31:18; 2 Corinthians 3:3 )
  • The Fourth Commandment sanctifies the seventh day as the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11)
  • Sunday will never be associated with the New Covenant even if the whole of Christendom stubbornly insists upon it b/c Sunday keeping began long after the New Covenant was ratified (Galatians 3:15; Hebrews 9:16-17 )
  • Only New Covenant Christians empowered by God to keep those commandments on their hearts will enter heaven (Revelation 22:14 KJV)
  • All who refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to write those commandments on their hearts and willfully continue in iniquity will not (Matthew 7:23)
"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom you obey; whether sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" Romans 6:16

Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, Major.
I guess you will be the only one in heaven. We all might as well give up now since we are all so wrong
The thing about the Pharisees is that they went for the letter of the law and had no understanding of the heart of the law. And their teaching was error - so they taught error. God wanted us to have time away from work and the daily grind to be able to think on God. If it ends in day any day will do. I, for instance, would not suggest that anyone who observes Saturday as a sabbath was going to hell, as long as they carried in their heart the truth about what Sabbath is. But what do I know? God may feel wrathful that you aren't worshipping Him on the day everybody else does. I understand the draw of wanting to dot Jewish i's and t's but I think understanding the heart is more important. Besides - didn't the Jewish sabbath start at Friday sunset?
I guess you will be the only one in heaven. We all might as well give up now since we are all so wrong
The crowd has never been right. In Noah's day, the crowd drowned. In Lot's day, the crowd burned. In Jesus day, the crowd crucified Him. During the Dark Ages, the crowd persecuted "heretics" for rejecting Roman Catholicism. So shall it be in the last days when the crowd rejects the Seal of God and accepts the Mark of the Beast.
Seven billion souls alive today, they say in the world. Some say the crowd will be muslim. On the other hand, maybe you are right - maybe most Saturday worshippers will still be here when the mark is offered. Sigh
The thing about the Pharisees is that they went for the letter of the law and had no understanding of the heart of the law. And their teaching was error - so they taught error. God wanted us to have time away from work and the daily grind to be able to think on God. If it ends in day any day will do. I, for instance, would not suggest that anyone who observes Saturday as a sabbath was going to hell, as long as they carried in their heart the truth about what Sabbath is. But what do I know? God may feel wrathful that you aren't worshipping Him on the day everybody else does. I understand the draw of wanting to dot Jewish i's and t's but I think understanding the heart is more important. Besides - didn't the Jewish sabbath start at Friday sunset?
God is only wrathful when we disobey Him (Romans 2:8-9) b/c it leads us into misery, suffering, death, and it cost the precious life of His dear Son. He is pleased when we obey the Ten Commandments which He writes on the hearts of New Covenant Christians (1 John 3:22).

The Pharisees did not have the "letter" of the Sabbath, or any other law for that matter, written on their hearts b/c they plotted on the Sabbath as to how they could destroy Jesus (Matthew 12:14) and were claimed by Jesus to be the children of Satan (John 8:44). Will any wife be pleased to hear from her husband that while he spent his lunch hour having sex with his secretary, he was sure not to allow lustful thought to enter his mind? Anyone who keeps the "spirit of the law" automatically will be keeping the "letter of the law".

Of course God wanted us to have time away from the grind: that's why the Sabbath was made for M-A-N (Gr. "anthropos"), not just J-E-W. He worked the very first six days of Creation and rested the seventh and commands us to follow His example (Exodus 20:8-11). He placed a blessing in that day (Genesis 2:3) which He has not placed in any other and whatever He blesses, it remains blessed forever (1 Chronicles 17:27). He made that day holy to the exclusion of the other six (Genesis 2:3), and we mortals can't claim to keep Sunday "holy" if God has not first declared it holy any sooner than we can keep a fire burning that has not first been lit. Nowhere in Scripture are we given the option of disregarding the Ten Commandments, which includes the seventh day Sabbath. New Covenant Christians who love Jesus will keep His commandments, not make up new ones, b/c Jesus says that is "vain worship" when we follow man-made commandments (Matthew 15:7-9).
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As you and I live and breathe, today, ask anyone what is the 1st day of the week and they will tell you it is Monday. The 7th day from that is Sunday. The 6th day is Saturn's day. The letter of Sabath is Friday night to sundown on Saturday. The heart of Sabath is the day you keep holy. When Christ had His debates with Pharisees what did they most argue about? The true heart of Sabath. I would define "vain worship" different than what day you do it.
As you and I live and breathe, today, ask anyone what is the 1st day of the week and they will tell you it is Monday. The 7th day from that is Sunday. The 6th day is Saturn's day. The letter of Sabath is Friday night to sundown on Saturday. The heart of Sabath is the day you keep holy. When Christ had His debates with Pharisees what did they most argue about? The true heart of Sabath. I would define "vain worship" different than what day you do it.
Gay clergy men are gaining approval everywhere, but does God accept that? If the entire world votes out the seventh day and votes in the first day, God still has the deciding vote. What arrogance on the part of sinful humans beings who take to themselves the prerogatives of God by deciding what is and what is not holy! Those who do so are just as wrong in the sight of God as Jereboam who did the exact same thing in 1 Kings 12:26-33 through 1 Kings 13:1-5.
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Seven billion souls alive today, they say in the world. Some say the crowd will be muslim. On the other hand, maybe you are right - maybe most Saturday worshippers will still be here when the mark is offered. Sigh
Everyone will be here when the Mark is handed out, but that's a topic for another discussion. The topic here is the law, the Ten Commandments, that the Holy Spirit writes on the hearts of New Covenant Christians and why Sunday observance is a completely man made counterfeit to that very law that Jesus wrote with His own finger in stone and today asks all who love Him to keep (John 14:15).
Major, I take Jesus' warning in Matthew 7:23 seriously. The churches are full of unconverted souls professing Christianity who will be shocked in the last day to learn that they were seduced by false prophets preaching false doctrines which say willful, known sin (iniquity) against the very Ten Commandments which the Holy Spirit writes on the hearts of true New Covenant Christians is acceptable in the sight of God, when Jesus Himself says those who work iniquity are even now unknown to Him.

Phoneman: I do understand your feelings, really I do. May I say that your concerns are no more expectant than are the other Christians of this world. I do not say that to simplify your concerns but just to let you know that you are not alone.

Your theology seems to be that of the LORDSHIP view and those who hold to the Lordship view would say that by the expression "the will of My Father" Jesus meant a life characterized by obedience to all that the Father has commanded. Thus, those who do the will of the Father would be people who live in obedience to God's revealed will. But there is an inherent problem with that view.

Jesus Christ is the only person who ever lived in complete obedience to the Father. All other men have sinned.
The only reason that any person can get into heaven is because Jesus Christ's obedience is imputed to their account by faith:

Romans 5:19 ..........
" For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous."
The reason why you can't find the verses is b/c your Bible version is based on the corrupted NT Critical Text of Westcott and Hort, which removes almost a third of what the Textus Receptus says plainly.

Good grief my brother. You can do better than to tell us all what we already know.
Everyone will be here when the Mark is handed out, but that's a topic for another discussion. The topic here is the law, the Ten Commandments, that the Holy Spirit writes on the hearts of New Covenant Christians and why Sunday observance is a completely man made counterfeit to that very law that Jesus wrote with His own finger in stone and today asks all who love Him to keep (John 14:15).


Done! The rest of you can have fun with Phoneman, but I have had this conversation now about 3 or 4 times and this one is the same as all the others.

This is my last post on the subject of Sabbath.

Colossians 2:16-17
16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
This is my last post on the subject of Sabbath.

Colossians 2:16-17
16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

This is my last post on the subject of Sabbath.

Colossians 2:16-17
16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

Heb 9:1-2 kjva 1 Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. 2 For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary.

Col 2:20 kjva Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,

The ordiance of the Sabbath was keeping a certain day, and Gathering in a certain place. So were all the feast, the observation of days, and even coming to clean yourself with a sacrifice offering in the temple.

We are no longer under these physical and carnal things, Scripture trumps Make believe.

Two commandments, Love God, Love Neighbor, for on those two hang all the law of the Prophets, Including the 10 Commandments.

Every single day ought to be lived unto the Lord, and Holy.

Do Seventh day Adventist believe you live like a devil the other 6 days?

Or do they believe you only give God your best on one day?

They would have to believe that, otherwise one day would not be a big deal. There is no other way to believe different.
Phoneman: I do understand your feelings, really I do. May I say that your concerns are no more expectant than are the other Christians of this world. I do not say that to simplify your concerns but just to let you know that you are not alone.

Your theology seems to be that of the LORDSHIP view and those who hold to the Lordship view would say that by the expression "the will of My Father" Jesus meant a life characterized by obedience to all that the Father has commanded. Thus, those who do the will of the Father would be people who live in obedience to God's revealed will. But there is an inherent problem with that view.

Jesus Christ is the only person who ever lived in complete obedience to the Father. All other men have sinned.
The only reason that any person can get into heaven is because Jesus Christ's obedience is imputed to their account by faith:

Romans 5:19 ..........
" For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous."
Psalm 40:8 is crystal clear as to what is the will of God for our lives. Please let me explain how imparted and imputed righteousness works:
  1. I woke up this morning with the devil immediately tempting me to look at pornography.
  2. As a New Covenant Christian, I immediately made the choice to obey "thou shalt not commit adultery" which is written on my heart.
  3. The instant I made the choice, Jesus imparted the power of His righteousness in my life and accomplished for me the obedience that I could not render in my own strength.
  4. Jesus then imputed to me the righteousness that He accomplished, giving me credit for what He has done.
Don't tell me that a Christian can't overcome sin. The Bible says we can and must. Victory is guaranteed every single time for those who desire the righteousness of God, in the same way failure is guaranteed every time for those who desire the lusts of the flesh.