You are confusing the Moral Law given by the hand of God which "stands fast forever and ever" and is still binding today (Psalm 111:7-8; James 2:11-12), which goes back to the Garden of Eden, with the Mosaic Law which was given by the hand of Moses and "was added because of transgressions until the Seed, Jesus, should come" (Galatians 3:16-19), which was added to the Moral law at Mount Sinai and abolished at the Cross. The abolishing of legalized slavery did not abolish laws against murder or theft; neither does the abolishing of mandated circumcision and annual Jewish Feast sabbaths (Leviticus 23:7,21,24,32,35,36) which are "beside the Sabbaths of the Lord (Leviticus 23:38)" do away with the Fourth commandment, or any of the other nine, which is written on the hearts of New Covenant Christians.
If the Sixth Commandment against killing one's self is no more, then what's to stop believers from going to be with Jesus in Paradise? And if there is no law, then how is it possible that in the day of Judgment there will be unconverted "workers of lawlessness"?
Every person professing Christianity knows full well that no inhabitant of God's universe will ever be free to violate the Ten Commandments, yet b/c of the Sabbath commandment, faithless Christians will cunningly devise fables to convince themselves otherwise b/c they are more concerned with keeping what their employers, family, friends, etc. think of them rather than what God thinks of them.
You have just dodged the fact that You give God your best and full attention one day, but God is not good enough for you the other 6 days. That is what keeping some Sabbath is, to put God on the mind of a Backward people.
We keep the Royal law of love. The 10 commandments are wrapped up in that law. If you try to keep the ordiances of the law, then you fail. No man could do it, excpet Jesus.
Reliegiously confused people don't like things simple. I understand.
One more time.
The Sabbath was to pick one day a week, where you don't work, and your honor God. You give Glory to God.
Isa 58:13 kjva If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and
shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
Now I already posted to you the Sabbath is keeping of ordiances which according to Paul are gone. You ignored my blantant scriptures. Most confused doctrines have to ignore scripture. I understand, else it would not be confused.
So your picking, One Day a week to honor God, not doing your own things or own pleasure.
That means, 6 days of the week your not giving God your best, and doing your own thing.
If you esteem one day a Week to honor God, then God can't possibly be getting your best the other 6 days.
That means your a weak Spirit filled believer, only giving your best effort ONE DAY a week.
Othewise, you would treat every day the same, the Lord getting your best everyday.
For non-spirit filled people, like Israel, if they can do their best for God 1 day a week consistantly, then that is pretty amazing.
If the Sabbath day is to honor God, and you keep a Sabbath day, for the Lord, then you better be making the other 6 days a Sabbath day also, and give God your best, not doing your own thing.
Otherwise, your Christian walk is shameful.
God gets all 7 of my days, I do what He says do, I give what He says give. He is my first when I wake up, and when I go to bed. If we are the children of God, we are led by the Spirit of God and that should be all 7 days of the week.
For Isreal they were only required to not do their own thing "ONE" day a week.
I just posted the scripture above.
Wake up. You need to raise the bar.