Many Will Say "lord, Lord..."

"You mean like those who rape children as well right?"

I assume that there was some point to that?

My point of view is that there are some crimes that should result in the defrocking and imprisonment of the offending clergy.
You go clean up your side of the aisle, and I'll go try to clean out my side.
Best of luck to both of us. We'll need it.

Amen brother!
Ga 1:6 ¶
I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,
7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
Ga 2:1 "I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain."
Ga 3:2 This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?

You are full of scriptures: but not in the context of the apostles. You are backto your old tricks.

You are full of scriptures: but not in the context of the apostles. You are backto your old tricks.
Who do you think wrote this? and said this very thing?

Ga 1:1 ¶ Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead),

Ga 1:6 ¶ I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,
7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
10 ¶ For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.
11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.
12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Ro 2:16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
Who do you think wrote this? and said this very thing?
Ga 1:1 ¶ Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead),
Ga 1:6 ¶ I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,
7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
10 ¶ For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.
11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.
12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Ro 2:16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.

Mitspa, you and I both believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians; however, it was not according to your
gospel. Many of today's modernists have deviated from the apostles' Gospel, and have set about to establish their own gospel,
and in effect, are establishing their own righteousness by their own gospel. I know the apostle's Gospel: it is, "For by grace are you saved through faith..."; not, by faith. The modernists preach the gospel of "faith", and are deceiving many. Faith and love, peace and safety; faith and love, peace and safety: "...then comes utter destruction."

You would do well to quote scriptures in their context, for then would they have greater weight.

Mitspa, you and I both believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians; however, it was not according to your
gospel. Many of today's modernists have deviated from the apostles' Gospel, and have set about to establish their own gospel,
and in effect, are establishing their own righteousness by their own gospel. I know the apostle's Gospel: it is, "For by grace are you saved through faith..."; not, by faith. The modernists preach the gospel of "faith", and are deceiving many. Faith and love, peace and safety; faith and love, peace and safety: "...then comes utter destruction."

You would do well to quote scriptures in their context, for then would they have greater weight.
I have quoted nothing but scripture? And in its context...
Who do you think wrote this? and said this very thing?

Ga 1:1 ¶ Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead),

Ga 1:6 ¶ I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,
7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
10 ¶ For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.
11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.
12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Ro 2:16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.

Yes and Paul's gospel is the same as Peter's in Acts 2:38 and John's and so you agree Mitzpa?
Yes and Paul's gospel is the same as Peter's in Acts 2:38 and John's and so you agree Mitzpa?
No doubt about it...but the Holy Spirit intended us to see the others through Pauls epistles.. That's why all these bold claims of Paul doctrines are established in the scriptures above the others.. No one else made the claims that Paul made as it relates to sound doctrine and this was for a purpose ? To establish that which judges the truth in the other epistles and writings.

Mitspa: read post #23: that is writing in context.
Sorry Mario letting the scriptures speak to the intended truth is true context... the more religious man mixes their thoughts and takes this scripture and that scriptures to form some truth, the less context and truth is found.
No doubt about it...but the Holy Spirit intended us to see the others through Pauls epistles.. That's why all these bold claims of Paul doctrines are established in the scriptures above the others.. No one else made the claims that Paul made as it relates to sound doctrine and this was for a purpose ? To establish that which judges the truth in the other epistles and writings.

If you really believe in the doctrines of the Apostle Paul, you would follow his Gospel: it is the same as the Gospel of Peter: "Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

If you really believe in the doctrines of the Apostle Paul, you would follow his Gospel.
Look Mario don't start questioning my faith and salvation... when you cant defeat the doctrines I hold....this is contrary to forum rules..if you want to disagree then that is fine with me...don't care :)
Yes just because there are differences of opinion, so long as they are according to the word or word-based, we should not accuse the person...feel free to counter the teaching but do not bring it to a personal level (I know this is difficult but it is not becoming of the families reputation)
Look Mario don't start questioning my faith and salvation... when you cant defeat the doctrines I hold....this is contrary to forum rules..if you want to disagree then that is fine with me...don't care :)

All I did was quote the Gospel of Paul and Peter, which both received of the Lord Jesus Christ. But if you "don't care", well then that is a different matter. As for the forum rules: I have only replied to the scriptures you quoted (out of context) following what I have posted.
No doubt about it...but the Holy Spirit intended us to see the others through Pauls epistles.. That's why all these bold claims of Paul doctrines are established in the scriptures above the others.. No one else made the claims that Paul made as it relates to sound doctrine and this was for a purpose ? To establish that which judges the truth in the other epistles and writings.

Now now children, stop your one is taking their ball and bat and going home and no one is being sent to their room...(just kidding brothers)

I realize some see the rest of the Apostles teaching and statements as requiring a Pauline magnifying glass and others in Christendom almost reject Paul as secondary...both are extremes in my humble opinion...some hold Paul in a higher place...this in fact is against what Paul himself taught, some hold Peter as the highest and most authoritative (another human error)...

So I know I do not see or read the other NT or OT writings in light of Paul at all...many things Paul says are isolated and taken out of context by some and when they do this they contradict plain statements of scripture found in other places...I know some for example who so emphasize what is said in Ephesians 1:3-11 that the miss (or intentionally ignore) the conclusion summary of verses 13 and 14....

So maybe I am not clear on what you mean Mitzpa but I know you are a child of God so maybe make the point more clear...

Is Paul's gospel different in some way? Or does it somehow define or interpret the meaning that others may have left unclear? What? I am listening to hear the actual point....and then we can discuss the theology of that issue (and in the end we may still agree to disagree, but you are forever my brother, this I siblings always agree on all matters?)
Old age must be addling my brain, I don't even understand what they're arguing about.
That's part of the plan... just confuse an issue until it becomes a personal attack and debate....question any ones salvation that disagrees, is the most common tactic of those who cant defend the truth in the scriptures.
Now now children, stop your one is taking their ball and bat and going home and no one is being sent to their room...(just kidding brothers)

I realize some see the rest of the Apostles teaching and statements as requiring a Pauline magnifying glass and others in Christendom almost reject Paul as secondary...both are extremes in my humble opinion...some hold Paul in a higher place...this in fact is against what Paul himself taught, some hold Peter as the highest and most authoritative (another human error)...

So I know I do not see or read the other NT or OT writings in light of Paul at all...many things Paul says are isolated and taken out of context by some and when they do this they contradict plain statements of scripture found in other places...I know some for example who so emphasize what is said in Ephesians 1:3-11 that the miss (or intentionally ignore) the conclusion summary of verses 13 and 14....

So maybe I am not clear on what you mean Mitzpa but I know you are a child of God so maybe make the point more clear...

Is Paul's gospel different in some way? Or does it somehow define or interpret the meaning that others may have left unclear? What? I am listening to hear the actual point....and then we can discuss the theology of that issue (and in the end we may still agree to disagree, but you are forever my brother, this I siblings always agree on all matters?)
The scriptures themselves put all sound doctrine under His to be understood by what He taught as the true gospel. I have already posted some of these statements of the scriptures and there are many more....If any man teach a gospel other than that which Paul taught it is a false gospel... Even and Angel from heaven cannot contradict that which Paul has taught in his epistles.
My, my, all this talk about the Gospel and 1 Cor 15 never mentioned,

And, brothers, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you have received, and in which you stand; by which you also are being kept safe, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. 1 Cor 15:1,2

The Gospel according to Paul,

For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received, that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures; 1 Co 15:3, 4

Paul also told us there are some who preach a different gospel Gal 1:6-9 and he is definitely telling us there are some who have believed in vain, so for me, rather than argue over which Gospel is the correct Gospel it's more important to search my heart and see if I have believed the Gospel Paul preached.


Hypocrites (those who profess to be saved but aren't)-false prophets, scammers, schemers, tricksters, wolves in sheep's clothing.

'They honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me'

Humans suffer from a 'heart condition' in need of the 'Great Physician.'

I think that as the Bible says- "all" things will work towards the purpose and the glory of God-even if we can't see it or understand it in this time. That means even all the false prophets and false 'religions' / denominations / sects / cults, etc...will in some way work toward the glory of God-IN THE END OF ALL THINGS.

So there will be many with 'vain imaginations' and 'lying lips / tongues' who may have even convinced themselves and many others in their false ways that won't be getting into heaven. A FEW examples would be:

*Salvation by WORKS / good deeds
*Salvation by PAYMENT
*Salvation by prayer* and penitence
*God was a man-Jesus was ONLY a blessed human / prophet
*Prosperity doctrine (if you are truly a child of God he will live a 'blessed and carefree life'. Nothing "bad" can happen)

There is only one door- and that is Jesus Christ; anyone coming by another way are thieves and robbers...

*We pray to God as an acknowledgment of our need for a Savior and as a confession by our mouth, but prayer itself does not 'save' a soul. It is the change in our heart; our turning toward God and away from sin (repentance) in our spirit accepting HIS grace by faith. He did all the 'work' for us. Now if we could just get that whole obedience thing down...

Hello Mike....I do not wish to be contrary, but I feel I must say something. The verse I believe you are referencing in the part that I bolded and italicized is Romans 8:28. Which is this: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a]have been called according to his purpose.29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first born among many brothers and sisters.30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:28-30.

This is speaking of His children....and He states His purpose: to be conformed to the image of His Son. He has even revealed how: "Grace to you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; 3 seeing that his divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue;4 whereby he hath granted unto us his precious and exceeding great promises; that through these ye may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in that world by lust. 5 Yea, and for this very cause adding on your part all diligence, in your faith supply virtue; and in your virtue knowledge; 6 and in your knowledge self-control; and in your self-control patience; and in your patience godliness; 7 and in your godliness brotherly kindness; and in your brotherly kindness love. 8 For if these things are yours and abound, they make you to be not idle nor unfruitful unto the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 1:2-8.
Ro 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

Ro 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Ga 1:6 ¶ I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Ga 5:4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.
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