I don't know. Who? What denominations?
How about we let Jesus answer it for us, let's consider what He says about the Laodicean church and in so doing we will find the answer.
Now remember, the Laodicean church is an example of not only churches, but more specifically what individual people believe, ...Laodicean=peoples opinions, ...in a Laodicean church there will always be confusion because everyone thinks they are the authority and therefore doing their own thing.
Jesus describes Himself as the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Head of the creation of God. Rev 3:14
A. Here in this verse Amen is used as a proper name, which when applied to the Lord signifies that He Himself is the fulfillment of all that God has spoken to the churches.
B. Then in contrast the Laodicean church will tell us there is new revelation from God, which negates what Jesus cried from the Cross, "It is finished!" John 19:30
A. Faithful means one we can trust, one that won't abandon us.
B. Those in the Laodicean church will teach us their doctrine, but when it doesn't come true or work in our lives then they will turn on us like rabid dogs and we will actually become their (Christian) enemies.
A. True Witness, a true witness is one who is an eye witness of the actual event, i.e., Jesus was with the Father as the Word before the incarnation, so what He tells us about Father is His testimony.
B. Jesus is inferring the Laodicean church is a false witness.
A. The Head is a reference to His supreme authority.
B. The supreme authority in the Laodicean church it is the members and how they interpret the Bible.
A. Creation of God, Jesus is saying He is the Head or Authority of all of Creation, and that also means He is the Head or Authority of all of His born again children.
B. The teaching and belief of the Laodicean church is they are little Gods or little Christs, they are their own authority and even have the audacity to tell God what to do.
...I will vomit you out of my mouth. Rev 3:16
A. The Laodicean church is so nauseous, stomach turning that it makes Jesus sick enough to vomit.
B. Compare that to the promise, He will never leave us or forsake us and even more poignant, He would never talk like that about His Bride.
Why will Jesus, what causes Him to say He will vomit them out of His mouth?
Because you say, I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, Rev 3"17a
A. Rich is a reference to monetary wealth, goods is a reference to spiritual gifts and because they think this way they don't even need Jesus, ..remember, they think they are little Gods or little Christs and the can claim any promise in the Word, say it in faith and that forces God to obey them.
...and do not know your are wretched, poor, blind, miserable and naked. Rev 3:17b
B. But the Amen, Faithful and True Witness tells us their true condition, ...wretched, poor, blind, miserable and naked.
I counsel you to buy gold from Me purified by fire, so that you may be rich; and white clothing so that you may be clothed and so that the shame of your nakedness does not appear. And anoint your eyes with eye salve, so that you may see. Rev 3:18
A. They say their faith in claiming the promises has made them rich.
B. But Jesus says they are poor and need to buy gold from Him, their riches do not have any value in Eternity.
A. They say they are righteous, washed with the blood.
B. But Jesus affirms their righteousness is as filthy rags, and on the day of Judgement their shameful nakedness will be evident to all.
A. They say the can see the light.
B. Jesus is saying they are blind and what light they think they have comes from their vain imaginations.
As many as I love I rebuke and chasten; therefor be zealous and repent Rev 3:19
A. The Laodicean church will say everything is rosy, no problemo, everything is cool and if any thing should come along to shake the boat it is from the devil and don't accept it, ...everything is blue skies in the Laodicean church.
B. Jesus rebukes and chastens His children, He will allow the enemy to tempt us, try us, cause us to pass through fiery trials, but from the Lord's viewpoint it is just another test for us to overcome. We walk in faith through the trial and seek the Lord for the life verse that will give us victory and through the victory our faith will grow and we will also grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, Paul reinforces this point in saying if we aren't chastened by the Lord then we are bastards and not sons. Heb 12:8
And we now arrive at the Truth that Jesus is not the Head of the Laodicean church, He has been, if I may borrow the phrase, vomited out of the church.
Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone (addressed to individuals, not the church) hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and I will dine with him (the Communion of today) and he with Me (the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Rev 4 & 5). Rev 3:20
So there you have it sis, that is a description of the Laodicean church by our Lord, now be a fruit inspector and start inspecting the fruit and soon you will see the bad fruit will start to be found in certain groups calling themselves Christian.