I could not agree more. But you have failed to identify when that will take place.People succumb to defeat too easily. We have been given the authority of Jesus Christ over disease in the Atonement. We need to learn how to get it from our born again spirits where it is located as His promise and blessing and have it manifest in our bodies. That means the in-between element of us as human beings is the mind and will (soul). Understand who we are in Christ and we can appropriate our healing in the natural.
When you got saved did the thorns and briars cease to grow in your garden? When you trusted Christ did work all of a sudden become easy? When you got saved did you stop sweating while working in the yard on a hot summer day?
The answer is of course NO!
When Jesus went to the cross they placed a crown of thorns onto His head. I am not convined that the men who did that intended to show that Christ was bearing the 2nd curse as well as the 1st but as the Lord hung there on the cross He wore the curse of the thorns of Genesis 3. He died to redeem the spiritual creation from the 2nd death and He died to redeem the physical creation from the results of the fall.
As a result of Adams sin, Satan had become the god of this world. Isn't that the meaning of 2 Corth. 4:4 my sister???
Then when the Lord Jesus rose from the dead having paid for sin and having been made a curse as found in Gal. 3:13, did He not also say in Matthew 28:18......"All power is given unto me in heaven and in THE EARTH?
If that is the truth and it is what the Scriptures in fact do say, why do we still have thorns, briars, sweat and even dust. It is because the purchase price has been paid but the actual redemption has not yet taken place. That will not happen until the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation.
Faith healers today seem to have forgotten that the curse of sin will not be lifted from this earth, including our bodies until Christ comes again.