El Pollo, You said:
Scripture shows that those still in God's presence choose not to. Hence, do not.
Are you saying that angels are free agents to do as they please. To choose to have sex or to choose to be a certain gender or not?
Mark 12:25
"For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
Genesis 6:1-4 is one of the most controversial passages in the Bible. As with any difficult section of Scripture, it has been open to a wide range of interpretations. The two most prevalent interpretations are: (1) Women were having sexual relations with demonic beings (literally "sons of God," a term sometimes used for angels), and producing offspring who were part human, part demon. These mutants were said to be Nephilim, or heroes of old. (2) The "sons of God" were descendants of the godly line of Seth. Instead of remaining true to their godly heritage, they were "unequally yoked" with the ungodly line of Cain. Thus, civilization sank into depravity and subsequently was destroyed by the Flood.
I have been in ministry now over 25 years and most of that time as a pastor. Up until recently, let's say the last few years this Nephilim Hoax or false teaching would have never been taught or accepted in the churches. Their has been a move recently to propagate this teaching and I believe it is because so many celebrity preachers or prophecy teachers find it popular and it sells books or stirs the masses with a so called new revelation.
Someone recently said on another forum:
It is a great topic to argue. However it changes little that Christ is our saviour and will keep all that put their trust in him from all harm until we spend eternity with him.
But it does change things, for Christ came to save that which is lost and He also came as savior of the world. He came as the sacrificial Lamb, He came to redeem mankind from their sin.
He did not come to save demons or fallen angels.
From this Nephilim hoax comes a false teaching that says that their is a blood line or demon seed blood line that are upon this earth today. Part human and part demon. It is also a way to explain the sudden appearances of UFOs and Alien life forms.
This is nothing more than falsehood and a lie, Other scriptures tells us that angels are also terrestrial beings. They are neither male nor female. They are spirits. Hebrews 1:14
They can appear as humans but they are still spirits. 2 Kings 6:15-17).