Guys don't follow the trend of disregarding the OT. Atheists are known to mock the OT laws. Naively forgetting there was a panel of wise elders that would judge every sentencing. The classic example is slavery. If only people would actually read the OT laws on slavery before being as naive as Obama. The Jews treated slaves like employees.
As for homosexuality. I have not seen a single attempt at quoting actual scripture by Miylee and this being her first topic of discussion means she is more likely a troll then someone to be taken seriously.
So to us Christians, lets not be naive that sin = sin. In the OT different sins received different sentences. Thief = hand chopped off. Sorcerer = burnt at the stake. Homosexual = stoned to death. Other lessor sins = excommunication.
Now in the NT, going from glory to glory 2 Cor 3:18
is Christianity 101. We should all have immediate victory over mortal sins. Just like a husband should have victory on adultery if he loves his wife. We should all be battling only with venial sins. Just like swearing / arguments / occasional bad thoughts in a marriage.
Anyone continuing in mortal sin is either not a Christian or they are shipwrecking their Christianity. That is why the Jews judged the sin as deserving of death and the NT has verses like 1 Cor 6:9-11, Rom 1:26-28, 1 Tim 1:10-11 and the whole of 1 Cor 5.
I am sure if Miylee was cross questioned and honest she is either unsaved or belongs to a liberal church. If unsaved, we must be kind, loving and patient. If liberal church, she is pushing false teaching in the name of Christianity and must be rebuked.
It is always quite amusing to ask what scripture a 'homosexual Christian' does actually accept. The OT is not for them. Paul's teaching is not for them. Only Jesus's as He never touched on it. But they don't grasp that Jesus was making a point. His point was that no sin will be in God's presence, all need to repent, God loves all sinners but not their sin. Jesus came for the unsaved sinner. Now as a saved person, we follow Paul's teaching as well as Jesus's and never disregard the OT.