I do not want this thread to get bogged down with environmentalism alone, as that is just one strand of their agenda, but I shall open with that. Feel free to add other areas of NWO agenda.
My own awakening to the environmental movement came in 1991/92.
The business I owned was getting ready to exhibit in London's Earls Court Exhibition Centre at the annual Ideal Home Exhibition. This is one of the biggest such events in the UK.
As usual we had just one week to build the stand, an exhausting exercise of hard labour to get ready by the deadline. We were just one of many hundreds of companies racing away to complete on time.
As we were building our stand, right across the gangway to us there was another area cordoned off where someone was in the throes of building a much bigger stand. This had signs all around the screen work that gave it the name of "The Green House". (NB Not the greenhouse!)
The only further information was that it was a project by the UK Govt Department of the Environment.
That's not a particularly notable name except for one thing, my spiritual antennae was going crazy and I could sense that the Holy Spirit was deeply grieved at what was happening. Even now as I write this, my spirit is reacting again.
There was a real demonic atmosphere over the project and I had no clue why. Every day I walked around "The Green House" praying in tongues and listening to the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Over the screening I could see they were building something that looked like a traditional Victorian or Edwardian bay windowed house, although it was actually just fake timber framework clad to look real.
I knew that the Lord was highlighting the whole thing for my priority attention, but I would have to wait till the opening day when all projects would be open to the public.
The start of the exhibition was frenetic for everyone and I could not get free. They also had a line of hundreds of people waiting to walk around the house, but by late morning things had quietened down and I joined the waiting people to view the Green House.
My spirit was doing backflips within me all the time, but finally I squeezed my way through the crowds, examining every detail to try and work out what the Spirit was telling me. I went from room to room where they showed such things as toilets that used no water, high efficiency insulations, high efficiency heaters, lights, solar and wind energy devices etc. None of this in itself offended my spirit, but as I went around I became more and more alert to something.
Finally I entered the front living room and it seemed as if there were neon lights on a book at the far end of the room lying on the table. I strode across and picked the book up. I cannot remember exactly the title, but it was something like "Environmentalism and the Gaia principle" It was by a famous author, but what really riveted me was the bold statement it made inside, again I am remembering over 20 years ago.
"Environmentalism is the highest form of worship of the Goddess Gaia, the earth Goddess"
They had built a temple to the Goddess Gaia, and this was all sponsored by the British Government.
It is my contention that the prime mover behind all of today's environmentalism is demonic, old fashioned paganism.
Behind the Rio and Kyoto conferences is a hidden movement to create a New World Order using fear of the collapse of the earth's environment. That fear is completely cynical and artificially driven to achieve that one agenda.