Found some new (to me) info that connects Nimrod with the EU:
Part of biblical conspiratorial history is that the spirit of Babylon is still laboring behind the scenes today to complete the work started by Nimrod at the Tower of Babel. This Elite desire to finish what Nimrod started is seen in the poster developed for the European Union (EU) announcing its formation. This poster is filled will occult significance.
1. The Tower of Babel chosen as a symbol for unifying Europe:— Isn’t it interesting that the leaders of the European Union chose the only symbol within human history that caused intervention by God Himself? Not only is the symbol used, but the leaders declare that they have overcome the judgment of God (confusion of the languages) by providing one voice for the people of many tongues! 2. Eleven Baphomets (upside-down stars): First, the star is a symbol of Nimrod. Within the occult belief system and use of symbols, the star is used for many purposes. In the Dictionary of Mysticism, we find that the star “is considered by occultists to be the most potent means of conjuring spirits. When a single point of the star points upward, it is regarded as the sign of good and a means to conjure benevolent spirits; when the single point points down and a pair of points are on top, it is a sign of evil and is used to conjure powers of evil.”[ 92] So the EU poster is announcing a working of dark magic for evil. The numbers eleven, twenty-two, and thirty-three are important in Masonic endeavors. The number eleven announces the beginning of the work, the number twenty-two then adds action to the undertaking, and the number thirty-three declares its completion. This poster was announcing the beginning of a work of dark magic to complete the unfinished Tower of Nimrod. 3. The People in the Poster: Notice the people in the poster. (If you cannot see them well, you can simply do an Internet search for “EU Tower of Babel Poster” to get a better look.) The people are brick shaped. This is the declaration that the end-time Tower of Babel will not be made from physical bricks, but from people who have been conformed to the Babylonian mindset. *** Briefing Note About Bricks While the Tower of Babel was made of bricks, their use for an altar to God is forbidden in Scripture (Deuteronomy 27: 5). God requires uncut stones for His altar because it represents the body of Christ and the power of our sanctified uniqueness in its construction. Nimrod and the spirit of Babylon demand conformity, uniformity, and interchangeability. With this in mind, you can now better understand many of the current political winds within the Progressive and Socialistic Movements worldwide— from wealth redistribution to removing the distinction of the sexes toward a unisex philosophy. We must all conform and be interchangeable, so we can serve as bricks in the new Tower of Babel that the Illuminati Elite are building. *** The symbolism of the Tower of Babel did not just stop with the poster announcing its formation. The EU’s Parliament also reflects this same concept. In his work, The Apocalypse: A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Joseph Seiss provided a possible connection to the Tower of Babel and the mark of the Beast. The Bible says that it was further arranged for the people to make for themselves “a name,”— a Sem, token, sign, banner, ensign, or mark of confederation, fellowship, and organized unity, as an undivided people, lest they should become dispersed over the earth into separate societies. (Compare Jer. 13: 11; 33: 9; Ezek. 39: 13; Zeph. 3: 20.) Against God they had determined to hold together, and they wished to have a badge, standard, something by which they could be known, and in which they could all glory and rejoice as the centre and crown of their unity. That Sem, or Sema, was to be a mark of consolidated greatness, a loftiness and pride to them; that is, in the language of the time, a Sema-Rama. Thus we have the name of the mythic Semiramis, the Dove-Goddess, which was the ensign of all the Assyrian princes, and which figures so largely as Ashtaroth, Astarte, the heavenly Aphrodite, and Venus. Semiramis is said to have been the wife of Nimrod; so that the Sem, or token, of the Nimrodic confederation was probably the image of his wife, with a dove upon her head, with wings spread like the horns of the new moon. This, in the language of the time, would be called Sema-Rama, because the great Sem, name, or token, of the combination against being scattered abroad. The symbol of such a name or confederation would naturally and almost necessarily take the place of a god, and become the holy mother, the great heavenly protectress, the giver of greatness and prosperity to those rallying under it.[ 93] (Emphasis added) Over time, this symbol for Semiramis was reduced to the horn-shaped crescent moon. In occultism, the crescent moon always represents Semiramis or the goddess, and the star represents Nimrod or the hunter god. The crescent moon is also connected to the religion of Islam and its use of the name “Allah.” Biblical researchers in Australia have found the following in their research of the origins of the moon god known as Allah:
Lake, Micheal; Horn, Thomas (2015-02-20). The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition's Return (Kindle Locations 1809-1814). Defender Publishing. Kindle Edition.