New World Order, Environmentalism, Conspiracy theory etc.

I ran across this today;
An historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church is "getting closer every day," a senior Orthodox prelate said in an interview published on 28 June.
The unprecedented meeting would be a significant step towards healing the 1,000-year-old rift between the Western and Eastern branches of Christianity, which split in the Great Schism of 1054.

"Now such a meeting is getting closer every day but it must be well prepared," Metropolitan Hilarion, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church's foreign relations department, said in an interview with Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper.

He said the meeting between the head of the 1.2 billion member Roman Catholic Church and the head of Russian Orthodox Church - which counts some 165 million of the world's 250 million Orthodox Christians - would take place in a "neutral" country, not in Moscow or the Vatican. Austria or Hungary were possibilities, he said.

Hmmm, Austria or Hungary. Main players beginning WWI.
After this, having all these denominations don't seem as bad after all.
Discussion is great. But Christ wants us to love one another first. Be very careful! Exalting one denomination over another leads us back to the quagmire of Arminianism vs. Calvinism. Let's not get the thread shut down here, like another one did recently.
I haven't a clue why you made that comment Penion?
I wasn't even thinking of Calvinism or Arminianism when I posted, just taking a simple look at what had been said previously.
And if we look at the Revelation we see TWO Babylons. One is chapter 17 and the other is chapter 18.

Chapter 17 is all about the judgment of the Religious Babylonian system, "The Great Harlot".

Chapter 18 is all about the judgment of the Political Economic Babylonian system. "The End Time Capital City".
Thanks Major, my point exactly.
Politics of course including war, as Von Clausewitz said, "War is the continuation of politics by other means".
Sorry Glomung, but there is nothing "immaculate" about Mary's heart, she was just a godly woman chosen by God. She's been in the grave for nearly 2000 years and is not giving instructions to anyone.
I guess I was slightly inaccurate as far as the dictionary definition is concerned in using the word pagan, I should have used the word Polytheist. But then the Catholic article used pagans to describe those who bowed down to idols, so it seemed appropriate to use it in regards to those who bow down to the immaculate heart of Mary!

This is very inflammatory language to Catholic believers (I am not a Catholic). I guess you don't know the doctrinal history of the Church: it is Arminian. The Reformation brought Calvinism to light. When you disparage a church, you disparage everything about it. To avoid getting this thread shut down, don't disparage a church.
I have recently come across this site: . It contains The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Once I owned the Hungarian paperback version from 1920. It is as old as that. Hoax or true, it is a good read I guess - praying. The protocols are very well recognizable executed in the world. There are pdf versions as well if anybody would prefer that.
I have recently come across this site: . It contains The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Once I owned the Hungarian paperback version from 1920. It is as old as that. Hoax or true, it is a good read I guess - praying. The protocols are very well recognizable executed in the world. There are pdf versions as well if anybody would prefer that.


Welcome to the group! Here we talk about all sorts of things, but we don't run down any believer's church. It's ok to talk about Freemasonry, the Illuminati , Vatican bank, the Rothschilds, Environmentalism, etc. The goal is to talk about controversies without disparaging someone's faith. The reason for this, is to keep the discussion friendly. If someone finds my position unreasonable, check the rules of the forum and get back to me.

pt6615, thank you for your post. The site you mentioned was too big to digest at one time!
Well, I retract my link to Marrs book, being glad for once that people probably skipped it. The man is antisemitic and I have big doubts that he is even Christian. He claims that most Jews are the Elite/Illuminati/Masons/whatever and are gay and pedophiles before they murder young arabs. He claims that the bottomless pit is in Jerusalem and this city is the evilest city on the planet. Satan and his minions are in control of everyone who has had a picture taken shaking hands with anybody else. If you can tell what he means by the masonic grip as opposed to just shaking hands in his "1000 photos" well...God bless you, I can't. His apparent empathy with the poor picked on and mistreated muslims was beyond me. He's only a little less brutal with the Catholics and claims Billy Graham was a mason.

  • Re: The protocols of Zion....Isn't this kind of thing that led to Nazi justification of murdering 6 million Jews? (men, women, & children)? And didn't they conclude it was a hoax?
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Welcome to the group! Here we talk about all sorts of things, but we don't run down any believer's church. It's ok to talk about Freemasonry, the Illuminati , Vatican bank, the Rothschilds, Environmentalism, etc. The goal is to talk about controversies without disparaging someone's faith. The reason for this, is to keep the discussion friendly. If someone finds my position unreasonable, check the rules of the forum and get back to me.

pt6615, thank you for your post. The site you mentioned was too big to digest at one time!
Right. I guess I didn't run down anybody's church. The subject of my post is about a conspiracy theory. As I can see I have just been moderated out of this group...
How so? Apologies if you thought my post was other than asking a question.
[emoji4] No, no, I took it the wrong way. [emoji19] I must admit this issue with the 'Learned Elders of Zion' is in a seemingly close relationship with Zionism within the Jewish religion, however these two are totally disjunct sets of subjects. This group is in fact a conspiracy (many mistakenly think that these people have anything to do with Zionism) and has nothing to do with any religion. I have also learned that these people were involved in the grand planning of the holocaust although being Jews themselves. [emoji115] Obviously sensible matter, I only wanted to focus the conspiracy part of the story. They can say that it is a hoax, that won't make it one will it? Vice versa...
How so? Apologies if you thought my post was other than asking a question.

I hope that my comments about the thread didn't offend you, pt6615. God's peace is a wonderful thing! I think we can have discussions without hurting each other in the process.
It seems to me, (struggling for words), when talking about subsets of humanity and conspiracy, that no one is left out in betraying Yahweh Elohim and therefore betrays humanity as a whole. Christianity's roots are all Jewish/Hebrew and when we forget that we take on strange contradictory views that deny our own truths. The Jews, as a whole, have taken a brutal beating throughout history, and yet scripture tells us, that in the end, God saves their remnant. What the world does to the Jews and what God does should be a lesson to all subsets.
God Himself warns us not to engage with such activities as the non-believers do. According to the book of Isaiah 8:12. "Do not call conspiracy [or hard, or holy] all that this people will call conspiracy [or hard, or holy]; neither be in fear of what they fear, nor [make others afraid and] in dread." It is fair to say if we doubt or have the same concerns as non-believers have our acts are not out faith. In Romans 14:23. we read: "For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin [whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful]."
God Himself warns us not to engage with such activities as the non-believers do. According to the book of Isaiah 8:12. "Do not call conspiracy [or hard, or holy] all that this people will call conspiracy [or hard, or holy]; neither be in fear of what they fear, nor [make others afraid and] in dread." It is fair to say if we doubt or have the same concerns as non-believers have our acts are not out faith. In Romans 14:23. we read: "For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin [whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful]."

Has anyone read Pat Robertson's, The New World Order? It is an older book (ca. late 80's or early 90's).
You have to understand how arrogant the wicked one is in his vain imagination: he wants the plan out there; thing is the majority of people choose to be willfully ignorant. People choose not to see their coming destruction when it is becoming so 'in your face' at this point in history.

If you want to know what the NWO is up too, watch the UN stream and Hollywood propaganda:

They are running the psy-op for the planet, up next: depopulation through a "climate" catastrophe; followed by pestilence (disease & food shortage); war-the big WWIII probably; humans being replaced and merging with technology; one world currency through global economic collapse; a global religion; and the coming "alien" savior. (Maybe not in that order but it is close enough.) There is no hidden thing: in part Satan knows he can't completely hide it so he'll flaunt it and make it so unbelievable people will say 'That will never happen'. People have been programmed to either accept their fate or to submit to the dark forces subconsciously (gotta love Television). Anyway you slice it-even if they only run one or two agendas-the goal is to off the human race and enslave the leftovers.

My prayer is either: death, rapture or God's intervention to pause or steer away this satanic plan. As Christians we need to be able to understand the 'devices/ wiles' of the devil; but we are called to give the gospel not guess at the next move in the prophetic chain of events.

Has anyone mentioned Dr. Judy Wood and "Where Did the Towers Go"? Might just change your perspective on how powerful and secretive current technology really is....

Satan is not 'Omni' anything-he will need the aid of deception, confusion, ignorance, murder: propagated through technology to affect the entire planet. Plans are moving right along....

Confederate flag, race baiting, class wars, affordable care act, dems-v-repubs, denominations, ISIS, etc...all distractions
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You have to understand how arrogant the wicked one is in his vain imagination: he wants the plan out there; thing is the majority of people choose to be willfully ignorant. People choose not to see their coming destruction when it is becoming so 'in your face' at this point in history.

If you want to know what the NWO is up too, watch the UN stream and Hollywood propaganda:

They are running the psy-op for the planet, up next: depopulation through a "climate" catastrophe; followed by pestilence (disease & food shortage); war-the big WWIII probably; humans being replaced and merging with technology; one world currency through global economic collapse; a global religion; and the coming "alien" savior. (Maybe not in that order but it is close enough.) There is no hidden thing: in part Satan knows he can't completely hide it so he'll flaunt it and make it so unbelievable people will say 'That will never happen'. People have been programmed to either accept their fate or to submit to the dark forces subconsciously (gotta love Television). Anyway you slice it-even if they only run one or two agendas-the goal is to off the human race and enslave the leftovers.

My prayer is either: death, rapture or God's intervention to pause or steer away this satanic plan. As Christians we need to be able to understand the 'devices/ wiles' of the devil; but we are called to give the gospel not guess at the next move in the prophetic chain of events.

Has anyone mentioned Dr. Judy Wood and "Where Did the Towers Go"? Might just change your perspective on how powerful and secretive current technology really is....

Satan is not 'Omni' anything-he will need the aid of deception, confusion, ignorance, murder: propagated through technology to affect the entire planet. Plans are moving right along....

Confederate flag, race baiting, class wars, affordable care act, dems-v-repubs, denominations, ISIS, etc...all distractions

Below is the agenda of the Frankfurt School. In the UK and USA we have seen all these points steadily being applied for several decades.
Common Purpose is basically sick, sociopathic Marxist control.

Please read this article:

Once you get to the list of 11 ‘recommendations’ the Frankfurt school suggested, ask yourself how many are now in force today:

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family … the answer, of course, is all of them. on What Is Common Purpose?

Extract –
The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt
By Timothy Matthews
Issue: March 2009

Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests … Civilization is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organisation which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory.
Below is the agenda of the Frankfurt School. In the UK and USA we have seen all these points steadily being applied for several decades.

How about them "Georgia Guidestones" we have in the USA?

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
The agenda is the same everywhere-just cloaked in different masks.....

If you allow yourself to see that Christ fought elitism (one man having a higher stature over another)in all ways; to include becoming flesh and paying our burdens, you will understand that humility is the opposite of pride.

Christ= ultimate humility and sacrifice, only able to be achieved by His holiness. (Morality)

The World/ Satan=ultimate (pride) despotism by any means possible (no morality)

Christians NEED humility to get closer to God....
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The agenda is the same everywhere-just cloaked in different masks.....

If you allow yourself to see that Christ fought elitism (one man having a higher stature over another)in all ways; to include becoming flesh and paying our burdens, you will understand that humility is the opposite of pride.

Christ= ultimate humility and sacrifice, only able to be achieved by His holiness. (Morality)

The World/ Satan=ultimate (pride) despotism by any means possible (no morality)

Christians NEED humility to get closer to God....

Just a little encouragement here! In 1 John 'he that is within you is greater than he that is without you.' We can talk all we want to about the NWO, etc., but are our hearts and minds prepared for Spiritual Warfare (Ephesians 6)? Apart from the greater desire of Satan to topple world systems, he assigns demons to individual believers. Would anyone here, like to share some of their victories?