Outside the New Jerusalem

Love the thread so far.
A huge portion of the gospels that people presume refer to our eternal state, are in actual fact referring to our daily walk.
That is why Jesus went forth saying, "The kingdom of heaven is nigh unto you." ie. the kingdom is here and now. Sadly, the church has reinvented this into heaven when you're dead. Thus missing completely on where Jesus wants to take us daily -on that narrow path.
Perhaps the majority are so taken up with christian activity, that they have ceased tuning into the Holy Spirit, our daily satnav.
I am not missing anything. is not about nonbelievers going to hellfire, nor is it about believers and their heavenly reward,

Matt 7:13 NLT "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.
I would term any number of people passing through the gate to Hell to be much to many. (and the Lord is not willing for any to perish).
If, as it seems evident, many do pass into Hell, than the number entering the gate to Heaven is too few.
I would term any number of people passing through the gate to Hell to be much to many. (and the Lord is not willing for any to perish).
If, as it seems evident, many do pass into Hell, than the number entering the gate to Heaven is too few.

Correct. Those who are on the road to hell are nonbelievers, those who are not born again.
Matt 7:13 NLT "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.

The NLT is only one translation among many that extrapolates that the narrow gate is anything other than our life's path, a rewarding journey with the Lord.

Matthew 7:13-14 (Phillips) says it well:
Go in by the narrow gate. For the wide gate has a broad road which leads to disaster and there are many people going that way. The narrow gate and the hard road lead out into life and only a few are finding it.”
The NLT is only one translation among many that extrapolates that the narrow gate is anything other than our life's path, a rewarding journey with the Lord.

Matthew 7:13-14 (Phillips) says it well:
Go in by the narrow gate. For the wide gate has a broad road which leads to disaster and there are many people going that way. The narrow gate and the hard road lead out into life and only a few are finding it.”

I wouldn't say only. There are commentaries too.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
7:12-14 Christ came to teach us, not only what we are to know and believe, but what we are to do; not only toward God, but toward men; not only toward those of our party and persuasion, but toward men in general, all with whom we have to do. We must do that to our neighbour which we ourselves acknowledge to be fit and reasonable. We must, in our dealings with men, suppose ourselves in the same case and circumstances with those we have to do with, and act accordingly. There are but two ways right and wrong, good and evil; the way to heaven and the way to hell; in the one or other of these all are walking: there is no middle place hereafter, no middle way now. All the children of men are saints or sinners, godly or ungodly. See concerning the way of sin and sinners, that the gate is wide, and stands open. You may go in at this gate with all your lusts about you; it gives no check to appetites or passions. It is a broad way; there are many paths in it; there is choice of sinful ways. There is a large company in this way. But what profit is there in being willing to go to hell with others, because they will not go to heaven with us? The way to eternal life is narrow.

The way to heaven is hard – Matthew 7:13-14 - http://www.easyenglish.info/bible-commentary/matthew4-13-im-lbw.htm

v13 ‘Enter in through the narrow gate. There is a wide gate and a broad road. But that way leads to hell. Many people go through that wide gate. v14 But the gate is small that leads to life. And the road is narrow. Few people find that way.’

Verses 13-14 There are two ways in life. People must decide which way they will go. It is important to make the right choice. Jesus describes this as the choice between two gates and two roads. There are two ways and two final places. Jesus tells his *disciples to take the way through the narrow gate. This gate and the narrow road is the way to *eternal life. The end of this road is a home in God’s *kingdom. It is harder to find the narrow gate than to find the broad gate. The narrow road is harder to follow than the broad road. There are more people on the broad road than on the narrow road. The broad road is easy to follow but it leads to death and permanent loss.

To enter through the narrow gate means to come to Jesus in *faith. Then we follow him. He said that he is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). There is no other way to *eternal life.
I wouldn't say only. There are commentaries too.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
7:12-14 Christ came to teach us, not only what we are to know and believe, but what we are to do; not only toward God, but toward men; not only toward those of our party and persuasion, but toward men in general, all with whom we have to do. We must do that to our neighbour which we ourselves acknowledge to be fit and reasonable. We must, in our dealings with men, suppose ourselves in the same case and circumstances with those we have to do with, and act accordingly. There are but two ways right and wrong, good and evil; the way to heaven and the way to hell; in the one or other of these all are walking: there is no middle place hereafter, no middle way now. All the children of men are saints or sinners, godly or ungodly. See concerning the way of sin and sinners, that the gate is wide, and stands open. You may go in at this gate with all your lusts about you; it gives no check to appetites or passions. It is a broad way; there are many paths in it; there is choice of sinful ways. There is a large company in this way. But what profit is there in being willing to go to hell with others, because they will not go to heaven with us? The way to eternal life is narrow.

The way to heaven is hard – Matthew 7:13-14 - http://www.easyenglish.info/bible-commentary/matthew4-13-im-lbw.htm

v13 ‘Enter in through the narrow gate. There is a wide gate and a broad road. But that way leads to hell. Many people go through that wide gate. v14 But the gate is small that leads to life. And the road is narrow. Few people find that way.’

Verses 13-14 There are two ways in life. People must decide which way they will go. It is important to make the right choice. Jesus describes this as the choice between two gates and two roads. There are two ways and two final places. Jesus tells his *disciples to take the way through the narrow gate. This gate and the narrow road is the way to *eternal life. The end of this road is a home in God’s *kingdom. It is harder to find the narrow gate than to find the broad gate. The narrow road is harder to follow than the broad road. There are more people on the broad road than on the narrow road. The broad road is easy to follow but it leads to death and permanent loss.

To enter through the narrow gate means to come to Jesus in *faith. Then we follow him. He said that he is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). There is no other way to *eternal life.

In a nutshell, it is all about how we walk---either on the broad way or the narrow way, both leading to different kinds of lives and ends---one leading to trouble, both spiritual and physical destruction, and the other leading to spiritual and physical blessing and prosperity and a good end.
In a nutshell, it is all about how we walk---either on the broad way or the narrow way, both leading to different kinds of lives and ends---one leading to trouble, both spiritual and physical destruction, and the other leading to spiritual and physical blessing and prosperity and a good end.

Why would Jesus say he's the gate and door to salvation however.
Why would Jesus say he's the gate and door to salvation however.
Forgive me if this is not appropriate or already canvased, but Jesus had just been talking about the Law and the prophets.
and as we know by the law shall no flesh be justified. Many try to attain self righteousness by works and in general earning salvation by personal merit. Could that be the wide gate?
The NLT is only one translation among many that extrapolates that the narrow gate is anything other than our life's path, a rewarding journey with the Lord.

Matthew 7:13-14 (Phillips) says it well:
Go in by the narrow gate. For the wide gate has a broad road which leads to disaster and there are many people going that way. The narrow gate and the hard road lead out into life and only a few are finding it.”

Say.....is that the J B Phillips? That would be the version that The Lord used to get through my thick skull that I needed Him.
You walk on that narrow road (of life) without entering it through the Gate.

But it says to enter through the gate first. It seems to me that Jesus is talking about both salvation AND walking through life. I dunno. I still think he's talking about salvation. Life being eternal life.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Forgive me if this is not appropriate or already canvased, but Jesus had just been talking about the Law and the prophets.
and as we know by the law shall no flesh be justified. Many try to attain self righteousness by works and in general earning salvation by personal merit. Could that be the wide gate?

Read above.
Say.....is that the J B Phillips? That would be the version that The Lord used to get through my thick skull that I needed Him.

Yes! I love mine. It was a gift to me when I graduated high school back in 1971 and entered University. A godly couple in the church I was raised in, now in their nineties, made it a point to make sure every graduate received a JB Phillips New Testament.
Mat 7:12 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Mat 7:13 "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
Mat 7:14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
The Law and the prophets are what Jesus has just been discussing......
Question is if Jesus started a brand new topic without notice or if He was just following on. V13
Mat 7:12 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Mat 7:13 "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
Mat 7:14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
The Law and the prophets are what Jesus has just been discussing......
Question is if Jesus started a brand new topic without notice or if He was just following on. V13

Let me ask you this. If God says the way to heaven is hard, is He referring to coming to faith in Rom 10:9 or something else. Is it hard to get past the schemes of the devil? I would say yes. 2 Cor 4:4 NIV The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Man has always looked for a "get outta jail free" card. It's deeply ingrained in our human nature to avoid accountability. We search for loopholes and exploit them wherever and whenever possible. Obedience is not a popular nor pleasurable subject, but it is necessary in order to mature in our walk. As the Lord reveals His will, He expects us to respond with obedience. If we refuse, we do so at our own peril. He is showing us the Father's will as He walks with us through our lives and it is incumbent upon us to respond. It's call growing up spiritually and the growing pains can be excruciating.
Man has always looked for a "get outta jail free" card. It's deeply ingrained in our human nature to avoid accountability. We search for loopholes and exploit them wherever and whenever possible. Obedience is not a popular nor pleasurable subject, but it is necessary in order to mature in our walk. As the Lord reveals His will, He expects us to respond with obedience. If we refuse, we do so at our own peril. He is showing us the Father's will as He walks with us through our lives and it is incumbent upon us to respond. It's call growing up spiritually and the growing pains can be excruciating.

Do you believe we can lose our salvation if we step out of his will. Good post by the way.
Let me ask you this. If God says the way to heaven is hard, is He referring to coming to faith in Rom 10:9 or something else. Is it hard to get past the schemes of the devil? I would say yes. 2 Cor 4:4 NIV The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Let me ask you this:
Mat 15:24. He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Was Jesus, when He spoke these words teaching the lost sheep of the house of Israel or was He addressing the countless billions of Gentiles that would follow throughout the Church Age?
Mat 7:12 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Mat 7:13 "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
Mat 7:14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

I'd like to suggest that the wide and easy way that actually leads to destruction is the widely practiced custom of just buying a sheep or a dove and handing them over to the priest to sacrifice on your behalf.
That is easy, no repentance, just shell out a few coins and back to a life rife with unrighteousness.
Recall how Jesus went ballistic when He went to the Temple and why.
We are all agreed I think that Jesus is the narrow way, and faith and trust in the face of adversity is not easy.
Relatively speaking, Jesus had few followers amongst the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Just something to think on.