You say the federal budget request includes 10.7 billion for mental & health services. I haven’t checked that out. RTM I’ll take your word on that. You than go on to mention a serial code 1811s. I assume that’s for the 2700 IRS agents that carry guns that you mentioned. RTM that still doesn’t make null and void that you still have 77 thousand other IRS agents working for the agency at the moment along with the other 80 thousand yet to come. You than go to say that the tax gap has surged in the last decade with the IRS stating on average that 441 billion a year from 2011 to 2013 went unpaid because of tax evasion by the wealthy and rich cooperations. You mean just those 2 yrs what about from 2014 to 2022 ? You mean those wealthy ones and rich corporations haven’t been charged in all that time ? And if not maybe it’s for good reason they haven’t been charged simply because those wealthy ones and rich corporations you mentioned were LEGALLY working within the confines of the law. Says to me either your IRS is either very sleepy when they want to be or they didn’t have a case begin with. After all its now 9 yrs later. and you mean they still have collected the 880 billion for just those two yrs alone If those companies had done anything illegal or maybe they are just to busy sniffing out Christian or right wing organisations or patriotic American people. What Mr Rettig has stated and what is fact may be two complete different realities.. No disrespect you say and you would challenge my statement of millions of illegals stampeding across your boarders. RTM there already be close to 3 million illegals that have entered your boarders over the past two yrs and that’s not counting the illegals they don’t catch or the ones found dead from heat exhaustion on ranches or dead from heat exhaustion in trucks. Yes I’m sure the 15 billion is divided over the entirety of your continent at least where you have boarders. But it’s not about the Money it’s about bad policy the money won’t fix anything as long the bad policy choices continue. Actually RTM we wouldn’t be having this discussion if Mr Biden hadn’t so spitefully destroyed everything President Trump has put in place with the boarder policy including the Mexico agreement and the completion of the wall they do come to mind . All he had to do was to leave well enough alone and there would never have been no boarder crisis to discuss.
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