Passover/Lord's supper

My brother, Easter eggs and rabbits predate the empty tomb by around 3000 years at least. It was the queen of heaven, Nimrods wife named Semeramis who 1st came up with eggs and rabbits.

Semiramis became known as "Ishtar" which is pronounced "Easter", and her moon egg became known as "Ishtar's" egg."

What about those rabbits? How did they get into Easter??? Tammuz, son of Semiramis, was noted to be especially fond of rabbits, and they became sacred in the ancient religion, because Tammuz was believed to be the son of the sun-god, Baal. Tammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunter.

As for the "evergreen tree", some say it came from the Druids of early Europe but a little study and work and we find that it goes back to ancient Babylon. The queen mother told the worshippers that when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig, some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight. This made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz.

Who knew????

I appreciate and will be looking into this information.

I know a lot of Christian traditions came about by redefining and adapting non Christian traditions. It was often a conscious effort on the part of the church and/or governmental leaders to replace the old traditions with something that they thought would guide thoughts toward our Lord. I am not really impressed with many of the results, but I am not of a single mind as to whether this is because the enemy actively tries to subvert the things that demonstrate/symbolizes God's nature, or that the Spirit was never empowering that effort.
You not supposed to eat any leaven for the entire week. I dont know any christians that do this..but I suppose the tradition ties in with lent and pancakes somehow.

I can easily subsist on crackers. But its funny a lot of water crackers actually do have yeast or baking powder in them. The only ones that dont are rice crackers and Carrs water crackers. And matza of course.
Even flatbread has yeast in it. Well the huntly and palmers ones do.
The yeast in the bread symbolises the yeast in our lives, which of course is sin than spoils us. It should be higher priority to remove that than what you eat. So for lent and yeast, many interpretations are taken, as some forgo technology, others yeast, others hobbies or even intimacy with their spouse, just to place those things that threaten to take precedence over YHVH as number one in their lives. That can also be considered.
Its interesting though. How yeast is in nearly everything. Of course its a metaphor. Leaven of the Pharisees.
Like how nowadays..sugar is in almost all processed foods. God was illustrating a point, even though it was originally, they had to leave Egypt in a hurry, thus no time for the bread to rise.

Then I think of Jesus, rising from the dead, and he didnt have any leaven in him. Unless...theres a different kind of baking soda...which has 1001 uses, according to one of my household hint books.
Before and during the dinner:)