Brother, Faith only comes from one place, and one place only, hearing the voice of the living Word of God!!! There is no other way, unless you want to change what scripture has already told us. Again, the purpose for ALL scripture is to "testify, (point to that Jesus Christ is the Son of God), for correction, for doctrine, for reproof, and for instruction in righteousness:" (2 Tim 3:16) (John 5:39) ALL scripture points to the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. This is what Jesus Christ himself, and the Apostle John has told us!!! Let me explain to you how this works.
When a person hears the "scriptures", what does this do? It is "instructing a person in righteousness", by testifying that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Now what? Once a person finds this out by the scriptures, which testify, and points to the fact that Jesus Christ is Son of God (the living active Word of God) The scriptures "instructs" that person again on how to get this person (the living Word of God) to be their savior.
Rom 10:9.. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10.. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
While all this is going on who do suppose is knocking on the door of that persons heart drawing them to come to him? Whose voice are they hearing that is speaking directly to them? Who did Abraham, and Enoch hear? Where did their faith come from? We are told to have the faith of Abraham. How did Abraham receive his faith? There is only one way to get faith, and that is by hearing the voice of the living Word of God. We receive faith in exactly the same way they did, except they did not have scripture that pointed to Jesus Christ, but God told Abraham that in him and the nations shall be blessed, and His seed (Jesus Christ) would inherit all the land as a everlasting inheritance.
Do you honestly believe what you are saying????? Do you have a concept of the error you are proposing????
We can only be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We agree on that ( think).
You have just said..........
" Faith only comes from one place, and one place only, hearing the voice of the living Word of God!!!"
If what you are proposing has any validity to it at all, then how in the world do you explain how DEAF people get saved?????
They can not hear anything that is said so how has so many people who can not hear come to be saved?????
They have never heard a sermon, a song or the voice of the living Word of God. How did they get saved if we believe what you are proposing????