Was the law given through scripture? Is it not through scripture we know the law? Brother, I am not trying to change anything. I simply read scripture, and believe what it says.
Isn't it the same thing? 'Hearing' is figurative.You have to make up your mind, you either receive faith by reading scripture, or by hearing the Word of God. Which one do you think is right?
Lord these guys, u know what they mean to me, blooooooow in what ever area they need in power, in love, they mean so much to u first, and me and God they will be needed on this forum for what's coming, Praise God, Hallelujuah!!! LolCurtis,
The Law was ONLY until Jesus came. The law was to show how bad or wrong one was when compared to Gods ways. Again this is a far stretch trying to use Galatians 3:19 or even John 1:17
You seem to be trying to place scripture together to prove your thoughts that really do not go together in that sense.
If we are told to have the "faith" of Abraham which is the father of us all.
Rom 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
Can anyone on this forum tell me exactly where did Abraham get his faith from? What scriptures did he use to get his faith? There were "0" scriptures for Abraham to get his faith from. If we are to have the "faith" of Abraham how shall we go about getting it?
I gave you the like because they do not have Half Likes........it is the same but hearing is NOT figurative but required......Isn't it the same thing? 'Hearing' is figurative.
Which is exactly what I have been talking about in this whole thread. Faith comes by "hearing the Word of God." Does faith come by reading scripture? It does not!!!
You have to make up your mind, you either receive faith by reading scripture, or by hearing the Word of God. Which one do you think is right?
The same for "Enoch" who walked with God, and God took him for he pleased God. Enoch never had any scripture to get faith from, but he did hear the voice of the Word of God which gave him faith.
Hearing is figurative. You don't have to hear to hear. Of course hearing is required.I gave you the like because they do not have Half Likes........it is the same but hearing is NOT figurative but required......
Was the law given through scripture? Is it not through scripture we know the law? Brother, I am not trying to change anything. I simply read scripture, and believe what it says.
Which is exactly what I have been talking about in this whole thread. Faith comes by "hearing the Word of God." Does faith come by reading scripture? It does not!!!
You have to make up your mind, you either receive faith by reading scripture, or by hearing the Word of God. Which one do you think is right?
I have been trying to understand where you are coming from in all your comments but I have to be honest and say that you are being very, very confusing and IMO very close to heresy if not already there.
To say that faith does not come by reading the Scriptures is totally wrong!
Do you not know (evidently not) that It is the Word of God that produces faith. Someone could receive faith while hearing a sermon teaching the gospel, someone else by reading about Jesus in the Bible—any time the true gospel of Jesus is communicated, there is potential for faith. This is why it’s of paramount importance for believers everywhere to be obedient to the Great Commission and tell people what Christ has done for humanity. Faith is not the product of a preacher’s compelling presentation, his eloquence, or even his theological soundness—faith is given through the message about Jesus whether it be vocal or written or in video. This is the means God has chosen the means by which men can be saved and it can include all sorts of mediums including the reading of the Word of God..
Who was that Angel (messenger)? How did we find out what the law said? Scriptures. Did Jesus tell us that the law given to us through an angel (messenger) would ever pass away? (Matt 5:18) Yes it will, but the living Word of God will NEVER pass away!! Who was that "Angel" in the burning bush that spoke to Moses? Who did he claim to be?Galatians 3:19............
"Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels.........."! .
Who was that Angel (messenger)? How did we find out what the law said? Scriptures. Did Jesus tell us that the law given to us through an angel (messenger) would ever pass away? (Matt 5:18) Yes it will, but the living Word of God will NEVER pass away!! Who was that "Angel" in the burning bush that spoke to Moses? Who did he claim to be?
Sister, anything inspired by God is holy and very good as scripture was given to us for....Galatians 3:8 says "and the Scripture (Strong's Definition: From G1125; a document, that is, holy Writ(or its contents or a statement in it): - scripture) forseeing that God would justify the nations by faith preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand saying "in you all the nations shall be blessed"
Can I share with you how are you missing this????
As you are coming from the Charismatic teachings you have a different view regarding rhema and how it should be understood.
I would encourage you to begin doing some in depth study on "rhema" and it ramifications so as to help your understanding.
You see, Charismatics view rhema as the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to them at the present moment. They believe they should be guided by the Holy Spirit through inner feelings, impressions and experiences. There is also the belief that you are speaking of where the spoken word has more power than the written word, but there is no biblical basis for such a belief.
The test of the authenticity of a rhema from God is how it compares to the whole of Scripture. Orthodoxy says that God will not speak a word that contradicts His written Word, the Scriptures, so there is a built-in safeguard to prevent misinterpretation. The obvious danger is that one who is not familiar with the logos can misinterpret or misunderstand what he or she perceives to be a rhema.
This is correct as there were no scriptures at the time of Abraham to look to. All he had was the voice of the living Word of God, which is all we need to understand and interpret the Holy scriptures to us as the living Word of God who speaks directly to us.Galatians 3:8 says "and the Scripture (Strong's Definition: From G1125; a document, that is, holy Writ(or its contents or a statement in it): - scripture) forseeing that God would justify the nations by faith preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand saying "in you all the nations shall be blessed"
Brother the Pentecostal, and Word of faith people believe that there is the "written Word of God, and it is the same as the spoken Word of God, in two different forms, but being the same. I do not go along with that thinking, so do not say it is because I am a Pentecostal, or Word of faith movements person that I have this belief.
I am not a Pentecostal, or Word of Faith person, I am simply a Christian believer!
Does anybody have "pure" doctrine? Nobody has sense we are all learning new things daily. There are things that I believe that are in line with other denominations, but I am not a part of any of them.I am sorry Curtis but I can not accept your claim. The truth is that your past comments on Bible doctrines say otherwise.