I doubt very much that one can judge the true Church in the harsh ways I read here, for the Lord loves her and she is spotless, and without wrinkle, ready for her Bridegroom. You are talking about individual groups, where you should be speaking highly of the Body of Christ. He knows who are His.
I don't know about your God or the fellowship you have experienced, but my God is fully capable and works well among His people, providing gifted teachers and leaders for our benefit, each individual body outfitted by Him for service in all areas of ministry ---with excellence, because Holy Spirit is allowed to work His way, and not man.
Perchance you have read in my post was not there in spirit .
But I do suggest that you go to rev chapter 2 etc. and see what the Spirit "sayeth to the churches"
Which in the main the churches have rejected that it applies to them but says it is for the world .
I refuse to be a soothsayer.
But rather will point out what the scriptures say .
But your argument has been reduced to an accusation to me .
I also refuse to reduce it to that .
I have argued that the church needs teachers and were and are given to the church for its perfection.
Some here have argued that they have no need of teachers based on the one verse that says "you have no need of any to teach you"
I have argued that it is a misunderstanding of scripture fro clearly if that was true then God would not have among others given to the church teachers.
It was then returned saying that in effect that the same were so mature they had no need of any to teach them as they could teach themselves .
and by another argument that all were leaders . They to the world .I was speaking of the church and that not all were leaders .
Then by another diversion one spoke of the power of God . I pointed out that the power fo God was for some in one way and in others another .
Others pointed or rather mixed up gifts with ministries as so listed.
I then pointed out that a gift is not the same as a ministry as is listed.
One given for example of the gift of prophecy does not make them a prophet .
What more can I argue?
When none is either returned or answered but with each step forward in my argument another simply raises up a quite different subject. That too being answered another is so raised.
thus we now come to my apparent harshness and your perceptions of it.
The church in general is NOT ready .
and by the scriptures says so .
For one it says "I am rich increased with goods and in need of nothing " The Lords words by you then may seem harsh also .
"Ye are wretched poor and blind and in need of eye salve and dont even know it "
and if you look at all the churches mentioned which reflect all the church ages then to all but one he says repent!
to the last he says "behold I stand at the door and knock and if any man has ears to hear and opens the door to THEM will I come and the father and sup with him."
Not to the rest who do not have ears to hear .
The church says that does not apply to us it applies to the world and the unsaved.
But the scripture says "LISTEN to what the Spirit sayeth to the CHURCHES."
and in another place "make sure you understand"!
They whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and it does not seem pleasant to the one being chastened.
God is in for the long haul and is building a church and will have a bride that will last for all eternity .
if all was well as you would claim then let me ask you this .
if the church is the salt of the earth and the salt is to stop the 'meat' from rotting . But all you can see is corruption in all its various forms . Where then is the salt?
Yet I bare you witness even here that men are leaning more upon their own understanding than trusting in the Lord .
Yet they too confess and I would not disagree that they are children of God.
Judgment begins at the house of God .
before it comes to the world.
We are not judged unto condemnation.
For we have passed from death to life and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
But what I have said is the truth .
I would also say that the church does not know God "who is from the beginning" They have but "heard of Him"
How can it be otherwise when men and most of the church it seems does not believe Him who is in the beginning?
But have for A peace sake compromised with the world and mixed truth with error .
You may say that has nothing to do with our salvation?
It may not if you reduce that Salvation to being but BORNagain.
But what says the scriptures ? are we not a NEW creation? Jesus beign the first BORN of a new creation?
Then I argue that it does have a very important place in our salvation and which John places in context of "little children" to young men and to fathers who know Him who is from the beginning "
But here again I have simply developed the argument that started with the need of all the ministries of God given to the church and I you we the church are in need of them all .
in Christ