No military background....Aha, if I may ask are you prior military?
More of business/secular world, that is “corporate”/body.... : )
As I see it: the Church organization/body does indeed copy/paste some of its “operations” from the secular/business
More so: the business world does copy/paste a lot of “operations” how the Military operates….
That covers the appointment of deacons and I don't think it really counts as being a hierarchy position as scripture describes it here.
Many churches who appoint deacons use them as elders or church heads, when that is not what they are supposed to be.
Am pondering on the concept of "hierarchy" (that is: grouping, ranking) and that verse mentioned...
imo: Hierarchy is setting up priorities, ranking of what are more important things to do..
Thus, the “things to do” has now "ranks", which one is closest to its "mission" must have a "higher rank" than the other, imo
The moment we "appoint" a person to handle “things to do”..... Does the RANK of the “things to do” follows what will be the rank of that person? I think so…. that is an opinion, I can be wrong…
But/although, as I see it: regardless of 'rank", a person can be used for a good purpose that can be "closer" to the mission...
Is it Stephen, the one who "serves the table" is the first Christian martyr....
.... and in his martyrdom we found the first mention of the name of Saul/ Paul...
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