Paul writes this in 1 Corinthians 12 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.
The context of the verse is about sexual immorality. And how our body belongs to the Lord. But I think it is applicable in this case as well. Drinking is an abuse of our body. Alcohol nothing other than abuse our body. However, it does have benefits when taken in very limited amounts. Being drunken (excessive drinking) is clearly admonished in Bible. I think those verses are quoted already. The question is on limited usage of alcohol for its benefits. If it would provide benefits and not it would not dominate us (or abuse), then I see no issues. Does not mean casual drinking is fine. I am against it. Because it does not provide any benefit. Does no good to body. And while it may not immediately cause damage to our body, when casual drinking becomes a habit and regular it would eventually cause damage
The context of the verse is about sexual immorality. And how our body belongs to the Lord. But I think it is applicable in this case as well. Drinking is an abuse of our body. Alcohol nothing other than abuse our body. However, it does have benefits when taken in very limited amounts. Being drunken (excessive drinking) is clearly admonished in Bible. I think those verses are quoted already. The question is on limited usage of alcohol for its benefits. If it would provide benefits and not it would not dominate us (or abuse), then I see no issues. Does not mean casual drinking is fine. I am against it. Because it does not provide any benefit. Does no good to body. And while it may not immediately cause damage to our body, when casual drinking becomes a habit and regular it would eventually cause damage