In the bible and the state of Uganda are against smoking marijuana but many people in Uganda they uses marijuana as medicine, they boil it and drink it for malaria , flu etc.
Is this dangerous for born again?
The bible says no to drunkenness, in Uganda 50% take alcohol and 80% knows how to prepare alcohol, my neighbour has alcohol in his house one day my son entered into neighbor"s house with his friends and they played with a jerrycan of alcohol when he came back he told me and i seriously warned him.
After few days my wife was deeply cutted and my neighbour used alcohol as first aid instead of spirit. When i came back before i entered the house my son came and he told me the story what had happed to his mother, and asked me this :- Is my mother still a born again? Is she still with Holy spirit? What are you going to do my mama?
And his mother asked me that have i done wrong?
My brothers and sisters at cfs is it bad to use alcohol as spirit?
As you have had this story who is wrong my neighbor, my wife or me?
God Bless You.
Hello Pastor Mayende;
I enjoyed reading everyone's posts, and noticed there was a specific point to the positive and negative experiences of Plants and Alcohol.
The effects in how they are used and abused are similar in New Zealand, the Philippines, the United States, Uganda, yet are also somewhat used differently and culturally including the countries in Biblical times.
Pastor Mayende, I gather you asked this question in your thread to see how Plants and Alcohol align with the Scriptures.
As Christians we need to get perspective what the Bible is teaching us regarding a little wine, herb, plants and the like. There is no consolation.
In the culture of the Philippines or Uganda, for example, herbs can be used for healing purposes. In Israel a little wine can be used to settle an illness in the stomach. In New Zealand, Lanolin is knowledgeable with many kinds of plants and may know of a remedy in a plant that can heal a wound or illness. In the United States marijuana when prescribed as medicinal marijuana can be used to relieve epilepsy. Medicinal plants are prescribed worldwide to treat various forms of illness.
I'm not a doctor nor do I endorse any of these remedies. I'm only stating what I have read or learned. Only when it comes to what the Bible teaches us I will strongly endorse.
When we are referring Plants and Alcohol as recreational use this is seriously cautioned by God. There are many Scriptures that warn us about intake abuse and as you shared in Ephesians 5:18, 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,
God doesn't want us to altar our minds but maintain a pure Spirit and body so we can discern and serve Him in the highest glory, Verse 19, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
The more we study the passages, lets seek what God says about our intake, or our loved one's use of wine and herb/plants, and what is our underlying motive? And if there is a motive, we need to confess this to God. If we have a temptation for what may be a risk to our Spirit and body, God will always provide a way for us to escape and endure the process of being delivered.
Pastor Mayende, I want to encourage you to establish a contact person with your community's hospital or doctor. When you are ministering to a brother or sister who is ill, gather the symptoms and call the hospital and get information, especially what remedies can be taken to help whoever you are tending and praying for.
God bless you, everyone, and your families.