Poison - 'end of life choice'

God tells us everyday to be prepared to meet Him but only He knows the day or hour. Not even Jesus knows.

Do we take that life in our own hands or not. Is the question. If you cant think about the big issues or talk about them you just going to be silenced on anything imprortant. And laws will be passed that may be wrong or abused.
So what does talking about it do?
Does it change anything?
Christians should be praying to keep this from becoming a legal right or law and let God direct them.

The World will do what it wants.
Just because they make it legal or ok does not mean it's ok for a Christian
In australia, a christian friend of mine has a brother and he was dying and she wanted to say goodbye, and wanted to spend the last moments with him, but when she got there, she found he was so drugged up he could hardly talk and then there was no way she could communicate, and the next day he was gone because the nurses had just decided it was time for him to die. Just gave him more drugs. He was never asked I dont think. Those precious moments were taken away before she and he could make their peace. She felt wronged. I dont know what he felt because he was on so many drugs he couldnt make a clear decision.
If we dont tak about it we dont know what to pray for. FIshcatcherJim not everyone knows about it like you do. Im just drawing awareness to it so people know its something thats important to pray about.

Dont knock me for bringing up the topic.
One of my chsitians sisters has asked me to pray for her grandmother who has set a date for her euthanasia...in Holland thats what they do. She is going to go over there not sure if its before she dies or to be there for the funeral.

I am not sure what to pray for in this situation?!

Another lady I know say the same thing happens in .australia when her brother died the nurses just gave him an injection before the family were able to really get there to see him and didnt tell them so they didnt actually get to say goodbye. She said that was the most horrible thing to happen that someone else decided when they were going to die. I dont think by that time her brother was conscious enough to say exactly when he would go.
One of my chsitians sisters has asked me to pray for her grandmother who has set a date for her euthanasia...in Holland thats what they do. She is going to go over there not sure if its before she dies or to be there for the funeral.

I am not sure what to pray for in this situation?!

Another lady I know say the same thing happens in .australia when her brother died the nurses just gave him an injection before the family were able to really get there to see him and didnt tell them so they didnt actually get to say goodbye. She said that was the most horrible thing to happen that someone else decided when they were going to die. I dont think by that time her brother was conscious enough to say exactly when he would go.
Were I you, I'd check and confirm your information. Injecting someone with a lethal dose of anything, without their expressed wishes, is not assisted suicide it is murder.

In the US, this is legal in the following states: California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine (starting January 1, 2020), New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. The following conditions must exists: a patient must be: (1) 18 years of age or older, (2) a resident of that state, (3) capable of making and communicating health care decisions for him/herself, and (4) diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death within six months.
I think her grandmother had asked for euthansia I dont think you are allowed to do it on behalf of someone else. Unlike pets. It has to be the person dying that wants to die, is that correct? The nurse or doctor cant decide for them either, but they probably strongly suggest it, recommend it or provide it as an option. In those countries and states
I think her grandmother had asked for euthansia I dont think you are allowed to do it on behalf of someone else. Unlike pets. It has to be the person dying that wants to die, is that correct? The nurse or doctor cant decide for them either, but they probably strongly suggest it, recommend it or provide it as an option. In those countries and states
I've never checked into the details, but I suspect you are correct. It has to either be at the request of the patient or, if he/she is not able to make decisions, at the behest of the person authorized to make decisions on behalf of the person. I never had to make that decision for my parents, but I did have to make some hard decisions for their medical care at the near end of their lives. Not an easy thing to do and you always end up second guessing yourself.
I am not sure what to pray for in this situation?!

You do not have to weigh in on assisted suicide. You (and I) can be troubled by the concept, but being too forceful can increase the suffering.

Pray for God's will to be done.
Pray for the patient to have a peaceful heart.
Pray for the loved ones around to be strengthened and be comforted.
You do not have to weigh in on assisted suicide. You (and I) can be troubled by the concept, but being too forceful can increase the suffering.

Pray for God's will to be done.
Pray for the patient to have a peaceful heart.
Pray for the loved ones around to be strengthened and be comforted.
Ok can we all pray.

I havent really had anyone tell me they wanted help with a suicide before although if someone had told me they wanted to I would have talked them out of it or said dont be silly, but thats with people my age.

Jesus did know when he was going to die and told his friends about it. He knew it would be painful. But he didnt ask them for help avoiding suffering just to pray. In times like this the Lords prayer is helpful.
My friend came back from visiting her grandmother in Holland who chose to be euthanised. She said she wasn't old or incapacitated only about 70 years old and her husband was still alive. They had a farewell and a lighting of candles at a cathedral and then she got injected.

She feels strange about it considering if she'd lived longer she could have gotten to know her granchildren better, and spent more time with them rather than just bringing them all to see her for a week or so before she decided to die.

It is very common in Holland and I don't know if there is an age requirement, I think anybody can just decide I want to get injected and die, so they sign a form and the death mobile comes to inject them. The poison takes about 3 days to take effect (they are comotose, and then the second injection is the lethal one) and there is some legal thing they have to go through to make sure nobody's murdering someone else, but otherwise, it's that easy.

My friend says her grandmother was not a believer (obviously) but I think they were raised in catholicism.

?! Am not sure what to think about it, it's not legal in my country but they passed a bill on it in November, so in the next election the public are going to vote on it in a referendum whether they want it.

The bill was passed in parliament 69 votes to 51.
My friend came back from visiting her grandmother in Holland who chose to be euthanised. She said she wasn't old or incapacitated only about 70 years old and her husband was still alive. They had a farewell and a lighting of candles at a cathedral and then she got injected.

She feels strange about it considering if she'd lived longer she could have gotten to know her granchildren better, and spent more time with them rather than just bringing them all to see her for a week or so before she decided to die.

It is very common in Holland and I don't know if there is an age requirement, I think anybody can just decide I want to get injected and die, so they sign a form and the death mobile comes to inject them. The poison takes about 3 days to take effect (they are comotose, and then the second injection is the lethal one) and there is some legal thing they have to go through to make sure nobody's murdering someone else, but otherwise, it's that easy.

My friend says her grandmother was not a believer (obviously) but I think they were raised in catholicism.

?! Am not sure what to think about it, it's not legal in my country but they passed a bill on it in November, so in the next election the public are going to vote on it in a referendum whether they want it.

The bill was passed in parliament 69 votes to 51.

"I think anybody can just decide I want to get injected and die, so they sign a form and the death mobile comes to inject them." is probably not correct.

Here is what I have read: Euthanasia in the Netherlands is regulated by the "Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act" which was passed in 2001 and took effect in 2002. It states that euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are not punishable if the attending physician acts in accordance with criteria of due care. These criteria concern the patient's request, the patient's suffering (unbearable and hopeless), the information provided to the patient, the absence of reasonable alternatives, consultation of another physician and the applied method of ending life. To demonstrate their compliance, the Act requires physicians to report euthanasia to a review committee.
God tells us everyday to be prepared to meet Him but only He knows the day or hour. Not even Jesus knows.

Do we take that life in our own hands or not. Is the question. If you cant think about the big issues or talk about them you just going to be silenced on anything imprortant. And laws will be passed that may be wrong or abused.

"I think anybody can just decide I want to get injected and die, so they sign a form and the death mobile comes to inject them." is probably not correct.

Here is what I have read: Euthanasia in the Netherlands is regulated by the "Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act" which was passed in 2001 and took effect in 2002. It states that euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are not punishable if the attending physician acts in accordance with criteria of due care. These criteria concern the patient's request, the patient's suffering (unbearable and hopeless), the information provided to the patient, the absence of reasonable alternatives, consultation of another physician and the applied method of ending life. To demonstrate their compliance, the Act requires physicians to report euthanasia to a review committee.

Hey Lanolin;

I'm enjoying "free time" this Christmas and took the time to read your entire thread. This has everything to do with God and should be discussed. We're talking about LIFE.

Our life and euthanasia is a very serious issue and very complicated. Two years ago I took a class called Christian Ethics and Euthanasia was one of the topics studied. For the most part the study was about the many decisions people make to justify whether a loved one stays alive and endure the suffering, or is merciful death better for the patient, or is suffering for the duration of their life until God decides.

In the Netherlands Euthanasia was already approved and this was included in the class discussion/debate.

The class debates were intense for a seminary class. I took the stand that if this was me I would choose to endure the suffering while in incessant prayer until God decides. But would I be putting my family through the agony of my suffering and the daily medical costs to keep me hooked to a machine? I then listened to opposing views which was not easy for most of the class, we were learning to be open to each other's position.

At the end of the semester Christian Ethics did not provide answers to Euthanasia and the other ethics studies, but taught us to listen to different views and all agreed this is a very complicated issue.

It's important we all continue to pray what God ultimately says, but at the same time we must still talk about it with each other.

God bless you, Lanolin, and your family.
sounds like an intense class.

according to my friend her grandmother was not suffering or hopeless, but maybe thats what her grandmother felt inside that she didnt want to go on living any longer.

I have had times when I felt that way because of depression, and if euthansia was available Im sure the doctors would have suggested it. and it would have been easy to convince myself that I would be sparing my family if I just ended it all.

how scary is that.
sounds like an intense class.

according to my friend her grandmother was not suffering or hopeless, but maybe thats what her grandmother felt inside that she didnt want to go on living any longer.

I have had times when I felt that way because of depression, and if euthansia was available Im sure the doctors would have suggested it. and it would have been easy to convince myself that I would be sparing my family if I just ended it all.

how scary is that.

Hm, in this case, I do not think you can call it "euthanasian," because the word itself means "the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma." What you are describing is more along the lines of "assisted suicide" and I believe that is a crime in most of the world.

Throughout the years, I've had a couple of friends commit suicide, as the aftermath of depression. I never saw it coming.
Hm, in this case, I do not think you can call it "euthanasian," because the word itself means "the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma." What you are describing is more along the lines of "assisted suicide" and I believe that is a crime in most of the world.

Throughout the years, I've had a couple of friends commit suicide, as the aftermath of depression. I never saw it coming.
well apparently according to some doctors, some kinds of depression are incurable. Thats why they suggest suicide. I have had doctors say to me upon giving me medicine, are you thinking of killing or harming yourself. tell us if you are.

with the people in Holland , what they do is put people into a coma FIRST and then they kill them a few days later, so they get around it that way.