Pondering Questions,Looking For Feedback!

Have you ever heard Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) How Do I Love Thee ? It starts like this..........How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Let us share here not as a question per say but.........How do I show God and his love, Let Me Count the Ways ?
It can be a difficult world. A little kindness, generosity and love can sometimes work a small miracle; and this then can be offered to the Lord our God.

Hello D3v and blueskies;

"How do I show God and his love, Let Me Count the Ways?" "It can be a difficult world."

I know you both will relate to what I'm going to share.

At times when we have been wronged or we were wrong, we can get anxious because wrong can be painful. So when we are in prayer about it,
it's best to be still and quiet as God has gone ahead.

What I mean by "God has gone ahead,"
I believe as we get older we remember the constant lessons in all things that we are learning from His teaching, discipline, correction, counsel, guidance, reconciliation, and back to restoration which equates to His Agape Love.

The more God sees our spiritual maturity, the more He sends us to show who He is and His love to others. Then when those who ask about God and His love, we're prepared to count the many ways.

God bless you all.
When a person says they are a " christian" yet deny the deity of Jesus as God, do they really have a relationship with him? And are we to fellowship with such?
When a person says they are a " christian" yet deny the deity of Jesus as God,
This seems an oxymoron to me and it would mean we are associating with a very confused person in regards to their relationship with Christ.
And are we to fellowship with such?
Fellowship in it’s dictionary sense, well I associate with people of disparate faiths and Christian denominations frequently, Living and working in a large metropolitan area I would not know how to avoid it.

But if you mean fellowship as in ‘worship with’, then, yes, if they were otherwise of genuine intent and Godly in actions I would at least pray with them if the Lord desired me to.

Is it not our duty to lead by our Lord’s example?

Then there is Luke 15: 3-7
This seems an oxymoron to me and it would mean we are associating with a very confused person in regards to their relationship with Christ.

Fellowship in it’s dictionary sense, well I associate with people of disparate faiths and Christian denominations frequently, Living and working in a large metropolitan area I would not know how to avoid it.

But if you mean fellowship as in ‘worship with’, then, yes, if they were otherwise of genuine intent and Godly in actions I would at least pray with them if the Lord desired me to.

Is it not our duty to lead by our Lord’s example?

Then there is Luke 15: 3-7

I agree.
How they can deny this is beyond me.
I like ppl but I do try to share the TRUTH with them.
When someone becomes belligerent then I have to just leave them with God.

I have found sooooooo many of us do not like our beliefs challenged, it's like poking a bear in winter.....lol
I am pondering this statement. I try to be encouraging and edifying yet I see some are allowed to push the envelope right up to the edge!
I have put such on ignore for I find their so called knowledge is offensive in aggression. I don't sugarcoat my actions with denials as though I'm lily white. This place becomes unpleasant for myself when I post bc I know how antagonistic they are. I accept the word of God in whole as directed by the Holy Spirit and accept responsibility for what I say ,others not so much. Thank you for allowing me to share and may God bless us all!
How can an individual effectively check to see if what they believe is INDOCTRINATION of man or the DOCTRINE of God in his word?

We know the doctrine of God is not in a statement of faith nor a creed nor any list but is spread throughout the word!
This seems an oxymoron to me and it would mean we are associating with a very confused person in regards to their relationship with Christ.

Fellowship in it’s dictionary sense, well I associate with people of disparate faiths and Christian denominations frequently, Living and working in a large metropolitan area I would not know how to avoid it.

But if you mean fellowship as in ‘worship with’, then, yes, if they were otherwise of genuine intent and Godly in actions I would at least pray with them if the Lord desired me to.

Is it not our duty to lead by our Lord’s example?

Then there is Luke 15: 3-7
It is a difficult path to walk to be sure. There are many, many scriptures, especially in Proverbs that warn us to not be friendly with foolish and unwise people.

One of the detrimental effects of closeness with unbelievers is our tendency to water down the truths of Scripture so as to not offend them. There are difficult truths in the Word of God, truths such as judgment and hell for example. When we minimize or ignore these doctrines or try to “soft pedal” them, in essence we are calling God a liar for the sake of those already in the grasp of Satan. This is not evangelism.

However, IF the born again believers do not associate with non-believers, how then will those non-believers become believers????

Now to be sure, I do not have a lot of friends who are not Christians. I can count them on my hand. We are not close but if I had a flat tire on the highway and I called one of them, I can assure you that they would be there a long time before some of my Christian believers would show up. Go figure!
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Rent it out for Dads to go pick up their daughters boyfriend. Better yet pick her up from school in it.
My oldest girl missed the bus one morning. I was on vaction from work so took her in my 3/4 ton pickup. Made sure to drive around town like the youngsters do before school. I was waving at them as we went. The girl was always ready and waiting on the bus after that. :)
How can an individual effectively check to see if what they believe is INDOCTRINATION of man or the DOCTRINE of God in his word?

We know the doctrine of God is not in a statement of faith nor a creed nor any list but is spread throughout the word!
This is why it is so important to be studying the Word. Become so familiar with it and you will most times recognize a man's doctrine for what it is, just some man's opinion.