Pondering Questions,Looking For Feedback!

My first question I believe happened before our creation.
There is only one God, who is the creator of all in heaven and earth ( Genesis account).
Since God created the Angels in heaven,we don't know how he created them. We have an account of man being created from the dust of the earth,and God breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.


The question is before man,we see that an Angel had free will to rebell against God. He SINNED with pride and arrogance,he became violent.

I have ALWAYS thought that since God created ALL that as it says in Is. 45:5- 13.....v7. I form the light,and create darkness: I make peace,and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
That he created EVIL. I was told I'm wrong but no one can say where is the origin of EVIL?
That is my question

Sorry for the length, please let us all share any questions and search the word for God's answer!
To understand this requires a type of thinking most of us aren't used to. It requires understanding about the idea of world earth ages, and God's creation of the 'old world' before Adam and Eve.

Just when do you think, based on the Scriptures, did Satan first rebel against God in coveting His throne for himself? We know by the time of Satan tempting Eve in God's Garden that Satan had already rebelled, and was in his role as the tempter. So his original rebellion had to have been prior to the time of Adam and Eve. So just when, how far back before that old serpent tempting in Eden? There is no Scripture evidence that Satan ever was 'perfect in his ways' during the time of Adam and Eve, or thereafter. So we are forced... to consider his original fall being sometime before. Before this present world maybe? Yes.

Some brethren have a hard time understanding about the previous world earth age when Satan was originally perfect in his ways, with following God as a covering cherub (Ezekiel 28). The Revelation 12:3-4 Scripture even shows that was when he also drew a third of the angels ("stars") into rebellion with him. Many miss in those verses that ancient event also included a system of ten horns, seven heads, but only seven crowns (the Revelation 13:1 one has "ten crowns" and is for the end of this present world.) I missed that difference myself for many years.

Therefore, which time was our Heavenly Father pointing to when He said He creates evil per Isaiah 45:7? This present world time, not the world before when Satan was perfect in his ways with following God. Nor is that creating evil idea about the world to come, once Satan and death and the wicked are destroyed.

Ultimately it means, that Satan himself is the author of 'evil', not God. Just because God gave Satan and the angels free will does not make God the author of sin and rebellion. This is the reason why the power of death has been assigned to Satan, simply because he is the author of sin, and thus darkness and death, for there is no darkness in God. So since Satan rebelled, God brought this imperfect creation of today. And God uses evil against the rebellious. God even uses Satan during this present world as a punishing rod (Isaiah 10 where God is using the title of "the Assyrian" to point to Satan, also especially in Isaiah 30:31-33, for even the flesh kings of Assyria have not yet been judged and sentenced to perish in that future lake of fire, only Satan and his angels have).

Apostle Paul says in Romans 8 that God's creation of today was placed by Him in bondage to corruption, and that it seeks a release from that along with the manifesting of the sons of God. Paul was pointing to the world to come, how it cannot be compared to this present world with God's creation placed in vanity. That very point suggests a major mystery. It suggests there was a time before, when God's creation was NOT in today's state of bondage to corruption. By this Paul is actually pointing to a previous 'perfect' creation not in bondage like today's.

Rom 8:18-25
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
Excellent question! And does it ever open the door to opinions!

NO to the idea of two creations.

Yes......Cain married either his sister or niece! Because the information is not in the Bible does not mean that that is not the case.
It is the ONLY logical answer.

However the other question should be......was there an a Creation before Genesis 1:1.

Genesis 1:2.........
"In the abeginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was bwithout form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."

If not there are 3 more questions to ponder ----
1. there is no record of the creation of water in genesis 1. Where did the water in verse #2 come from?????
2. what did God mean when He asked man to re-plenish the earth? remember replenish means to fill up something that has been depleted.
3. when God banished lucifer from heaven which earth did he fall to? was it the one that already contained adam and eve?

See...........open door to more questions.

If there was not a Creation before Genesis creation, how do we explain the bones of animals which are scientifically dated at hundreds of millions of years old?

I am one who definitely believes in what is called the Gap Theory. It is written, it's simply not written so the unbeliever can understand it. It only comes through Bible study in all of God's Word, and through God giving understanding in it.

I'll keep it simple:
Genesis 1:1 was God's 'original perfect' creation. That was when Satan was perfect in his ways following God.

Genesis 1:2 per the Hebrew tohu va bohu ("without form, and void") actually means 'a waste and an undistinguishable ruin', per the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of that phrase.

That means Satan's original rebellion of Isaiah 14 was most likely after Genesis 1:1, but before Genesis 1:2. At Genesis 1:2 the earth is laying in a wasted destroyed state, by waters of a flood.

Even in the KJV, if those Genesis 1:2 to 1:9 verses are followed strictly, it does not show creation of earth matter past Genesis 1:1. What it shows is God moving the existing waters overspread upon the whole earth at Genesis 1:2.

God takes part of those waters upon the earth and moves them up into the firmament (sky), creating today's sky atmosphere around the earth.

Then the rest of the waters still overspread upon earth, He moves them around upon the earth until the dry land appears. It means the earth was already there underneath all those waters.

Apostle Peter was actually pointing to that Genesis event in 2 Peter 3, when he said that 'by The Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing in the water and out of the water' (2 Peter 3:5-6). It is most often thought Peter was pointing to the event of Noah's flood. But that idea that by The Word of God the heavens were of old, that is pointing directly to Genesis 1:1 when God first spoke, and His creation came into being (Psalms 33:6).

This is why in Romans 8:18-25 Apostle Paul said that for this present world, God placed His creation in vanity, in bondage to corruption, and that even the creation seeks a release from that along with the manifesting of the sons of God.
I am one who definitely believes in what is called the Gap Theory. It is written, it's simply not written so the unbeliever can understand it. It only comes through Bible study in all of God's Word, and through God giving understanding in it.

I'll keep it simple:
Genesis 1:1 was God's 'original perfect' creation. That was when Satan was perfect in his ways following God.

Genesis 1:2 per the Hebrew tohu va bohu ("without form, and void") actually means 'a waste and an undistinguishable ruin', per the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of that phrase.

That means Satan's original rebellion of Isaiah 14 was most likely after Genesis 1:1, but before Genesis 1:2. At Genesis 1:2 the earth is laying in a wasted destroyed state, by waters of a flood.

Even in the KJV, if those Genesis 1:2 to 1:9 verses are followed strictly, it does not show creation of earth matter past Genesis 1:1. What it shows is God moving the existing waters overspread upon the whole earth at Genesis 1:2.

God takes part of those waters upon the earth and moves them up into the firmament (sky), creating today's sky atmosphere around the earth.

Then the rest of the waters still overspread upon earth, He moves them around upon the earth until the dry land appears. It means the earth was already there underneath all those waters.

Apostle Peter was actually pointing to that Genesis event in 2 Peter 3, when he said that 'by The Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing in the water and out of the water' (2 Peter 3:5-6). It is most often thought Peter was pointing to the event of Noah's flood. But that idea that by The Word of God the heavens were of old, that is pointing directly to Genesis 1:1 when God first spoke, and His creation came into being (Psalms 33:6).

This is why in Romans 8:18-25 Apostle Paul said that for this present world, God placed His creation in vanity, in bondage to corruption, and that even the creation seeks a release from that along with the manifesting of the sons of God.

See........I told you that there would be another topic that we would be able to agree on!

The fact is, we just do not know and there are some things we will never know till we get to heaven.

What I do know is that God gave me a brain and the ability to reason things out. That being said, there is just no way I can reconcile the Earth as 6000 years old when I can use my eyes and reason out the facts that man has now been digging up fossilized bones of animals that are proven to be millions of years old.

There has to be another explination.
See........I told you that there would be another topic that we would be able to agree on!

The fact is, we just do not know and there are some things we will never know till we get to heaven.

What I do know is that God gave me a brain and the ability to reason things out. That being said, there is just no way I can reconcile the Earth as 6000 years old when I can use my eyes and reason out the facts that man has now been digging up fossilized bones of animals that are proven to be millions of years old.

There has to be another explination.
I think the fossil evidence is pretty clear too.

That fossilized human footprint that dinosaur stepped on shows the human print was made first. And the human print looks like one that would be made by a human today (sorry evolutionists).

Science has no evidence of human skeletal remains dating back with the dinosaurs. So what made the human print?

What I believe is that human footprint was made in the time 'of old', the world before this present one, the time before Satan rebelled; sometime after God's original perfect creation of Genesis 1:1, but before He ended that old world at Genesis 1:2.
That fossilized human footprint that dinosaur stepped on shows the human print was made first. And the human print looks like one that would be made by a human today (sorry evolutionists).

Science has no evidence of human skeletal remains dating back with the dinosaurs. So what made the human print?

What I believe is that human footprint was made in the time 'of old', the world before this present one, the time before Satan rebelled; sometime after God's original perfect creation of Genesis 1:1, but before He ended that old world at Genesis 1:2.

It may also be that the foot print was "Faked"!
It may also be that the foot print was "Faked"!
If that's the one from Dinosaur State Park in Texas, then no, it was dated by secular scientists. It's not the only one they know about. They have found those kind of fossils in France also. They just don't publicize it because of their mainstream theory of evolution.
If that's the one from Dinosaur State Park in Texas, then no, it was dated by secular scientists. It's not the only one they know about. They have found those kind of fossils in France also. They just don't publicize it because of their mainstream theory of evolution.

I am not the one to ask. I am not in any way knowledgably on this. What I did find out though was that if those are human prints, the maker of them would be over 8 feet tall.


An essay written by a young earth creationist — John D. Morris, son of Henry Morris — for the ICR website (Institute of Creation Research)......
Morris discusses all four trails known from the river bed that are part of this controversy. He writes toward the end:

In view of these developments, none of the four trails at the Taylor site can today be regarded as unquestionably of human origin. The Taylor Trail appears, obviously, dinosaurian, as do two prints thought to be in the Turnage Trail. The Giant Trail has what appears to be dinosaur prints leading toward it, and some of the Ryals tracks seem to be developing claw features, also.
Have you heard of the mining hammer found in London, Texas? It is encased in stone that has been dated to millions of years old. Skeptics say that the sediment that encases the hammer may be that old but it doesn't mean the hammer is. The hammer head is made of an unusual alloy of metals that is not known in these modern times. The owner says the handle is turning to coal.
I am not the one to ask. I am not in any way knowledgably on this. What I did find out though was that if those are human prints, the maker of them would be over 8 feet tall.


An essay written by a young earth creationist — John D. Morris, son of Henry Morris — for the ICR website (Institute of Creation Research)......
Morris discusses all four trails known from the river bed that are part of this controversy. He writes toward the end:
Who could know. It could easily be suspected that the secularists would try squeeze in some type of evolutionary attack with that. I mean, without understanding in God's Word they couldn't understand about a previous world earth age when angels dwelt upon this earth with God. To me those had to have been made by angels, no flesh body involved, simply because no human remains have ever been found and dated back to 65 million years ago, the time scientists say the dinosaurs lived.
Kind of along this subject here, have yal heard of Dr. Robert Schoch, a Yale educated geologist that is a professor of geology at Boston University? He was asked by an archaeologist friend of his to come to the Sphinx and study the weathering on it. No geologist had ever been asked to do that before.

What Dr. Schoch found was the weathering on the Sphinx, and the enclosure stones, showed tropical rain type weathering, not sand erosion from a desert climate. Climatologists say the Sahara desert, where the Sphinx is, has been an arid dry desert for 5,000 years. Egyptologists say the Sphinx was created around 2500 B.C. Immediately, this means a date problem.

Apparently, no trained geologist has ever been consulted about the weathering on the Sphinx and its enclosure. It was just 'assumed'... it was sand erosion. Dr. Schoch presented his findings in 1990's to his colleague geologists in the U.S., and 250 of his colleagues agreed with his data on water erosion for the Sphinx.

What that evidence of water erosion does is completely dumps Egyptologist's theories of how old the Sphinx is, and who the actual builders were. Science knows that area has been a desert climate for at least the past 5,000 years, and they claim civilization evidence began around 3500 B.C. Egyptologists say the Egyptians built the Sphinx around 2500 B.C. So when was that area a TROPIC ZONE with rains, since that is the type erosion on the Sphinx that Dr. Schoch found? It had to have been at least back before the Sahara became a desert.

Dr. Schoch's initial estimate for the original building of the Sphinx was approximately 5,000 to 7,000 B.C. Based on more evidence, he has increased that to around 9,000 to 11,000 B.C. for when the Sphinx was first built. He has put his data in a book called Forgotten Civilization.

And the Egyptologists are TICKED at Dr. Schoch! No big deal, since Egyptology is not a science, but only a dating system based on Egyptian anthropology and culture.

What Schoch's data reveals:

1. that the Egyptians did not build the Great Sphinx. No one knows who did.

2. based on later data of Egyptian writings found about the Sphinx, the original head was actually that of a 'Lionness' of which her name was written in the hieroglyphs found. So the orginal head was not that of a man, nor an Egyptian (today's head on the Sphinx is much smaller than its lion body, and that along with Egyptian writings about re-carvings and repairs, that suggests the head is smaller for that reason, and not the original head).

3. Latest evidence Dr. Schoch has discovered suggests his initial date for the building of the Sphinx was short, that further evidence suggests it was 9,000 to 11,000 B.C., or even earlier, for when it was built.

4. The last Ice Age was around 14,000 to 11,000 B.C. The woolly mammoths found in the Arctic zones, buried in ice, but still with green plants found in its mouth, and undigested in its stomach, reveal the mammoth was grazing in a lush green field in the Arctic when it was suddenly frozen at an instant, and covered with water that turned to ice. That is when I believe that God ended that old world when Satan first rebelled against Him. And the ice in the Arctic zones are from His re-establishing of the earth for this 2nd present world earth age we are in now, starting at Genesis 1:2 forward. I do not believe in many... Ice Ages, like scientists do. They don't know about God's Word covering a previous world earth age prior to Adam and Eve, and a destruction by waters of a flood that God did to destroy Satan's rebellion of old.
Who could know. It could easily be suspected that the secularists would try squeeze in some type of evolutionary attack with that. I mean, without understanding in God's Word they couldn't understand about a previous world earth age when angels dwelt upon this earth with God. To me those had to have been made by angels, no flesh body involved, simply because no human remains have ever been found and dated back to 65 million years ago, the time scientists say the dinosaurs lived.
"Angels"??? Now that my brother is totally conjecture.
"Angels"??? Now that my brother is totally conjecture.
It's the only way those tracks could Biblically exist back 65 million years ago, since no human remains have ever been dated with the time of the dinosaurs. And I certainly do not believe the Young Earth Creationists who think dinosaurs are still roaming the earth among us today. Now that is truly wild un-Biblical conjecture.
It's the only way those tracks could Biblically exist back 65 million years ago, since no human remains have ever been dated with the time of the dinosaurs. And I certainly do not believe the Young Earth Creationists who think dinosaurs are still roaming the earth among us today. Now that is truly wild un-Biblical conjecture.

The explination is that they are either FAKED or
An essay written by a young earth creationist — John D. Morris, son of Henry Morris — for the ICR website (Institute of Creation Research)......
Morris discusses all four trails known from the river bed that are part of this controversy. He writes toward the end:

In view of these developments, none of the four trails at the Taylor site can today be regarded as unquestionably of human origin. The Taylor Trail appears, obviously, dinosaurian, as do two prints thought to be in the Turnage Trail. The Giant Trail has what appears to be dinosaur prints leading toward it, and some of the Ryals tracks seem to be developing claw features, also.
The explination is that they are either FAKED or
An essay written by a young earth creationist — John D. Morris, son of Henry Morris — for the ICR website (Institute of Creation Research)......
Morris discusses all four trails known from the river bed that are part of this controversy. He writes toward the end:
I do not believe they are faked, not the ones at Dinosaur State Park that even secular scientists have recognized as being authentic. The new earth creationist sees such fossils as a threat to The Bible, when in reality they are not aware that The Bible accounts for those old fossil remains.
I do not believe they are faked, not the ones at Dinosaur State Park that even secular scientists have recognized as being authentic. The new earth creationist sees such fossils as a threat to The Bible, when in reality they are not aware that The Bible accounts for those old fossil remains.

Dr. Arlton Murray was not convinced that this was a human foot print so he secretly made a mold of the print when Baugh was not there. Dr. Murray took the mold to an expert podiatrist in Texas who said that anatomically this was not a human footprint.
If the outer two toe prints of the Acrocanthosaurus are filled in, it will look somewhat like a human footprint. While Dr. Murray was there he met Glen Kuban who was studying the prints.
When these tracks were reexamined very closely by Glen Kuban and then by experts, they were found to be dinosaur tracks not human footprints. Erosion and back fill made some of them look human.

When the Taylor trail was followed the prints turned into clear dinosaur tracks. On other prints claw marks were seen (See Glen Kuban's excellent website The Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" Controversy). Because of this evidence the film Footprints in Stone was removed from circulation. Dr. John Morris wrote Impact article 151 (1986) stating "none of the four trails at the Taylor site can be today regarded as unquestionably human."
Dr. Arlton Murray was not convinced that this was a human foot print so he secretly made a mold of the print when Baugh was not there. Dr. Murray took the mold to an expert podiatrist in Texas who said that anatomically this was not a human footprint.
If the outer two toe prints of the Acrocanthosaurus are filled in, it will look somewhat like a human footprint. While Dr. Murray was there he met Glen Kuban who was studying the prints.
When these tracks were reexamined very closely by Glen Kuban and then by experts, they were found to be dinosaur tracks not human footprints. Erosion and back fill made some of them look human.

When the Taylor trail was followed the prints turned into clear dinosaur tracks. On other prints claw marks were seen (See Glen Kuban's excellent website The Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" Controversy). Because of this evidence the film Footprints in Stone was removed from circulation. Dr. John Morris wrote Impact article 151 (1986) stating "none of the four trails at the Taylor site can be today regarded as unquestionably human."
That just does not work. It doesn't require some supposed 'expert' to confirm that is a human footprint which a dinosaur stepped on top of.
Have you ever heard Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)
How Do I Love Thee ?

It starts like this..........
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

*From God to Us:*
Jn.3:16 For God so loved the world.....this we know by repetition of many yrs.........
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man will lay down his life for a friend. Jn.15:11-14 ( Cxt)
Jesus died for the sin debt we owed .
Luke 23:44-47 ( Cxt)

*From Us to God:*
Love the Lord our God with all our strength....Mk.12: 27-33 (Cxt)
If you love me keep my commandments.....1Jn 5:1-3 ( Cxt) Jn.14:13-16 ( Cxt)

*From Us to Others:*
By this shall they know ye are my disciples. Jn. 13:32-35 ( Cxt) 1 Peter 1:21-23 ( Cxt)
That we love one another, as he has loved us. Jn.15:9-16; ( Cxt) Jn.13:32-35
Love your neighbor as yourself Mk.12:28-34
( Cxt)
Love the unlovable and your enemies. Luke:6:30-33 ( Cxt)

Let us share here not as a question per say but.........How do I show God and his love, Let Me Count the Ways ?