I hear you, however,
most scholars hold that it was Satan in the Garden of Eden who was speaking through the snake,
not the snake itself speaking on its own. Thus, the Genesis 3 account it is not suggesting that snakes were of an intellect that would have enabled them to speak coherently.
Rev. 12:9......…...
"So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."----------PAST!
Rev. 20:2......…......
"He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years."--------Yet FUTURE!
Those Scriptures seem to indicate that Satan is a REAL Entity.
Also, From other passages we find an important principle. Satan and demons can enter into people and animals and influence them. For example, Judas was entered by Satan in
Luke 22:3; Peter was influenced by Satan
1 (
Matthew 16:23); and the swine were entered by Legion, which consisted of many demons (Mark 5, Matthew 8).
Does the description in Revelation of Satan being the “serpent of old” imply a real serpent wasn’t present in Genesis 3?
The question always comes back to this.
If the Creation account in Geneis is true, then how do we explain the bones of animals who are hundreds of millions of years old??????
Is the way of carbon dating rocks and bones an illegitimate process????
Is the geological arena of people involved in a fraud to make the animal bones appear older than 10,000 years old????
Did Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel and Seth and their children live with dinosaurs and God just forget to include that information in the Bible for us?????
Did God leave them off of the Ark and again just did not want us to know?
Was there a pre-Adamic creation that was destroyed when Satan fell millions of years ago.
The Ruin-Reconstruction interpretation takes a somewhat different approach to the pre-Adamic race theory. According to the Gap Theory, an unspecified amount of time passed between
Genesis 1:1 and
1:2, during which God created a pre-Adamic race of men who lived upon the earth until God destroyed them in judgment. Other extinct creatures, like the dinosaurs, are said to have also lived during this time. Afterwards, the theory goes, God remodeled the earth in six days. He created Adam on the sixth day, and the rest is history. Some say that Satan’s fall occurred at some point during the ambiguous gap.
Does the Bible say anything about a pre-Adamic (preadamic) race? Was there a race of human beings before Adam and Eve?