What has the DNA of a man got to do with anything?
Jesus did not come to make bad men good .But dead men live .
The seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman has nothing to do with the seed of Adam,.
If you go to the parable " by which understand all parables " Jesus said what the seed is .
"The Word is the seed"
We are born of a corrupted seed that is of Adam.
We need to be BORNagain of the "incorruptible seed which is the Word of God "
We have to stop trying to resolve modern scientific thought and scripture .
When God said the seed of the woman . He knew full well that a woman has no seed ,But has only the egg.
It is the MAN who has the seed and as every seed brings forth fruit after its own KIND then we are MANkind not another .
God wishing to show that this one ("IT") male child (" HE") would not be of Adams seed .spoke of a womans seed .
If then the seed of the Woman was and is the Word of God .
Then the seed of the serpent was and is the word of the devil .
and as of God it is the truth then of the other it is the lie .
and as God is the father of the truth.,
So then is the devil the father of lies .
As the law of the seed is that each seed will bring forth fruit after its own kind . Then each seed is predestined to bring forth fruit after its kind,
Thus Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God like unto a good man who sowed the good seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares.
We are all by nature children of wrath or were . and "children of disobedience"
Born in sin and shapen in iniquity . For while man was CREATED in the image of God .He is BORN in the image of Adam .
This is deeper than DNA
Both as to nature and in what image we are BORN with .
When my son was born I saw my image in him and acknowledged and recognised my image .He bore my image because I was his father and he came forth from me .
If he had not come from me he would not have born my image but the image of his true father.
We are then by nature predestined to wrath corruption and damnation and deservedly so.
Which is why "we MUST be BORNagain" that we might not only be translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of Gods dear Son but may also be translated from one predestination to another .
For the law that applies to the corruptible seed . Applies also to the incoruptable seed.
The one from corruption unto death .
The other righteousness unto life .
Did not Jesus say "Unless a seed fall into the ground and die it abideth alone ,but if it dies it bringeth forth much fruit " What fruit?
Even after its own kind.
There is a difference between the GIFT of prophecy and the MINISTRY of a prophet .
But like everything else . There is so little sound teaching about prophecy .Both positive and negative .That it is no wonder we have so many problems about it.
In Christ
Jesus did not come to make bad men good .But dead men live .
The seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman has nothing to do with the seed of Adam,.
If you go to the parable " by which understand all parables " Jesus said what the seed is .
"The Word is the seed"
We are born of a corrupted seed that is of Adam.
We need to be BORNagain of the "incorruptible seed which is the Word of God "
We have to stop trying to resolve modern scientific thought and scripture .
When God said the seed of the woman . He knew full well that a woman has no seed ,But has only the egg.
It is the MAN who has the seed and as every seed brings forth fruit after its own KIND then we are MANkind not another .
God wishing to show that this one ("IT") male child (" HE") would not be of Adams seed .spoke of a womans seed .
If then the seed of the Woman was and is the Word of God .
Then the seed of the serpent was and is the word of the devil .
and as of God it is the truth then of the other it is the lie .
and as God is the father of the truth.,
So then is the devil the father of lies .
As the law of the seed is that each seed will bring forth fruit after its own kind . Then each seed is predestined to bring forth fruit after its kind,
Thus Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God like unto a good man who sowed the good seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares.
We are all by nature children of wrath or were . and "children of disobedience"
Born in sin and shapen in iniquity . For while man was CREATED in the image of God .He is BORN in the image of Adam .
This is deeper than DNA
Both as to nature and in what image we are BORN with .
When my son was born I saw my image in him and acknowledged and recognised my image .He bore my image because I was his father and he came forth from me .
If he had not come from me he would not have born my image but the image of his true father.
We are then by nature predestined to wrath corruption and damnation and deservedly so.
Which is why "we MUST be BORNagain" that we might not only be translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of Gods dear Son but may also be translated from one predestination to another .
For the law that applies to the corruptible seed . Applies also to the incoruptable seed.
The one from corruption unto death .
The other righteousness unto life .
Did not Jesus say "Unless a seed fall into the ground and die it abideth alone ,but if it dies it bringeth forth much fruit " What fruit?
Even after its own kind.
There is a difference between the GIFT of prophecy and the MINISTRY of a prophet .
But like everything else . There is so little sound teaching about prophecy .Both positive and negative .That it is no wonder we have so many problems about it.
In Christ