Mary had flesh and she eventually left this mortal coil. She and Joseph were the result of some amazing breeding program that was exactly what God wanted. Christ has a dual nature else His flesh would not have died on that cross. To be a bridge He had to be not only Son of God but Son of Man. You lose a lot if you deny that.
Then what you say is that Joseph was the Lords father?
Every man born of a woman HAS to have a father .
If Mary was a virgin how then do you claim Joseph was his father in a breeding programme?
But if you say and agree with scripture she was a virgin who then was the father of our Lord Jesus Christ?
The first Adam would never have died had he not eaten of that tree that was evil to eat and contrary to Gods will.
"Sin entered the world and death through sin" BECAUSE he did so .
The last Adam though also a man and the Son of man could not die. For he was born without sin and did no sin in thought word and deed .
Therefore he was neither subject to sin nor could death overcome him.
In the garden of Eden he told his disciples" to pray lest ye fall into temptation, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
ALL temptations are designed to get people living in the flesh or acting in the flesh or letting the flesh rule instead of the Spirit .
The pressures of the world the flesh and the devil let alone the weight of the "sin of the world " was bearing upon his flesh . What sayeth the scriptures? "The arm of flesh will fail you" he was therefore dying in the garden for the flesh could not take the pressure of it all .So he prayed that the cup of death would pass from Him .For He knew the scriptures that he was the Lamb of God the Passover lamb that needs must according to the scriptures die on the morrow . Now with "strong cries and tears " says Peter he prayed and in that he was heard he was delivered from death ."so that the scriptures may be fulfilled.
That he might die on the cross according to Gods will and not die in the garden according to the devils will .
Now as he had not sinned he could not die and even as the first Adam would be walking this earth if he had not sinned today . So the last Adam would still be walking around this earth today in the flesh as he was then.
Unless he laid down His life .
Did not the Lord say "no man taketh my life form me ,For I have power to lay it down and power to raise it up"
Thus he died because he laid down his life for a sacrifice for sin because of His great love for the Father and for men and was willing to be rejected both by heaven and by men for our sakes that we through Him might be made acceptable to God .
"For He who knew no sin became sin that we through Him might become the righteousness of God "
"He who was rich became poor that we through Him might become rich through His poverty"
He in whom was life ;died ,that we who were dead in trespasses and sin might have life and life more abundantly .
He who lived in the eternal past came into time that we who lived in time might be with Him in the eternal future.
So while He prayed .The disciples slept. The result was that he conquered and they fled .
"He trod the wine press alone "
Thus because he came under the law to deliver those subject to it and for sin died .
and because " the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law " The gates of death and hell could not keep him out .
For while I do not understand the whys and wherefores of it all .It says the devil has "the power of death"
Now there is no power that any has that was not given by God and death is the lawful and just consequence of sin.
Thus gates of death and hell could not prevail against the lord ."Open up ye gates ................" for the King of glory must come in.
But seeing that Jesus had committed no sin and was innocent of any mans blood .Death and hell could not keep Him in.
God being just, could therefore justifiably raise him from the dead. Taking" the keys of death and hell "with Him.
Thus stripping the devil of all power over men who believe the truth.
Death then is no refuge for the wicked . For "if I make my bed in hell you are there"
and there is NO PLACE where the devil can call his own and no pit that God cannot deliver a man from .
Jesus was and is the Son of man because he was BORN of a woman .
Jesus is the Son of GOD because His father was GOD .
in Christ