Question About Former Church

Ok here's the dealio--- I am no longer going to this Reformed church for several reasons. One of the reasons being that they teach post-millenial eschatology and I've done some research on this topic and many people I trust agree it's a false teaching. The other reason is that the overall vibe is unfriendly. Usually this doesn't really bug me-- I'm super outgoing and I can make friends with the meanest person in the room, but for some reason this church just feels dark.

The problem is, my kids go to the kids ministry bi-weekly and they love it. They want to keep going and I'm just not sure what to do. I don't mind them going but I'm worried about the end times stuff. Do you guys think that doesn't really matter too much??

The problem is, I don't get my kids back from their dads until Sunday after church service (at my new church) so that midweek church for them is good. I could pick them up early I suppose and take then to church with me. That's probably the best idea.

Idk--- do you guys think it's unwise to have my kids in a youth group at a separate church? And one that teaches post millennialism ? I'm new to all of this-- I've been christian for 11 years but I've never gotten involved with a church home before.

My new church is really awesome-- it's bright and cheery and the people so far have been warm and welcoming.. And it's a huge church. I feel more welcome here than i did at the small reformed church. Maybe that was just me tho--- it's not like they were mean and some of them did reach out-- idk I guess it was the vibe. I'm a good vibe-reader ;-)

Sorry this post is all over the place..

I can answer this easily with this verse ..
2Pe 1:20 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation,

unless a church can verify it is NOT their interpretation but a direct revallation by God .. then they are going against scripture for teaching on it ..

they SHOULD be teaching the milk, and then the meat ..

so IF they are teaching prophecy by reasoning, then I would expose that to the kids ..

God Bless you ..
note: a discussion between individuals stating their personal opinions using reasoning, is different then an accepted church teaching put forth as a fact ..
Ahhh Mitspa, don't leave us hanging like that!

Let's see, it's not Emmanuel, that's Old Testament, nor Joshua, that is too, Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, all Old Testament, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, no that's a description, hmmmmmmm......................, I GOT IT!!!!

ABBA, or more correctly in English, ...dada!

His name is Yahweh
The Lord is one
His name is Yahweh
The Lord is one
Alpha & Omega
Beginning & The End
The Word who reigns forever
Yahweh, Redeemer, Friend

That's my dada.

Thank you Mitspa for this ray of Sonshine on this Sunday morning,


Does it not confirm who He really is to us? My Abba and your Abba. I agree that all the Names of God are very important, and strengthen us in many ways. But none compare or are so filled with wonder and strength, than that my heart cries ABBA Father!
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Please be patient with me, but could you explain your meaning of spiritual Israel?

Yes I think Paul meant the true Israel (those in whom God has whom He has taken up residence)...the anti-type if you will of what they were always meant to become (but most would not)...a people honestly humbled before YHVH, knowing they could never be Holy enough of their own accord to merit His grace, in need of His mercy and forgiveness, placing their faith ONLY in Him...those who did this were His real children (not one by name only) even in the Old Testament
And also to you Gene.

Fulness of the gentiles says nothing about time so I not sure about the 70 A.D. to 1967 thing. You see,some today blur Israel as all Jews and when we say "Jewish" we think this refers to all Israel, but the Bible all through the Prophets draws a sharp line between the children, house, or Kingdom of Israel and the children, house or Kingdom of Judah.
In Ezra/Nehemiah we have the people of the kingdom of Judah (when they were first called Jews) returning to the land not the people of the kingdom of Israel. They had been captives for about 200 years and sent to the outermost corners of the Assyrian Empire. Of the few that tried to return they were looked at as foreigners or else would have to give up their wives and children (Judah was making the rules here) but most of them had already been absorbed into the cultures they were placed in (but GOd had made promises to these people that He would bring them back to Himself and even to the land)...okay we can agree to disagree but check out the grammatical tie between Romans 11:25 and the LXX Genesis 48:19...

My original study of the words in this phrase come from Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon not Strong’s. However, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance also bears this out. The insight was given to me (I believe it was from the Holy Spirit) while studying the Houses of Israel and Judah as separate entities. Later I found confirmation from many therefore, I would never claim this interpretation to be unique. I believe this is sufficient to demonstrate I am not just making this up (though I know you would never accuse me of that my brother). The wording is found in Genesis 48:19.

Melo’ #H4393: is a masculine noun which literally means “fullness” or “that which fills” but it can also mean completeness (the verb form ‘mala’ means to accomplish or to be amassed together) but this is the noun form

Ha’ is the standard definite article which is usually interpreted ‘the’, ‘of the’, or ‘a’! For example: Baruch ’Ha’Shem Adonai Y’shua Ha’Moschiach Tzeddkenu means Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Righteousness. This article, just like in English always refers to the noun which in Hebrew precedes it (which in this Scripture is goyim) which in our English follows it (we say “the gentiles or nations” they say “gentiles the, or nations the”).

A second feature, taken from Genesius Hebrew Grammar, reveals that in Hebrew when the definite article is used it automatically implies we do not know precisely who the person, or which object, being described is! It would be like if I said “Go and pick the apple of your choice from my orchard.” I couldn’t possibly know which apple you would pick but that you would pick one would be without doubt. So when we say Ha’Shem (the Name) we cannot be sure which Name is being referred to. In this case the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) may be the name, but exactly how is it correctly pronounced…no one really knows! So as for the "goyim" Joseph's future offspring become, it is generalized...

Now as for ‘Goyim’ (#H1471), it is the plural of “goy” which almost always refers to all non-Hebrews. As “people” it may include the physical descendants of Abraham, but it more so refers to the heathen who knew not God (which the Joseph gentiles would become). In all fairness it can be used to refer to “the nations”, but again meaning the world apart from Jacob’s tribes (hence Goyim). The cognate root of the word is “ga-ah’ which means to have grown up, to be exalted in triumph, or to be lifted.

Paul’s phrase in Romans 11:25 “pleroma ton ethon”, in the koine Greek, IS the phrase used in the LXX translation of Genesis 48:19 which in classical Greek says ‘plethos ethnon’.

When I realized this, all of Jeremiah, Hosea, and others became much clearer...we Christians sometimes generalize prophecies as pertaining to Jews when they are not for them but for Israel and also in reverse...also many of those we claim are speaking of the Church turn out to be those spoken to Israel and not the Jews...go figure...the greater research and development of this possibility is the subject of a much larger essay I have written (if you PM me I would send it for your perusal but I would need an e-mail, besides I would love the criticism)

in His love

brother Paul
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Rodain, friend, you forgot a Covenant, a very important Covenant for us today, it's the New Covenant, the Covenant that assures and comforts me I don't need any man to teach me because the Holy Spirit will teach me all things, ...sorry, I don't receive your interpretation of the Covenants, many years ago the Holy Spirit taught me the correct sense and interpretation of the Covenants, I'll chose to go with Him, 'cuz He's never steered me wrong.


Blessings upon you Gene,
I did not forget the New Covenant; you said that we as Believers are disqualified from walking in the Blessing of Abraham (despite verses like Gal 3:13-14) and I proved that the reason Israel received anything from the Lord was because of the original covenant with Abraham, which then had to take a detour because of Israel's pride where they had to receive based on their merit and then Jesus put us back under receiving the Blessing (which God calls The Gospel in Hebrews 4 and Galatians 3) through faith by grace. And it is because of the Abrahamic covenant that Jesus gave us the New Covenant.
If you are not walking in the covenants of promise (like it says in Ephesians 2) then you are missing out and leaving a whole lot on the table (it would be like going to the reading of a will and being given 100 billion dollars and you say, nah, that's all right, I don't want it...). People don't realize that the poor cannot help the poor, only those who have much more than enough for themselves can do anything to send the Gospel, help the poor, help their families, pay for church buildings, pay to uphold the Christian laws of the USA, etc. Not to mention finance Christian movies (made by real Christians with real Bible in it), Christian music, give the news through the Christian filter so that faith not fear is imparted, etc etc.

We also forgot to point out that according to 2 Cor 1:20 "20 For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." We know that ALL the promises God has ever made are OURS now...IF you are in Christ. So if you are IN CHRIST, then God says ALL the promises of God are YES and SO BE IT for......Y-O-U. That's 100% clear by the Scripture.
If you haven't been claiming the promises of God, you're missing out, and so is He (because He doesn't get to give you all the things He wants (remember 1 Ti 6:17 that God gives us ALL THINGS RICHLY to ENJOY) and don't forget, God DELIGHTS in your prosperity (Psalm 35:27).
Expect to be blessed in all things. That's why Paul put into all his letters that the favor of God should be upon the Believers he was writing to (grace means favor - look at all the things God's favor does - read a good book called THE FAVOR OF GOD by Jerry Savelle, it's a life-changer).
Wow Brother Paul, that is interesting, I don't think we are disagreeing, I believe the Word is like a precious gem with many different facets, the Spirit has shown each of us individually just one of the countless different facets, personally I believe we could/can spend all of eternity just studying one verse of the Bible and never come to the end of its meaning, ...God is infinite and the Word is God.

As for you offer to critique you essay, I'm certainly not qualified, may I explain, the Lord blessed me with a very high IQ, but I wasted my high school years on sex, drugs and rock and roll, then there was the Vietnam War, I flunked out of the first semester of college on drugs, wasted 19 years of my life in debauchery before the Lord found me, spent two years in a church that was off doctrinally, then Father put me in a church where I grew in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, but I was only there for a couple of years before He called me here because there was a Tahitian woman that had prayed for an American husband, I so wanted to study the Hebrew and Greek and I so wasted my life and the gift He had blessed me with, I've been here almost 23 years, and have never met one person that claims to be a child of God that can explain the Gospel, let alone talk to about the Word, for 23 years I've had only the Word and the Holy Spirit to teach me, often I wondered if it was correct, then about ten years ago internet connection became affordable for us and I read from others, that I had been taught by while in the States, teaching same things I had been taught by the Spirit, so now, after knowing I'm not qualified in any way to critique anything, if you still want to send it to me I'd be glad to read it to learn more and continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ.

In His Love,

Sorry Rodain, I think you misinterpreted something I said, I would never say that we as Believers are disqualified from walking in the Blessing of Abraham, I have walked 27 years receiving the blessing God promised to Abraham, both in the States and since I've been here, there have been people that have cheated me out of my wages when I needed every penny to survive, I blessed them instead of cursing them, one of the most shocking instances to me was shortly after the man was diagnosed with terminal cancer and died, another went bankrupt, then there are those that have blessed me, their business has grown and they have become wealthy, ...I'm considered a freak to most of Christendom because I have taken God at His word, the just live by faith, before I left I sold everything I had and gave to the poor and my church, arrived here penniless and without a place to lay my head and today I can say my cup runs over.

So you see friend, please don't take offense, talking about faith and claiming the promises is cheap when you have a house to live in, a job, money in the bank, can go to the store to by your next meal, no..., the next week's meals because you have the money, ...rather than stepping out in faith on what God told you and having only that faith and nothing else when you do.

I don't know you or you life, maybe you have walked in faith like I have, but the difference I'm seeing is I would never have the audacity of demanding God, my Heavenly Father to obey me, give me my lusts and desires just because I can hold a verse up in His face, ...what I have learned is when I'm walking in faith Father knows my needs and provides for me without me even asking Him, whether it is spiritually, emotionally or with physical needs or healing, ...good gifts just fall out of Heaven, this has happened so many times in my life I could fill volumes with the blessings He has bestowed on me, ...and when I pray I never demand Him either, just present the situation before His Throne, for instance, for three years I was single before He gave me my bride, many times I would come home from work and find a woman in my bed, this became quite a test for me to not sin against Him, one night while talking with Him I just said, Father, you are the one that said it's not good for man to be alone, within just a few months He told me to go visit a church on a different island, provided the funds, told me what day to go and that Sunday showed me the Eve He had chosen for me, ...her side of the story is 12 years before she had prayed for an American husband, that played an instrument and had a calling in his heart to minister to children, ...that's me!

So you see, here's the problem, I'm hearing/reading about having faith, but it's not faith in the Biblical sense of Father telling someone to go do something, but rather faith in what someone has read in the Word, then a situation arises and that person chooses what is to be done, what promise to claim, without seeking the advice of the Lord, i.e. observe the situation, claim this verse. That kind of doctrine is eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, I'm deciding what is good and what is evil and eating of that tree always brings death, ...and that's a promise I never hear faith healers claiming.

Walking in faith is daily eating from the Tree of Life, moment by moment, walking with God in the cool of the evening, receiving instruction from Him for each and every situation that He allows to come into our lives, ...eating from this Tree brings life and life abundant.

I'll close with the words of James,

What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.


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Guys, I have been on a few of these forums and have discussed and debated the scriptures with the best the devil has. To be honest, I have never been moved and the Lord has always guided me in His Word. I say that to say, that some of you are very special and I am glad to get to hear and think about the things God has taught you. Blessings and may the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation increase on your lives.
Sorry Rodain, I think you misinterpreted something I said, I would never say that we as Believers are disqualified from walking in the Blessing of Abraham, I have walked 27 years receiving the blessing God promised to Abraham, both in the States and since I've been here, there have been people that have cheated me out of my wages when I needed every penny to survive, I blessed them instead of cursing them, one of the most shocking instances to me was shortly after the man was diagnosed with terminal cancer and died, another went bankrupt, then there are those that have blessed me, their business has grown and they have become wealthy, ...I'm considered a freak to most of Christendom because I have taken God at His word, the just live by faith, before I left I sold everything I had and gave to the poor and my church, arrived here penniless and without a place to lay my head and today I can say my cup runs over.

So you see friend, please don't take offense, talking about faith and claiming the promises is cheap when you have a house to live in, a job, money in the bank, can go to the store to by your next meal, no..., the next week's meals because you have the money, ...rather than stepping out in faith on what God told you and having only that faith and nothing else when you do.

I don't know you or you life, maybe you have walked in faith like I have, but the difference I'm seeing is I would never have the audacity of demanding God, my Heavenly Father to obey me, give me my lusts and desires just because I can hold a verse up in His face, ...what I have learned is when I'm walking in faith Father knows my needs and provides for me without me even asking Him, whether it is spiritually, emotionally or with physical needs or healing, ...good gifts just fall out of Heaven, this has happened so many times in my life I could fill volumes with the blessings He has bestowed on me, ...and when I pray I never demand Him either, just present the situation before His Throne, for instance, for three years I was single before He gave me my bride, many times I would come home from work and find a woman in my bed, this became quite a test for me to not sin against Him, one night while talking with Him I just said, Father, you are the one that said it's not good for man to be alone, within just a few months He told me to go visit a church on a different island, provided the funds, told me what day to go and that Sunday showed me the Eve He had chosen for me, ...her side of the story is 12 years before she had prayed for an American husband, that played an instrument and had a calling in his heart to minister to children, ...that's me!

So you see, here's the problem, I'm hearing/reading about having faith, but it's not faith in the Biblical sense of Father telling someone to go do something, but rather faith in what someone has read in the Word, then a situation arises and that person chooses what is to be done, what promise to claim, without seeking the advice of the Lord, i.e. observe the situation, claim this verse. That kind of doctrine is eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, I'm deciding what is good and what is evil and eating of that tree always brings death, ...and that's a promise I never hear faith healers claiming.

Walking in faith is daily eating from the Tree of Life, moment by moment, walking with God in the cool of the evening, receiving instruction from Him for each and every situation that He allows to come into our lives, ...eating from this Tree brings life and life abundant.

I'll close with the words of James,

What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.



Hello in the Lord, Gene,

Notice that the Scriptures do not say you must start out with nothing, or if you have anything give it all away so you can start with nothing and then you will be able to walk by faith. Notice Jesus spake only to that one rich, young ruler about giving his stuff away, because Jesus knew the man's possessions possessed him and He wanted the man to learn how to walk in the Kingdom of God (God's methods and ways (not the Kingdom of Heaven which is where God physically resides)) like His other disciples, and if couldn't obey Jesus then he wasn't going to succeed in the Kingdom of God (plus Gal 6:7 you reap exactly what you sow, so if you sow money, you reap money), so Jesus was helping him to multiply and prosper by sowing money into others as He directed.

NOW, to the REST of God's people that were RICH He didn't say a peep about them getting rid of their money or possessions; Joseph of Arimathea was RICH and a disciple of Jesus and Jesus didn't tell him to give any of his riches or stuff away, same with all those rich and wealthy men and women that ministered to Him of their substance in many places (becoming His partners in sending the Gospel), same with Zaccheus (he only gave that stuff away because the Spirit of God moved on him but Jesus didn't instruct him to do it, he's going along with Exodus 22 actually). When Paul instructs Timothy about the rich people in the church he doesn't tell him to send them out of the church until they give all their stuff away or to ex-communicate them, he does say to tell them to be ready to communicate (which refers to sowing and reaping), so that they can keep growing and being able to sow more and more, because again, Gal 6:7.

AS FOR ME, when I first heard the Gospel I was homeless bro. Had no place to lay my head of my own, and I just had nothing, I was poverty-stricken. But I got hold of the Word of God and started taking the promises and started tithing immediately and giving offerings (not understand sowing and reaping yet) and God has increased me mightly, I remember the Lord my God, Who has given and Who gives me power to get wealth (Deut 8). HE is the author of my prosperity, which is continually growing as I seek Him first, His Kingdom and His righteousness (which I am forever).

You know, God describes Himself to us as our LOVING Father, Jesus is all the time talking about how deeply and wonderfully God the Father, our Abba, our DADDY LOVES us. If you are a good father at all, think on HOW you love your child/ren. My goodness, I find myself thinking on the ways I can bless my son all the time and give him the desires of his heart. I purposely go about looking for nice things I can do for him and I go out of my to shower him with kisses and hugs and snuggle him.
I say all this to say that if I am capable of and DO love my son this way, then my Father in Heaven loves me far, far more, and more deeply, and so on. It is as David said in Psalm 139 He is ALWAYS thinking about me, ME. I am the apple of His eye. He DELIGHTS in me, and in my prosperity (Psalm 35:27). He is always thinking of ways to bless me and help me and give me the desires of my heart.
Have you forgotten the verse that took place BEFORE the cross in Isaiah 45:11 - Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.
God is saying COMMAND YE ME...God said that. Doesn't sound like a simple asking as we think of it in English today.
You know that the word ask in the Greek actually means to make a demand, but not a "Hey you give this to me now!" demand in the modern English, but it means to make a demand on what is already yours, the same as going to the bank.
When you go to the bank, you are making a demand on the money that is already yours and it's already there for your taking, you don't have to ask them if it's okay for you to take it.
Haven't you noticed that the only one who can sit down in God's presence is US? The angels can't sit down, they are servants. We are sons and daughters who serve, huge difference.
God doesn't give His whole inheritance to servants, but to sons and daughters (Gal 3 and 4 and Romans 4:13, 8:17, 1 Ti 6:17).
Why does God say in the Psalms that He will give you the desires of your heart when you delight yourself with Him?
Or in Psalm 23, He says you shall have no want - why not? Because He satisfies them all. (Notice also that sheep don't lay down in a pasture unless they are totally full, otherwise they are up eating).
I mean, He is just IN LOVE with us. With ME, with YOU. Being in love your wife or your children, you know how much you put yourself out there for them and all that you desire to give them and share with them.....
anyway...I think that's the heart of it.
I can answer this easily with this verse ..
2Pe 1:20 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation,

unless a church can verify it is NOT their interpretation but a direct revallation by God .. then they are going against scripture for teaching on it ..

they SHOULD be teaching the milk, and then the meat ..

so IF they are teaching prophecy by reasoning, then I would expose that to the kids ..

God Bless you ..
Thank you that is quite helpful