There is nothing wrong with asking (as supplication, not as demand) for our desires. And presenting our concerns before God is the first step in giving control over to Him.
Although there are some kinds of prayer that are more edifying than others, and some are central to the Christian living (such as confession), we should remember that God wants us to enjoy talking to Him. Giving thanks throughout the day for blessings great and small helps us recognize those very blessings and help us perceive His providence for our needs.
Remember that you will not be telling God anything He does not already know. When you talk to God, you are making
yourself aware that God knows and understands your needs. He knew your prayers from the beginning, and can be preparing His answers for you throughout time.
If you get a chance, Watch the movie Fiddler on the Roof and watch how Tevye talks to God as he goes through life. His world is changing around him, the Czarist Russian government is persecuting the Jewish community, and his daughters are choosing husbands increasingly at odds with his faith & traditions. Tevye talks to God about all that troubles him. He treats God as a friend. Always with great reverence, but with spiritual intimacy.
The clip below is Tevye is talking to God about how he would prefer being rich. It is important to note that the greatest part of being rich would be to be able to sit and study and discuss the scriptures seven hours every day.